Stellar Facts About NASA’s Mission To The Sun

in parker •  6 years ago 

Today was a rainy day here and I was surfing the internet almost all day & found something interesting that I thought I should share with you people.

It was about parker space probe that fascinated me.

NASA although with heavy budget limits from Trump administration the mission to the sun is something that is extraordinary and unique as limited budget and limited but efficient technology's usage has been done in such a way that The Parker Solar Probe will be able to travel millions of miles and get closer to the Sun than any spacecraft in history.

So here are the facts:

  1. Goal To ‘Touch The Sun:
    This probe would go around the sun touching its outer atmosphere while also taking data on magnetic field of sun affecting the earth.Furthermore,it is a 1st time that a visit to a star will be done.

  2. 50-Year Effort:
    The idea of taking measurement was proposed in 1958 due to fact that we couldn't understand why corona was at million degree temperature and the phenomenon of solar winds that happened.A half a century effort and research now in 2018 will be concluded as Parker probe gets us to the sun.

  3. Very hard to even get there:
    Now 55 times greater distance than a mission to mars means we require almost impossible strategy to get to the star.
    The Earth travels at around 108,000 kph and is almost always lined up sideways with the Sun. A probe launched towards the Sun would continue sideways trajectory and would miss sun.The solution to eliminate sideways motion requires launching the probe backward as fast as the Earth is moving forward.

  4. Fastest man made object in history:
    The gravitational assist from venus can make this probe fastest object in history at 692,000 kph.

  5. Heat shield:
    Shield weighs 73kg of being 4.5 thick carbon foam surrounded on both sides by panels made of superheated carbon–carbon composite.
    Although temperature at corona is 1.7 million degrees but the heat affect that is transfer on energy is bearable due to loose spacing in plasma particles.Temperature and heat are very different terms & the shield can withstand that.

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