Learning the art of Patience

in patience •  7 years ago 


We are brought up our whole lives being told to be patient, yet we live in a society that specialise in producing goods and services immediately in order to promote impatience.

Consumerism has quite literally driven our society into maintaining itself at a ridiculous and unsustainable speed whereby people often become sick or burnt out. All for the sake of having something now. After pay, credit cards, loans, debts and layby have all assisted into contributing to this burn out. They push society to purchase the latest and greatest before they are able to afford it. Then people struggle to meet their financial obligations and wonder why their relationships suffer, they are not passionate about their positions at work, they don't spend enough time with the kids and then they feel they need to pay for a big holiday every year to make it up to their loved ones for their separation during the other 10 months of the year.


Learning to buy things as you can afford them is demonstrating patience, living within our means is choosing patience. Not settling for just anyone as your partner, but rather waiting for the right person to come along is demonstrating patience.

When you demonstrate patience and take the time to figure out what it is you want and what you need (two very different things), you may be surprised to learn it is easier than you first anticipated. Don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd, don't concern yourself with the opinions of others and having to meet society's unrealistic expectations of your life.


It will change your life if you have the patience starting with yourself, to work each and every day in striving toward a life not dictated by the masses, but governed by your own self of self and well being.


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