Stay obvious. be that jerk. you pay for the roads. Walking or bicycling does not damage the road and does not require expensive signal or technology to keep the users safe. Those expensive signal systems are only needed for motor vehicles. Motor vehicles should pay for use, when and where they use the roadway.
Stay obvious, ride big and consistent. STOP rolling through lights and stop signs! Almost all motorists think I am going to fly through the intersection when i approach and then stop at one. They do this obviously because so many bicyclists do not stop, shame on you.
I suggest the use of safety vests, triangles and the Air HOrn! oh man this thing is loud. go buy one and be cool
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recent pedestrian crash. I blame the traffic engineers who build dangerous streets. Reduce lane widths now! Slow the cars.
Modified Date: Mon, 02/06/2017 - 8:23am Accident Date: Monday, February 6, 2017 Traffic fatality under investigation in Rockledge (link is external) Weigal said the unidentified driver of the small compact car involved drove from the scene but was located later by officers. The driver is being questioned by police and charges are pending, he added.
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I use this vest daily, I may look stupid but people see me. How do I know? they change lanes and yell at me. proof is in the pudding.
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