This should not surprise you my friends. The father of lies is the old serpent, the deceiver and it was his lying tongue which even caused angels who were witnesses of The Almighty God's Glory to rebel and fall away from The Truth. He is called Satan, and he is The devil himself who has blinded men and women since the beginning and he will continue to do this until he is cast into the pit of eternal flames by Christ Himself. Believe me when I tell you that you must pray and ask The Heavenly Father of mercy to remove the scales from the eyes of all those who you love and influence who are blinded by the deceiver. This is the only answer for how anyone that has just a small amount of intellect can be so dogmatic regarding the basic principals of love, compassion and common sense. Come quickly Lord Jesus, you are The Way, The Truth and The Life and no one will come unto The Father except through You! Blessed be the Name of Jesus the Messiah. Blessings to you and I pray for your eternal salvation and peace. Shalom, Brother Charlz
RE: Additional $82 MILLION of American Taxpayers Money is Spent on "Fighting Russian Fake News"
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Additional $82 MILLION of American Taxpayers Money is Spent on "Fighting Russian Fake News"