More than 100 people have been arrested in a massive human trafficking and internet sex sting in Columbus, Ohio includes a church youth director trainee and a doctor.

in pedogate •  5 years ago  (edited)

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A camp from Redeemer church where Christian Gibson was the Youth Director in training!

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COLUMBUS, Ohio - More than 100 people have been arrested in a massive human trafficking and internet sex sting.

Among those charged - a medical doctor and a church youth director.

The operation focused on three central Ohio counties: Franklin, Fairfield, and Delaware.

Is there Any connection to these two who were recently arrested in Ohio as police and likely the FBI were looking into a possible pedophile ring that extended across the world.

Pedophile Rapists from Ohio Bustillos and Suder accused in case involving Bestiality and Satanic Rituals police investigating a possible pedophile ring as photos involve children also from foreign countries connections to these 2 pedos

Go here to see their charges and information from their social media profiles I screenshot in case they are scrubbed.

Back to the Massive human trafficking arrests in Columbus, Ohio,

One by one, they were marched in front of a judge. Twenty-four men over three days.

All accused of the same crimes: attempted unlawful sexual conduct with a minor and importuning.

Major Steven Tucker with the Franklin County Sheriff's Office says they all showed up with the intention of meeting a child for sex.

"We make sure there is no mistake about that," Tucker said.

He oversaw the sting operation run by the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

He says it starts with online chats between the men, and who they believe to be underage boys and girls.

It's actually an officer posing as a juvenile.

"The reality that they were operating in, is that there absolutely was a child at the other end of that device, and that's who they were coming to see."

And he says each of the 24 men followed through.

"They show up with sex toys, they show up with lubrication. They show up with things that clearly somebody isn't going to show up to a house with, unless they intended to engage in sexual activity."

"This four-part simultaneous operation involved more than 30 law enforcement agencies," said Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, announcing the operation Friday.

It was focused not just on internet predators, but human traffickers and the men who feed the sex trade with their dollars.

"Criminals involved in trafficking other human beings prey upon those individuals that are already at risk, subjecting them to prostitution and addiction," Yost said. "Predators who seek to harm our children and grandchildren are not hiding in the bushes, they're lurking on the internet."

"Please talk to your children," said Tucker.

  • "Please know what they're doing online.

  • Set the rules.

  • Be the parent.

  • Know who they're talking to.

  • You're entitled to ask. You're entitled to know.

  • The children need to know, you can't trust everybody. Not every adult is trustworthy."

Here's a breakdown of those 104 arrests:

Twenty-four men were arrested in that online child sex sting:

Timothy Coffey, 52, Columbus
Joshua Love, 27, Columbus
Jose Montoya, 22, Columbus
Christian Bryant, 30, Columbus
Michael Sweeney, 39, Columbus
Steven Weakley, 20, Grove City
Austin Kosier,31, Columbus
John Shimizu, 28, Dublin
Steven Wilson , 36, Columbus
Alex Kim, 22, Dublin
Steven Barcus,45, Westerville
Rick Birman, 59, Columbus
Mark Fitzgerald II, 32 , Portsmouth
Scott Fierro, 38, Marysville
Daniel Clingman, 38, Pataskala
Jonas Wernick, 20, Upper Arlington
David Bond, 48, Columbus
Neil Bond, 28, Methuen, Mass.
James Good, 33, Marysville
Brian Basil, 28, Grove City
Logan Detty , 21, Chillicothe
Cesar Lopez, 22, Columbus
Christian Gibson, 26, Groveport
Cody Conn, 22, Reynoldsburg

Thirty-six men were arrested for trying to buy sex.

In a connecting article these two pedophiles were the focus,

Christian Gibson, a youth director in training at Redeemer’s at Courtright Church

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Austin Kosier, a 31-year-old doctor, works in the emergency department at Genesis Healthcare System in Zanesville. He has been employed there since July 2018. Prior to that, he was an ER resident at OSU’s Wexner Medical Center.

Now, the doctor is charged with two felonies – attempted unlawful conduct with a minor and importuning. He is accused of traveling to meet a 15-year-old to engage in sexual activity.

Genesis released a statement to 10TV, saying that, as soon as the hospital learned of Kosier’s arrest, he was placed on “indefinite administrative leave pending a further understanding of these circumstances.”

Also arrested was 26-year-old Christian Gibson, a youth director in training at Redeemer’s at Courtright Church, who has since been removed from his position.

He is charged with two felonies — attempted unlawful conduct with a minor and importuning. He is accused of traveling to meet a 15-year-old girl to engage in sexual activity.

According to an online sermon and social media, Gibson is married and works with The Bridge Student Ministries at the church.

A member told 10TV Gibson has been a member of the church essentially from birth and that the congregation will have to “pick up the pieces” now.

10TV stopped by the Gibson house on Friday afternoon but got no answer at the door. An effort to reach out to the pastors of the church also was not successful.

Redeemer's Church released this statement to 10TV, saying Gibson was removed from his position:

What is going on that this is happening even in churches some are asking.

I can answer that. Infiltration began in the early years of our country and wound it's way through the United Nations. Don't forget, the United Nations is Not just based in New York, it has locations all over the United States and of course the World. Whose world do we live in after all?

2 Corinthians 4:4 King James Version (KJV)
4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

Ephesians 2:2
“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”

Remember when satan tried to tempt Jesus on the Mountain? How was it satan was able to offer "this world" to Him? It's because God gave satan this world as his domain. Adam and Eve were in a protected garden, until they listened to the lies and fell for satan's deception. Once they disobeyed God, they made the choice to leave their protection.

Here is a breakdown of how Alice Bailey infiltrated churches, basically had her followers worshipping next to other church goers under the name of the Lucifer Trust, which she later changed to Lucis Trust and they Still write materials for the United Nations. Materials that also include curriculum for after school satan clubs. And there are those that say satan doesn't exist. That sure does help him out now doesn't it? The Greatest trick the devil ever played was to make people believe he doesn't exist or is just a fun cartoon character on your shoulder trying to talk you into going against good. That sure does give him cloak and cover for the Real, wide sweeping power he actually has. God's power IS greater, but you have to listen and obey God. . . now God to have access to God's greater power.

Ban the Bible? Is this true? What is the baphomet? Are Pedo Groups really out there?

As far as other doctor's and medical professionals being arrested including professors. . .this is a real eye opener as I at the time had No Idea how vast, rampant and truly heinous these people were until God Fully opened my eyes and I did this report,

Pedogate 99 University Professors and Staff arrested for Pedophilia Across the Country

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Here is an associate pastor at the same church as Christian Gibson was affiliated with as the Youth Director in training. This is not saying Caleb was connected to the arrests or abuse. . .just a reference point for what is on social media for other leaders of the church.

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Almost like an omen,

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Video and content from the Bridge Youth Ministries where Christian Gibson worked.

Just interesting observations as this is a "Youth Ministry"

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This is what I started seeing in a Lot of big churches and those connected to conventions and overlords. . .symbolism and what exactly Is their goal. . .in a youth ministry?

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Why such a focus on Netflix where the Obama's are on the board and their close friend and confidant Susan Rice?

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Christian must have been involved with this camp as he was the Youth Director in training!

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Can you spot this Now arrested pedophile in this church camp footage?

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Notice Frank Sinatra's name in the background. Really interesting! Remember when the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts signaled this?

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Please let me know your thoughts on this and what you all are seeing and experiencing out there! Stay strong and safe! Godspeed Great #GuardiansOfChildren


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