On The 7th March 2017 A Hash Tag Pertaining To The Largest Swamp In The World IE: Pedophilia Was Born - #Pedopantanal

in pedopantanal •  8 years ago 

Donald was draining the swamp, and I thought Pedophilia was possibly the largest swamp of them all.
So I researched and found the largest physical swamp in the world "The Pantanal"
Source: Softpedia. http://news.softpedia.com/news/World-039-s-Largest-Swamp-72243.shtml

Next, on March 7th 2017, I made a video introducing #pedopantanal

On 23rd March 2017 "Main stream media exposed" published my video: http://mainstreammediaexposed.com/pizzagate-pedogate-pedopantanal/
Great news, next I found a blog here on steemit announcing a conference on my hashtag pedopantanal: https://steemit.com/osint/@phibetaiota/open-conference-inter-organized-steemit-conference-on-pedopantanal

To date, we have only had either #pizzagate or #pedogate. pizzagate of course pertaining to pedophilia in Washington DC, and pedogate pertaining to the rest of the USA. We have all been missing the larger picture of worldwide pedophilia with these 2 hashtags. So when for example Alex Jones apologised to James Alefantis, owner of Comet Pingpong Pizzeria, the pizzagate hashtag lost a lot of its momentum. Let's see fake stream media or indeed anybody else, try to debunk #pedopantanal.

I would love to see your thoughts on #pedopantanal

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