Peerity Whaletank transcript 25 Aug. 2017: Private crowdfund for Beyondbitcoin!

in peerity •  8 years ago 

Intro Whaletank

@officialfuzzy: Welcome to another beyond Bitcoin whaletank. Today is Friday August 25th 2017 and this is episode 221.

We're joined as always by various people who were interested in the crypto sphere and adding a tokenization and gamification element to the cool things that they're doing. So they can enable an economic empowerment to build new and cool things, in this thing that we call the Internet of Things, that is growing around us.

We are beyond Bitcoin and we have been here for a long time talking about it precisely the use cases that go beyond a Bitcoin. And we have a community of people who are so deep in various niches within this community and cryptocurrency in general and the new economy. That they can be considered experts in their own right to a large degree.


This is very early in the technology but we enable people who are interested in these various projects, to be able to join up and talk about them. So if you are somebody who has a project that you would like to talk about what you're doing, you're more than welcome to RSVP on ou official fuzzy blog, where you will see a whale tank RSVP thread.

Ask for upvotes

When you do this ask people to upvote you. Pass out you link to the RSVP thread and have you fans or your project community, those who are passionate about what you do, have them up vote you. And this will help to establish the order of precedence fo these hangouts. In addition we have something called power ups that we are now using your tokens for.


So there are a couple little rules that we have added to the hangouts. One is that everybody will have 15 minutes. We'll start out with 15 minutes to talk. But if you would like to buy an extra 5 to 10 minutes, you can share drop your token on to the guest list. And if the guest list, the people who sign the guest list, approve of your token share drop, and everybody's cool with it, we will give extra time to you up to a 10 minute maximum. We will also enable you to help and improve their chances to be first second or third in the order of these hangouts. Based on whethe you have a bunch of up votes from people based on the amount that you get. But you can power up that and double it in effect for the order of precedence by using the link to your coin on the bitshares exchange.

A whale chooses because he's a whale

At the end of the Hangout I choose to give out tokens to various projects but I always choose to give 1000 Beyond- bits to the topic of the week that I prefer to give some extra tokens to. If you believe that you are in a position where you have been overlooked wrongfully, you're more than welcome to leverage your token to try to get me to change that thousand beyond its distribution. And you will have a seven day period to be able to do this.

The lineup of today

So with that said the order of precedence that has been established today for today's whale tank hangout is: First it's going to be Peerity and that's going to be Forrest Willy.

Followed by @themarkymark and he's in project build-a-whale.

Followed by @nutela who's going to be talking about translations and a few other cool things that he's doing in the steemit ecosystem and beyond.

@bethalea also is going to come on and talk about community casinos.

Contact other whales

Now I will say this we are creating whale tokens now for a select few whales. If you have a whale who is interested in having their own token created. Feel free to contact me.
And also let them know that they're more than welcome to create a token enjoying the whale tank as one of the whale reps.

You have to have a whale token and I can give details behind the scenes for it early on. It is is not open for everyone it's open by invites. So join up and message me at beyondBitcoin at if you have a whale who is interested in being on the Whale Council and or having their own tokens.

So with that said we will go ahead and open it up for the forrestwillie aka Peerity and @crypto-hippy. You have three names here! Would you like to talk a little bit about any updates on the Peerity project? You have 15 minutes to go.

Crowdsale Oct. 4th

@crypto-hippy: Hello hello. We've been very busy at Peerity right now. And part of that is getting ready for the crowdsale which is coming up.
That will start on October 4th. That will be available to everybody and it will end on November 2nd. And then I also have some updates on things that we're currently working on. Which are also pretty exciting.

Peer identity

So one of those is Peer identity is what we're calling it.

A big problem and these are all things that we like we've created because we're creating an activity network and in order to do that you need a list of different services that you can provide to the users.

One of those is Peer identity and so that's gonna be basically a service that provides login and identification for on and off the blockchain. So, sure you guys have been paying attention to all the things that are going on right now that are about proving identity, putting identity on the blockchain. And we don't necessarily want to put your identity per se on the blockchain but create an identity and prove that that's you o that you own the identity. Right? Exactly.

So that's that's one of the big things that's going on in the blockchain world right now. And even people as far as our organization's as far as governments are trying to figure out how to do that. And so, how we do it is something that you would have to talk to Brendan about it. He's definitely the techie. So I can't go too deep into that. I would say that it's like proving that you own any address which you can do on any blockchain you know. Basically encrypt your private keys and you can prove that you own an address by doing that.

Peer Image

The next one that I wanted to jump to is Peer image service. This is like to upload manage edit transform resize all images. All the selfies ;) You can definitely you know manage and switch up all the sizes for all their images but that's a hosting service basically. And Peerity will offer that to its users and because that is a you know you users are gonna want to post images and so that's a service that we are working on right now.

Tokenized content distribution network

The other one is a distribution so this is a tokenized content distribution network.
Basically it's content storage.
This is and we're going to store content throughout the blockchain.
Certain Peer servers are going to be able to say alright:

Well I want to just keep my computing resources to something like Peer image.

You know because it doesn't have to be super fast but it has to be reliable and you don't need a crazy internet connection to provide that service. So that was another thing that's being worked on.

Peer storage

Also Peer storage: Peer storage is a service for either like for encrypted data and storing data.
And peer storage you can also retrieve data and so these are things that you can lend your compute resources to.
Another one is Peer content and that's basically building off Pee storage.

Let's say it's a headless content service for building your own content management server system. So this is going to enable communities to host their own content.
That's one of the big things of Peerity so we're we're gonna have all sorts of communities and each community is going to want to host it or host their content in different ways. That's what Peer content is about. Next up we got a in different ways. That's what Peer content is about. Next up we got a Peerity private there.

Peerity private

@officialfuzzy: So real quickly.
So real quickly. Is there going to be private economic models between each community for this? Or is it to be private economic models between each community for this?

@crypto-hippy: So there's a there's like a, I'll call it a blanket economic model that is because it covers all of the different communities and then inside of that people create communities that can figure out their own ways of of building their content management systems.

@officialfuzzy: Cool.

@crypto-hippy: Yeah yeah. So yes there's different economic models within kind of work like that.

@officialfuzzy: Perfect.

@officialfuzzy: Okay now I'll go ahead and all I'll step back and let you continue with the Pee private. I'm sorry about that.

@crypto-hippy:s No no feel free to ask any questions anytime. All good so, Peerity private is a service that hosts community under your own domain name. So you know you can have your own domain name for your community. We're trying to make this look in a way however the communities want to design it. And Peerity private is going to allow domain names for just that. So that's a one more cool thing that uh we've got going on.

Peer notary

And then we have the Peer notary. It's a service for writing data to the blockchain as a form of notarization for documents and like other digital assets. You'll be able to again prove that you own certain assets or certain digital documents. Whatever that may be that may be, like content, that may be a token. That's one of the thing that we've been working on.

Peer fund

Peer fund is the next one and Peer fund is going to be like the crowdfunding portion of Peerity so one of the big things that we wanted to do, or that we set out to do from the beginning was have crowdfunding. And so you're gonna be able to use well you. Communities are gonna be able to use the Peerity token to raise money for whatever you want to raise money for. We're trying to kind of allow people the benefits of having an ICO but not just for crypto projects.

We want to money all sorts of things say if your a band on Peerity and you have a bunch of followers that love your music um well you might want a new album o tour and they could crowd that. Or they can crowd fund like art from somebody. They can crowd fund somebody teaching a class on, for example how their community works.

There's a lot that can be done. So yeah those are the things that we've been working on aside from all the other things that are going on, which is a lot.

Geared up for the ICO

Today we actually just hired a new marketing guy.
That's going to help us with to get all geared up for the ICO. And it's it's gonna be a good one. it's gonna be. I can't wait for Peerity to be up and running, I'm not talking about the ICO, I mean well yes the ICO is gonna be a good one as well.

But Peerity as a whole is going to be awesome.

One more thing: simple smart contracts

One more thing that I forgot to touch on, that I wanted to bring up as well. As you know Brendan has had this idea: We've been dealing with Ethereum because we're still built on Tendermint but our crowdfunding is gonna be an ERC20 token. He's been looking a lot into smart contracts and how they run and how it's confusing to the average person. We want to make that something that's more simple and something that communities can use communities gonna have a ton of different options but if one of those can be writing smart contracts. Which it looks like it will be. I think that that empower the community in a huge way. Not only just the fact that they can use smart contracts, but that they can understand them.

Because a lot of people and new people and a lot of the people that were kind of targeting for this. [You see] they're not coders and so it'll be easy for everybody to understand and use. We're calling that the smart contract portion of handshake. And I think that that could be a really, a really big thing.

A simple smart contracting language and system for people to use. I'll open that up to questions.

Just to be real quick where we've been working on getting listed on ICO websites. Getting different listings up. And I think we're going to do a two-part crowdfund as well. We realize we don't need much or as much money to get the product out.

Smaller crowdfund than expected

So we're going to do a smaller crowd fund and then once we have something. We'll do a bigger crowd fund and that will be where we really build the site out more and more. So we just want to do a smaller one for the beta.

So sounds like times up, but thank you to do a smaller one for the beta. So sounds like times up.

@officialfuzzy: Yes it is.

@crypto-hippy: So yeah thank you guys and everybody. And anybody has questions you can always reach us at the discord. I'll post the link here in a minute and yeah thank you

Contact us

@officialfuzzy: That's Peerity discord?

@crypto-hippy: That is correct Peerity discord. You can also email me at [email protected] That's Peerity discord? That is correct Peerity discord. You can also email me at [email protected] or any of the other team members at their first name at Peerity.oi Or info at

So I don't want to take of everybody's time.

@officialfuzzy: Well I'll go ahead and I will say that it looks like you finished the crowdfund largely. But there are some still up on the market, actually on the bitshares exchange, that people can buy into the peer crowdfund tokens. And it looks like there are people trading them on the market as well on there. So if anybody wants to join up and do that that is actually open for for trading.

Private crowdfund

Now really quickly one of the questions that did come from the community members is about the private crowd fund to beyond Bitcoin listeners, is it completed? Just a quick yes or no will help.

@crypto-hippy: No that is still open and contact me if you want to get involved. Because that closes another week.
closes another week.

@officialfuzzy: Okay and how much is left? Because it's pretty close to done the last time I checked with you.

@crypto-hippy: Yeah I believe it's, we did two million tokens and we're probably three-quarters of the way through. I might be wrong.

@officialfuzzy: Okay and then whenever you guys list on the ERC20 that's when you guys expect a lot more funds to come in. So you guys are giving them all a deal. Then I will go ahead and I'll say thank you for joining up this week.

Obviously you guys are always more than welcome to give out tokens to increase time, but I believe that you guys are in a situation right now where you cannot do that. So is that correct?

@crypto-hippy: That is correct.

@officialfuzzy: Well you guys have done a lot not trying to pressure you into it o anything I just wanted to kind of make clear that up for everybody why you're not getting extra time. Because this is a topic! You brought a loaded amount to talk about today. And you will probably have multiple sessions that can be filled up with community questions in the coming weeks. And I look forward to it.

Man, I've enjoyed working with you guys and talking to you guys about stuff too. You guys really are thinking along.

@crypto-hippy: Yeah man we've enjoyed it. Just one more thing real quick. The token is, if you buy it from the pre-crowdsale so for the beyond Bitcoin community you can buy it at 15 cents. And the last week they're gonna be going up to 30 o 40 cent. So we haven't decided yet but it's a great deal for you guys right now, so reach out.

Thank you for your attention. Let's make this world a better place together.

Love, peace and prosperity.


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