The Vice President's Two Step Dance

in pence •  3 years ago  (edited)

The Vice President's Two Step Dance

Warning: Casual Speculative Reverse Engineering Our Politics of January 6

The readership of the Bugstopper Blog know that I followed the progress of the Q. And upon further review I think the role of the Vice President Pence is beginning to explain itself. First let us bring up what would be necessary for the military option to bring justice to the previous November election steal.

Our military would have to see all forms of government fail and or be blackmailed into inaction by our enemies foreign and domestic. The early defense of Pence's actions on January 6th is just this fact. He had to fail to act in order to check this box for military intervention. I believe it goes further than that and I will explain this later in this article.

If folks remember back to 2000 with Gore vs Bush we had the Supreme Court intervene to put a stop to Gore's challenge of the Florida vote. If we look at the Bush/Clinton outright robbery of the Haiti relief fund in later years and the role of any Bush administration folks in the 9-11 attacks there are questions about Bush, his father HW and VP Cheney. I will expose my cards here. The Bush administration may have been installed similarly to the Kennedy administration 40 years earlier. The side that cheated better, won. Remember Jeb Bush was Governor of Florida at this time and would have done everything in his power to block Gore. I believe Bush won legitimately, but follow on actions of the Democrats after the election in similar fashion to the 2020 election were going to steal the election.

Remembering the Chinese proverb: "Let you and him fight." The real villains go unpunished. The folks that really select our politicians go free. Their goal is to get their candidate on both Parties of the ticket so that they win regardless. When they don't get their candidate on both sides we get real fights to the death. Example of 1964, 1980, and 2016. Remember that Bush Sr was Reagan's vp and they tried to assassinate Reagan one month in. The bullet that hit Reagan was coming from above and recordings show more shots fired than were actually in Hinkley's handgun. To explain the angle of the shot they put Reagan lower than the seat of the limo and the bullet glancing off the door. I do not believe it.

Back to topic. The various State Courts failed claiming no standing and other excuses. The Federal Courts threw it back to the States or refused standing as well. The executive branches in the States involved also have failed to investigate. So far we have complete failure of the branches of Government to resolve the election fraud.

Back to Pence, he had another role outside of certifying the election. Here is my speculation. Remember the impeachment? Not the 1st silly attempt with the phone call, but the sillier second attempt. The date: January 13, 2021 WAS WHEN THIS WENT DOWN. One week after the January 6th “INSURRECTION.” What else was happening? Congress was putting a fence around the Capitol Bld. Note that the earlier riots of Antifa and BLM in Washington DC, both Brownshirt operations of the Democrat establishment, got fences around the White House complex but also note that those earlier riots did not get a fence around the Capitol Bld?

With the stage set, let us try a little reverse engineering. If the Presidential election was stolen, were other elections stolen? Earlier elections? Would that include elections of Trojan Horse Republicans running Arizona and Georgia in the Legislature and Governor’s mansion? Republicans running Legislatures in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin? And other jurisdictions as well?

These Trojan Horse Republicans would be activated when necessary and they were after the fraud in November. It was in their own interest to want to protect themselves if Trump worked a counter-coup with the military. Why would they be worried about a coup? Because they were guilty. The 1st impeachment effort did not get a conviction because its purpose was to give excuse for the election results along with the pandemic. Plausible reasoning to keep the population at home and not on the Capitol Steps.

After Trump called on supporters to come to Washington to expose the fraud in November with a rally at the white House it sent a message to the guilty that their gig might be up. They used the event to run a false flag insurrection, which would give them plausible excuse for more draconian laws to stay in power just like when Hitler used the Reichstag's fire in the 1930’s.

Back to Pence. If Pence stopped the certification of the election then the impeachment efforts of the 13th of January would have included Pence. The Trojan Horses in the GOP controlled Senate would have been forced to activate and vote those two dastardly insurrectionists out of office leaving Pelosi in the White House. What a shit show that would have been, but remember that the Deep State Democrats would have been willing to do that if Trump forced the issue.

Now with the smoke clearing, who are the Trojan Horse Republicans in our Congress? What Republicans voted for Democrat Build Back Better Legislation or the Debt Ceiling increase? Those folks are probably the true insurrectionists in Congress on the GOP side. I would bet on it.

So in order to prevent the 13th January impeachment effort to force the Deep State Democrat’s hand Pence took the fall for Trump. The Donald ridiculed Pence for inaction and the DS Dems were on the horns of their own dilemma. They backed down. Pence is in the doghouse and the Democrats were allowed to commence destroying the country. Q calls this the movie we are all in. Everyone playing a role.

Durham is next up to plate and the two step of Pence did its job.

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