Origins of the people category

in people •  2 years ago 

Re-analysis of a skull dating back 290 million years revealed that it was an early member of modern gnathyroid vertebrates, which means that gnathyrostomes include tens of thousands of living vertebrates, reptiles, mammals and humans, from fish to birds. The genus Stickleback existed before the earliest sharks and teleost fishes began to evolve separately, and this lineage eventually carried over into human life. Scientists have found fossils of Stickleback in Europe, North America and Australia. Relatively large compared to other spiny sharks, up to a foot long, they have gills instead of lungs, large eyes, and feed on plankton.
In 1859, British biologist C.R. Darwin published on the origin of species, which expounded the law of development of living things from low to high and from simple to complex. In 1871, he published "The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection," laying out much evidence that man descended from the extinct Australopithecus. But he failed to recognize the essential differences between humans and animals, and failed to explain correctly how ancient apes became men. F. Engels put forward the scientific theory that labor creates human beings. In 1876, he wrote the Role of Labor in the Transformation Process from Ape to Man, pointing out that labor is the fundamental reason for human beings to separate from the animal state, and the essential difference between humans and animals is also labor. Article discusses the transition from ape to man: the ancient ape originally in live in tropical and subtropical forest, then part of apes for finding food down to the ground, gradually learn to use both feet to walk upright, arms is free, and can use tools such as stones or sticks, finally to make tools by hand. At the same time, the body, including the brain, has been developed accordingly, and various human characteristics have emerged. Engels referred to the arboreal apes as "tree-climbing apes", the creatures during the transition from apes to humans as "man in the making", and those who could make tools as "fully formed man". With the continuous discovery of fossil materials and the improvement of dating methods, people's understanding of the origins of man has been deepened. Although many questions remain, clues to the origin and development of mankind can be sketched out

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