Quotes by Bill - 02/14/18steemCreated with Sketch.

in permaculture •  7 years ago 

Bill Mollison - Picture Source

"The ample light at low (equatorial) latitudes is inefficient due to the extremely high temperatures there, and the excess light may mean that plants are light saturated. Photosynthesis may actually decline in the intense light, and the energy built into the plants may be less in sunlight than in partial shade."

~Bill Mollison

Permaculture: A Designers Manual - 1989

Page 134

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No wisdom better than what you can find from Bill.

When he passed, we lost a great mind and soul.

The best. He deeply planted a seed, and though his direct wisdom is gone, he left one whale of a legacy in hundreds of hearts and minds.

And told one heck of a funny whale story!

And yet still informative... Bill was definitely a great story teller.

Good quote. Thats probably, why in the equatorial rain forests that canopy is very high and closed to opne a very high room for all the other layers growing in partial shade and filtered light.

Thank you for sharing @agsurrection.

That's my understanding as well.