Fuck It Before It Fucks You #89 (How can you refuse it?)

in permaculture •  4 years ago 

What’s up internet people? It’s me again with some late night reading material for your eyeballs.. I guess it’s technically your lenses? I think that’s the part that actually takes in images. Maybe it’s the iris? I don’t know. I’m sure I would if I went to the eye doctor like I should. In any case, it’s your brain that has to make sense out of all the symbols your eyes are taking in, so that’s who this is really for. So I hope your brain enjoys it.

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So it’s Friday night and I just finished another interesting movie. This was called “They Half Of It.”. It’s kind of like a modern day Cirino de Whateverthefuck. If you don’t know that story, it’s about a dude with a big nose who falls in love with a woman he can’t have, so this other guy hires the first guy to write love poems pretending to be him.l It’s kind of….. Silly, actually. I wouldn’t want to be anyone in that triad. In the case of this movie, it’s a girl who makes money writing her classmate’s term papers getting paid by a dumb jock to write to a girl he has nothing in common with but thinks is hot. Of course when he tries to actually have conversations for her it’s super awkward as he desperately tries to be the person in the letters someone else wrote for him. The moral of the story, of course, is that it really doesn’t pay to try to be someone you’re not. And love is about more than a pretty face.
So who am I? I often ask myself. Well we know I’m a writer. I’m also a gardener. I follow my horoscope and I read tarot cards. So if I was a D&D class I’d be a Druid/Bard. I’m also pretty sure footed so I could also be a thief. I’m certainly not a warrior by any stretch, but I could maybe be a ranger. But gardening and writing are the most important things to me. So I’m feeling like I ought to make my blogs more permaculture oriented. Of course, I still want to write about anarchy and smashing the state and all that, I just want to do it more from a permaculture perspective. After all, if you want to smash the state, you’d better have something ready to take its place before a new group of thugs fill the void. And food is the foundation of all civilizations and least appreciated aspect these days. Most people these days get their food out of a package having no idea where it came from, and it doesn’t concern them in the least. Yet the people who control our food have a lot of control over our lives. So a critical component of people taking back control of their lives is taking control of their food supply. It’s a little easier to tell your boss to fuck off if you don’t have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Obviously housing is important too, that’s another critical component. Community is another one. And it’s also what permaculture is about. A bunch of gardeners getting together to get shit done is a beautiful thing to behold., and to be a part of.
It is of course, also all about efficiency. And if you have two things that you care about, and want to improve your knowledge in, the most efficient thing to do is bring them together. But it’s getting late and I’m rambling on, so I’m just gonna close this out now and remind you to always be you and if people can’t deal with say “Fuck it!” before it fucks you.

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