nomvula's instagram Feed : 2019/06/23 20:21:29

in permaculture •  5 years ago 

Video - Click on the Image to Play

Can you hear my soul calling to you?

Can you feel my heart beating?

There is a reason I have come to this place...

And yes I might just be from outer space... I am calling to you...

I am helping you to re member...

There is a world where we practice permaculture... We eat food full of vibrance and organic goodness...

This all helps us to be the God and Goddesses we are destined to be...


caring and


artistically me...

Who is just another you... You can do this...

Learn about permaculture,

plant your own food,

preserve your magic by eating only organic...

I love you.

Thank you

Nomvula the Greeninglady

#permaculture #nomvulathegreeninglady #share2steem #organic #organicgreeningoftheearth #permaculturedancer #permaculturelife #permacultureliving #goddesses #gardengoddess #permaculturegoddess


{Nomvula believes she can dance her dreams alive}


Posted from Instagram via Share2Steem

{Posted from instagram via Share2Steem}

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