Permaculture, Restorative Agriculture and cattle

in permaculture •  7 years ago 

Cattle gazing across the landscape moved and controlled with portable electric fence are the main harvesting and landscape control system in the type of permaculture I want to practice on the new farm. Cattle moved daily in a high density management intensive grazing system will harvest the forage and reset the grasses and other forage at a higher productive level will be the main driving force of our farm.
DSC02633.JPGCattle and other ruminants like sheep have the ability to turn soil building grasses, legumes and forbs to both fertility and to high density human nutrition (beef, mutton, lamb and dairy products ) while also trampling into a soil covering mulch excess forage fertilizing the soil with both the cattle dung and the mulching trampled forages.
Sarah in the pasture sept 12 2017 by Alyssa.jpg
The other reason I want to have cattle as a centerpiece of the farm is I like to work with them, few animals in my opinion are as cute as a young heifer calf.
Sarahs 2nd heifer calf born 7 sept 2017.jpg
(Jersey calf born 7 Sept 2017)
By rotating the cattle daily into fresh grass they will be getting the best cattle feed and building a beautiful productive landscape.

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You need Chickens coming in behind that cattle on that pasture as well. Hogs are good for the soil and farms too.

This is your first warning for abusing the downvote on my comment just because you disagreed with it.
You are new here so I'll leave it with a warning for now.

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Agreed. I want to raise both Broilers and turkeys on the pasture and build a mobile eggmobile style hen house to follow the cattle as well to police up the bugs and stir up the cow paddies.

Are you following Joel Salatin? He's a good teacher on this type of farming. Cows - hogs - chickens - rabbits. There's a lot of YT videos about his farm, Polyface Farm.

your farm is very beautiful. I use cow manure for compost in my coffee garden