Life timeline...

in personal •  5 years ago 

Life revolves around three key resources. They are time, health, and wealth. Wealth usually being in the form of money and material possessions.

There is a saying that you can't have all three at any given time in your life. You can at most have two at one time. So here is the timeline of when to expect what resources you will possess in the different stages of your life.

  1. From birth to teenager or early twenties: you will have lots of time and physical energy but no money.

  2. From twenties to fifties: you will have lots of energy to make lots of money but not the time to spend it.

  3. Sixties and over: you will have the time and money but no energy.

Of course there are outliers in each group, but in general that is the timeline of most people's lives. I am living proof. Not sure if that's is a good or bad thing.

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