in philippines •  7 years ago 

Dear Dreams,

There is so much doubts in my mind right now, but the question that bother me,
"Will I ever survive the quest?" the path is too narrow for me to cross from border to border.
"Will I ever see the sunrise in a beautiful place? or will I only see the sunset loose its faith?"

The Reply:
"Yes, you will survive the quest it is only a partial part of an equation. That problem you already solve, however this time you have to solve it in a different method, sunrise and sunset always follow the protocol because that's the way it is, but your quest is different. Remember you will never see a beautiful sunrise without saying goodbye to a sunset, it only points that doesn't mean you see the fall of the sun doesn't mean it will not rise again. Me your dreams will wait for you at the end of the quest when you are ready to face me that is the time you already survive the quest kiddo. Don't worry you will be at the right place and at the right time when you reach the end of the quest and you will only laugh all the doubts you have before. Every journey has its faith and courage, you have to accept the fall and never let go of your dreams which is me... Remember I will be waiting for you it is you and only you can make me visible in your life...
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So you better take the fall and stand again there is no such thing as victory without learning from the fall"

Inspired by Engineer Jean-Napier Tronco
photo courtesy of google chrome

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Indeed it is better to have tried and failed rather than being afraid and not taking the chance and then obsessing about it later.

To fail is to have a chance to redeem yourself, to get better, to stand up again and try.

Failure gears you up for success.

You can do this lian!

yeah your right sir no harm on trying, just be brave and follow our dream.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes sis I always dream big and more importantly I take action to realize those dreams. Although at times I get frustrated and exhausted, I somehow find myself going at it again with renewed strength and vigor. That was awesome sis. Keep being awesome as you are.

got inspired with my niece ss ankarlie now she's a fighter now no matter how hard it is.

All of these are definitely true! Surviving and aiming for a victory is what humans hold onto in order to pursue life's deepest meaning. Let bad times mold you into a much better person than your past :) Very nice blog! :)

thank you so much mam @deedjay31