RE: The Leafy Luxury of Philodendrons.

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The Leafy Luxury of Philodendrons.

in philodendron •  6 years ago 

Growing Conditions
Keep in mind that philodendron, like many indoor plants, originates in tropical regions. It will grow best if you can simulate that environment. Use these guidelines:

Light: Provide dappled, bright light, mimicking what is found under a tropical canopy. Philodendrons can be acclimated to nearly direct sunlight in the right conditions, but they thrive in light shade.

Water: Keep the growing medium moist at all times and mist the plants frequently during the growing season. Push aerial roots into the soil on climbing varieties. Keeping the plants moist during winter when indoor air can get very dry can be a challenge.

Temperature: There temperature range is variable, but no philodendron likes going below about 55 F for long.

Soil: Philodendrons like rich, loose potting media. Use a moss stick or other support for the climbing types.

Fertilizer: Use slow-release pellets at the beginning of the growing season, or weekly liquid fertilizer.


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