This Bot is created to Highlight all the Popular Post from any specific and this post is about topic philosophy
Late night decision
created by @splendorhubOnce In a Lifetime.
created by @patricksanlinLife in the Age of Waste
created by @diabolikaGrowing old: Gaining wisdom from an unexpected source
created by @galenkpKRS-One 5th Dimension Explained
created by @captainpearsonTriangles of Manifestation (or otherwise)
created by @billybrujoLIBERTY Post of the Day! | Do not Drink the Mainstream Media Kool Aid/ Statist Propaganda ~ They Are in Bed Together. | Forget the Left/Right Farce in Politics Meant to Divide us. | L/R Wings = Still on the Same Bird. | ~E.16
created by @barryduttonCulture or bad habit 【是文化还是坏习惯】
created by @we1evenabandoned - taken with 50mm 1.4 higher aperture
created by @victorbzDoctors, Pies, and Crony Capitalism
created by @polaleye50On our selfish motives for giving to charity?
created by @revisesociologyThe Italian Divine: When The God's Nectar Reigns Supreme On The Buds Of Taste (And Blows You Open To The Universe)...
created by @rok-sivanteColor Challenge - Friday Sky Blue / Blue . | During My City Council Campaign Run for -- LIBERTY. | Picture & Philosophy. | Government Corruption. The Police State. Broken Governance Cont'd. | ~E. 15
created by @barryduttonThe Fool and the Wise One
created by @battleaxeSurviving Depression in a Depressing World- Part 2 Mania, Depression and the Creative Mind.
created by @carlitashawTop 7 quotes [ALBERT EINSTEIN]
created by @redouanemezFilosofi Sampah
created by @ririnThe Day
created by @amrateshTodays Top Author of categoryphilosophy @splendorhub @patricksanlin @diabolika @galenkp @captainpearson @billybrujo @barrydutton @we1even @victorbz @sezycei @polaleye50 @revisesociology @rok-sivante @barrydutton @battleaxe @carlitashaw @redouanemez @ririn @amratesh
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