What are dreams, figments of the imagination, astral travel, different lives within a different dimension? The truth is we honestly don't know. All we have are theories and a set of "Facts" that the majority agree on. Well I'm going to talk about it from an outside the box angle, a metaphysical angle. If you can believe it, when you sleep, the spirit leaves the body and enters the inner realms, or the dream world, where it is recharged with cosmic energy from the cosmos from which it comes. The spirit is "etherically" connected to your physical body at the solar plexus (Crown Chakra;see my last post on Chakras) and top of the head. Some have said that these threads can be seen by "clairvoyants" as silvery cords(why silver, go figure). While we sleep our spirit can do 1 of 3 things, it can stay with the body, float over it, or it can travel to other places on earth or even different dimensions, which some call astral travel (yeah I know far out right, hear me out though).
Now the distance has no limitations , you can go to other countries, planets even other galaxies, all while being attached to the body by the previously mentioned silver cords. You can explore other dimensions, or see deceased relatives within this dreamlike state. There are a lot of experiences that the spirit can go through while the body sleeps, and the spirit focuses on is going to assist it in it's ongoing development. In our deep sleep we learn, study and evolve little do we know.
While you sleep you choose which events you want to manifest into the physical world. We are not as inactive as we think while we sleep. During sleep, you process the days activities, project it into what we would consider the future, choose which events we wish to make physical, and then start the mental and psychic process that will bring it into the physical world. At the same time this information is made privy to the other aspects of your self within other dimensions and realities, and you get comparable feedback from them. You can now draw off the knowledge from your many selves. Not only do we do this on an individual level as part of the human race we also do this on a collectiveness of conscious level (if that makes sense).
The world is nothing but a reflection of our inner reality, as above so below, as within so without. Everything is mental, always remember that. So in an enormous co-operative attempt, all consciousness creates the world we perceive.
Dreams are visual comments on your life. Some are means of releasing pent up tension that you have built up through the day. They can be messages from the soul or other dimensions. Overall most dreams are meant to tell you something or bring something to your attention that needs its focus. Now understanding, or as I say "innerstanding" your dreams are quite different from dream interpretation.
Basically dream interpretation is the approach to understanding dreams from a strictly physical sense, meaning being limited to a five sensory perspective. So dream interpretation is seeing dreams from the outside in, but innerstanding dreams as messages from t he travels of the soul is relating to them from the inside out. Always remember anything i say is not law or facts but my own interpretations, opinions,and under,over,and innerstanding of life as I know it. How you utilize this information is up to you. How you look at your dreams is up to you, I was just giving you another concept if you previously had none. If u fail to make sense out of your dreams its simply because you believe none exist.
A small exercise you can do is write your dreams down for 33 days and see if you see any symbolism or patterns.
Always remember, thought is the cause of it all. Close your eyes and open your mind.
I hope this opened some minds and got your thougths stirring.
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