Sudden Enlightenment...Ah-Ha Moments...Seeing the Light...

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Sudden enlightenment has been referred to in a variety of ways throughout history. It is written about in ancient text, and depicted in transcript, art and other forms of communication.


But, what exactly is this thing, referred to as "Sudden Enlightenment?"

 The term subitism points to sudden enlightenment, the idea that insight is attained all at once.[1] The opposite approach, that enlightenment can be achieved only step by step, through an arduous practice, is called gradualism.


 The application of the term to Buddhism is derived from the French illumination subite(sudden awakening), contrasting with 'illumination graduelle' (gradual awakening). It gained currency in this use in English from the work of sinologist Paul Demiéville. His 1947 work 'Mirror of the Mind' was widely read in the U.S. It inaugurated a series by him on subitism and gradualism. [web 1]         


In our English language, we make reference to this phenomena in many ways, which at least resembles sudden enlightenment. People might simply refer to it as an "ah-ha moment" or having the 'lightbulb go on in our heads'. An enigma can be another way of describing the sudden, or seemingly sudden acquisition of knowledge...


I use the term seemingly because, at times, what may appear to have been sudden could actually be a compilation of data already stored within our head, then suddenly have that compiled mess kind of defragmented, establishing order and subsequent comprehension.

There are times when our brains have been holding onto a recurring challenge, of trying to understand something more fully, for whatever reason; but the full comprehension is elusive. Then, one day we hear or see something which makes it all clear...we stop getting a headache trying to figure it out anymore; we find comfort in the knowing. (Gradualism disguised as Subitism?)

In the Christian Bible (King James Version) Proverbs 4:7 reads: 

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding

Religious individuals therefore might refer to sudden enlightenment as "Divine Knowledge" or "Divine Inspiration"...and perhaps, they are correct. For the universal mind I suspect is no different than the Divine or Spiritual mind...a very real, unseen energy field that transverses all of space and time. Our earthly, distracted minds are mostly tuned out, rather than tuned in, to the great wealth of knowledge, penetrating us every moment of every day...


Once the crazy-making, noise inside our mortal brain calms a bit, and we enter a rather pensive state of is then that we are most likely to experience "sudden enlightenment". 

I wish you all, many "ah-ha moments" Especially the kind which brings peace, love and understanding.

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It seems the older and (arguably) wiser I get I seem to experience this phenomena more and more and I think you hit the nail on the head in this post when you said it is not as sudden as it initially seemed.

From what I know of you to date I suspect you can relate to what I am about to say as can probably anybody who has ever watched the Matrix lol.

Everything is not what it seems or indeed what it once seemed...

The more I notice the actions of those around me and those who "control" the more I understand the narrative has often been "doctored to fit the perception they wanted you to have all along. This is usually the same perception that benefits the wrong people and so often punishes those most in need.

Sometimes a chain of seemingly random stories in the media or actions in a region almost instantly become interconnected in my mind and...

"ah-ha moment"

The more this happens the earlier you notice the pattern whilst it is forming and the so-called epiphany happens sooner.

I am hoping we can harness this as a global movement for light rather than darkness as we learn more. I hope we can almost call upon "ah-ha moments" that help us along the pathway to success as we understand the preceding steps to the big win.

I am fairly certain that once you read the name of the commenter here now you experienced an "ah-ha moment" of your own and realised...I'm gonna be here a while. Sorry to have hijacked you from life for a while to read my oh-too-many words (again)

One day soon I will learn the skill of brevity. Until then, take great care my friend :D

We're probably on a similar wavelength my friend...