Reincarnation Stories That Will Leave You With Chills - Part I: (Featuring @johnnyyash as Author)

in philosophy •  9 years ago  (edited)

Could reincarnation be real?

I wanted to share some potential reincarnation stories. Don't worry, I'm not trying to convert anyone's beliefs or express my opinions on the subject. I will present the information I have found and let you decide for yourself. Thank you for taking the time to be confused with me.

Prepare to have your mind blown!


[ree-in-kahr-ney-shuh n]
The belief that the soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or form.

The belief in reincarnation has been around for a very long time. You can trace its roots back to the Vedic Period which ranged from 1500 - 500 BC. The Vedic period was a time in Indian history during which the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, were written. According to a 'Religion and Public Life' poll on the Pew forum, in the United States, more than 75 million people, spreading across all religions believe in reincarnation.

There have been thousands of documented cases of reincarnation. Some stories hold up better than others. The interesting part about these stories is that most of them come from young children. Children from the age range of two to five years old have come out speaking of a past life. It usually starts around the time these kids are able to speak. Most people will think that the parents or children are just making these stories up for attention. Keep in mind, these memories seem to haunt these children and most of them wish they didn't have them. When studying these cases it is completely apparent that they are having difficulty coping with the memories. I don't want to waste your time with fairy tales, so I have picked the ones with the most evidence supporting the claim.

Stories start here


Remember when I was your father?

This first story is about a boy named Sam Taylor from Vermont. He believed he was his own grandfather in a past life. A case study was produced off of very convincing evidence. Sam was born a year and a half after his grandfather passed away. It all started one day when Sam was about 18 months old. His father was changing his diaper and Sam randomly stated, "Daddy, when I was your age, I used to change your diaper." As a father, this has to creep you out just a little. What a crazy thing for your child to say to you.

The next occurrence, happened when Sam's grandmother passed away and he was about four years old. His parents brought in old photo albums from Grandma's house. Please note, Sam has never seen a photo of his grandfather before. When they were looking through the album, Sam pointed to a photo and said, "Hey! that's my first car!". His parents quickly responded by saying, "No, that is your grandfather's car". The picture being referenced was of his grandfather's first automobile, a brand new 1949 Pontiac. Sam's father noted he was surprised when Sam said "first car". A photo of Grandpa, when he was about Sam's age, appeared. The picture shows a group of twenty-seven kids in his school class. Sam was able to point out his grandfather as soon as he saw it. He screeches, "That's me!". Again, his parents say, "No Sam, that is your Grandfather". Sam replies, "NOOO, That's me!".


After some time of going back and forth, Sam's parents decided to ask him if remembers anything from Grandpa's life. Sam responds with , "Well, someone turned my sister into a fish". When he was asked who turned her into a fish, he replies, "Bad men". It turns out, Grandpa's sister was murdered and her body was found under water. He had no prior knowledge of his Grandfather or any of his siblings. His father has said that he doesn't even know many details about his great aunt's death, and would definitely not tell his son about it at such a young age.

Sam told his mother, "You know mom, when we die, we come back! I used to be big and now I'm a kid again". Sam's mother mentioned that he seemed very excited about it. He told his parents that after death you go to Heaven and God will give you a card that allows a second chance at life.

A little reincarnation humor


Follow @johnnyyash to see Part II

To Be Continued..

Don't forget to follow @johnnyyash

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great article on philosophy &

Thank you so much

Thanks for the support everyone... Please follow @johnnyyash to see part 2 which will be posted in the next couple days.

We need to talk more about drug addiction and mental health

Issues in my case like my cousin taking her own life because of drug addiction. (It was how society viewed her and how she viewed herself that killed her) That post is buried. Probably only seen by a handful. Even people reading this comment may upvote the comment but wont upvote the post or other on the same subject. Drug use and drug addiction ARE separate. Just like alcohol use and alcohol abuse are. If anyone see's this message please help promote the posts that get people who are in dark places to talk about it. YOU could save someones life by giving them a forum to talk about it. I ready your last post barry on the issue of unknown authors not being recognized which i completely agree with may i add. Also i feel posts talking about addiction, isolation and mental health are just scrolled past every time. If you get a few seconds could you use them to read a post about how societies attitude to drug addiction robbed me of a family member? Completely unrelated but i'm trying to get 2 subjects that are not spoken about enough which affect so many here on steemit. @egjoshslim

I'm sorry for your loss. I know many people who lost lives to drugs. Maybe write about a solution to stop drug addiction.

I have no reason not to believe this story.
Reincarnation to me makes perfect sense as it would very well explain why life is so unfair with some great people and so amazingly generous with some other sons of a b#####.
It must have something to do with credits or debits accumulated in previous lives.
If you want to try to find out who you were in previous lives, you can try this out:

Yeah I've watched a few regressions before. Pretty interesting stuff.

Thank you! I believe in reincarnation but I have never heard this story before.

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I know about reincarnation. I am currently experiencing my karma due to committing suicide in my previous incarnation. I want to let others know that reincarnation is real and suicide is not the answer. You will only have to come back and face your fears. Energy cannot be destroyed. Energy can only be transformed. We are energetic light waves having human experiences. I teach about this and more in my book, Soulchilogy®: The Study of Your Soul's Energy for Positive Self and Spiritual Development and at my Soulchilogy®Life Conferences and workshops.