RE: If reality were only a simulation how would WE the simulants be able to know for sure?

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If reality were only a simulation how would WE the simulants be able to know for sure?

in philosophy •  9 years ago  (edited)

Heh. If there is a creator (such as this is proposing) it is not really theistic. It is like Deism though. They don't believe in books, or people telling them revelations and prophecies... basically...

There was a creator, now use observation and reason. They don't attempt to define any creator. They laugh at anyone who tries to define a creator. Thus, why I said it strangely works pretty well with the idea of us being a simulation.

Creator does not necessarily mean superior being.

Yes, some people though would freak out on that. Yet Deism is a largely unknown non-theistic religion. Had some very famous people that followed it, yet it is practically buried.

I hypothesized in my article on it a couple of days ago that it might not be popular, because there are no preachers, books, churches, etc so they can't really use it to obtain power over other people. :)

That's one plausible reason I can see for it not being mentioned.

However, this whole simulation thing is just full of tons of different angles and thought experiments. It is a topic we can all let our imaginations run wild. The key is remembering they are speculations, and not fact. :)

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Deism is alive and well!
It is found behind the scenes on both sides of the religion vs. science battle actively avoiding over commitment, a philosophical shock absorber.