Statues, Monuments, and Monsters, OH MY... I introduce the "Nose of history".

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Steemit is indeed an interesting place. We can be in the moment, inspired, and write pieces and illicit some discussion and feedback on the day of its inception. Yet we can also get responses out of the blue sometimes months later. This is actually a very cool thing.

I do not agree with everything people respond with, and none of us should. That doesn't mean I do not appreciate the responses whether I agree or not.

I had quite a number of responses to my FORESIGHT: What happened in the 19th and 20th century? Creating a doomed future post which I wrote four days ago today. I suspect maybe someone resteemed it today due to the sudden cluster of responses.

I appreciate the responses even the one I responded critically to who started their response with "Trust and believe". Critical thinking is my thing. I want more people to learn and use critical thinking. Opening a statement with trust and believe is an appeal to authority fallacy. My immediate thought was "Why should I do that?" It brings up the idea of why someone would think their statement of such a thing would be sufficient to make their position true to someone else. Now, if I were particularly religious and was attending church this is something I might not be surprised to hear in a sermon for the day. I am not particularly religious and I don't tend to like the use of Appeals to Authority, or Appeals to Tradition in sermons either.

So I pointed this out in my response. This exchange was inspiring though. It made me revisit and think some more about what I was thinking about four days ago in the wake of Charlottesville, and the removal of statues across the nation.

It has even gotten more INSANE since I wrote that. People have joked about things like this by saying "Are you going to take down Mount Rushmore too? Are you going to remove statues of George Washington, and rename any places called Washington? Are you going to remove statues of Thomas Jefferson?" These were questions that people were asking to make people hopefully think about how stupid this censoring and outrage over history has become.

The response I don't think was as expected. Many people responded that they thought those were all good ideas. This was a slap my forehead and shake my head moment. The word FOOLS came unbidden to my head.

Why stop there? Why not take down all statues of anyone? Someone can be offended by any statue.

I ask this in seriousness because these statues we are taking down now have been up for a long time. It is not former slaves that are demanding they be taken down, that flags be banned, and that things like Lynch be renamed. It is not the former victims of actual segregation that called for the taking down of such things. These are the people if any that had a right to express offense. They didn't see the need. In fact, they were likely intelligent enough to know that seeing things like statues inspires people to go look and find out what that statue is about. They will THEN and ONLY THEN go look into the history of a thing. They will learn the good, and the bad provided we haven't edited the history so thoroughly that they cannot find such things.

Let's take the ISIS destruction of ancient temples. Can you imagine yourself walking through the desert there some day when you are traveling and you walk over a mound and go on with your business? Are you going to suddenly have this inspiration to open a history book, and research to find out what that mound was? Most likely not.

They obliterated things so thoroughly that even archaeologists cannot reconstruct it. So the inspiration to look into what something was, who built it, what good things they did, what bad things they did is gone... No one will recall or be inspired to recall that information again unless just by chance they are reading old history books. How many people do you know that actually read old history books? Out of those people how many of them only do it when something inspires their curiosity?

People look at the various statues that they are taking down as condoning slavery. The funny thing is the former slaves didn't look at them this way. So today people bask in their emotions, their virtue signaling, and how wonderful they are in protecting the world from evil thoughts. Those statues must be about slavery right?

That is like saying the only thing anyone needs to know about your body is your nose. Nothing else matters, none of the other details about you matter. Just your nose. You are your nose. Forget your eyes, your personality, your hair, your figure, your complexion. All you are now is a nose.

This is how these statues are being treated. They were confederate soldiers, and generals so everything about them is about slavery. This is utter hogwash, but if you don't actually bother to read the history and instead you listen to people that tell you "Trust and believe" I guess it shouldn't surprise me that all you see is the NOSE of history.

Those statues were important to those against slavery just as they were those that supported it. They were a reminder. They were a reminder that there were events that happened. Those people were at the center of those events. Thus, when it comes to researching history they were like knowing the good keywords to find the juicy bits in history. Those statues did not inspire just good and comforting memories. They were not about white supremacist. They were reminders of the history good and bad. Seeing a statue of Robert E. Lee is unlikely to make someone think "Wow! Slavery is bad ass!". They might make them think "Who is Robert E. Lee?" Then when they go look they are likely to find the information from his supporters, his detractors, and the historians who just documented things without picking sides.

Without the statue, why would they bother?

So if you are going to start hiding the blemishes in history that you personally find offensive and you truly think you are protecting people why not remove all art, and all statues? We can have simple plain walls with no embellishments. I mean your attitude and your signs about safe spaces are highly offensive to me. Can we ban those too?

Black Lives Matter is offensive to me because I think All Lives Matter. Can we treat that like white supremacists are being treated? If you don't like All Lives Matter then we can simplify it further. How about "Lives Matter"? For some reason people think removing BLACK defeats the message. If your message is one of racism then you are correct. If it truly is about equality then it shouldn't matter at all. I mean I think you'd understand my point completely if I were walking around with a sign saying White Lives Matter. You'd be outraged and consider me a white supremacist. I wouldn't disagree with you. However, replacing one WORD with another White to Black and suddenly the logic and the issue is lost. You are so attached to the outrage, and the feeling of offense that being told All Lives Matter is lost upon you.

I also get offended by the White Privilege statements. The United States is a pretty large place. I haven't actually lived anywhere that it is beneficial for me to be white. I know there are places in the U.S. where this is not true, but they are not the entire United States and I'd appreciate it if people quit using Generalization Fallacies and assuming I have white privilege.

In fact, I've been told recently that anytime I have the option to NOT put my race on any form of application that these days it is a good idea to never admit you are white. Why? Times have flipped. Perceived racial bias is now being fought by people being racially biased. It's okay to be racist these days as long as the race that you don't like is white.

It gets even crazier when many of the people calling for white genocide, or telling people to abort white babies are actually white people. Is this another insane form of virtue signalling? "See, I'm a good guy, I bash the white crackers too... It's okay if I say white cracker right?"

I am not white supremacist. I despise bigotry. I despise racism. I will stand against ANY racial supremacy regardless of the race. So if people are pushing white supremacy I'll challenge them. I have actually done so. Yet, I won't call them white supremacists simply due to protecting a statue and because there happened to be some white supremacists with them in a public gathering. Likewise if there are black supremacists I will challenge them. I also won't treat anyone that happens to be in a crowd they are in at a public gathering as also being black supremacists. People protest for different reasons.

I mentioned this with regards to Charlottesville to someone in a SLACK I frequent and I was asked "Why didn't people distance themselves from Richard Spencer and his people then?" First of all it was a public protest about that statue. That is where people went to protest it. What are they supposed to do leave, and not protest what they feel needs to be protested because Richard Spencer and his neo-nazi ilk happen to be there? If you think that is the case then were ALL the counter protestors Antifa? If not then why didn't they distance themselves from the urine, feces, and chemical filled bottle and balloon throwing Antifa members? If the logic that not distancing from Richard Spencer meant people made someone a white supremacist, then the logic must also extend to the counter-protestors and all of those people must have been Antifa.

Yet logically we know this is not true. This is called a generalization and it is a logical fallacy.

I have posted about Charlottesville and I several times have posted images of black men that were there protesting AGAINST the removal of the statues. If those black guys were white supremacists then isn't that considered suicide?

There were also other people with various shades of brown skin. Yet they were white supremacists, or perhaps they were "uncle Toms" which likely went through some people's head when I mentioned the black gentlemen (they were gentlemen) above.

As far as Charlottesville, we had the one tragic death from the nutbag that crashed the car into people. Sure they were pounding on his car first. Sure some point in the day he may or may not have been hit by shit or piss balloons... Who knows? It still doesn't justify it. Yet, when people are bombarded by things for an hour or more non-stop with no police intervention it doesn't surprise me that someone snapped.

In fact, I am very surprised there were not a lot more deaths. It seems like they were intentionally trying to shove oil and fire together and wait for the explosion. Yet, it didn't happen.

Considering what actually happened there I am truly astonished it didn't end up much worse.

So why do I have a problem with the "Trust and believe"?

Let's see. Right after I watched 2 hours uninterrupted, no pauses, of Charlottesville and was thinking "Man that was a mess" I happened to go see the news. I saw them talking about the violent white supremacists, the nazis, etc. Yet in watching it I'd say easily 95% of all the violence (even including the car) came from Antifa. The rest seemed to be responses in ALL cases to direct provocation (generally of a physical nature) by Antifa. They were prepared. Antifa arrived with water coolers full of bottles and balloons full of urine, feces, paint, and chemicals. I watched the confusion of people asking "What is that?" to people talking about their skin burning in some cases. Then what it was began to be widely known. It went on in excess of an hour.

So let's see how calm you are if people are throwing shit, piss, paint, and chemicals on you for an hour or more and the police are doing nothing. Let's see how calm, collected, and non-violent you can remain. Yet that doesn't include the tear gas, smoke bombs, mace, and tasers that were also involved.

Then let's see... how about some more "Trust and believe". Yesterday the left leaning news (thanks @newsagg) and the mainstream media were both pretty fixated on the mother of the car victim saying she wouldn't speak to Trump after what he said about her daughter.

So did she "Trust and believe" the wrong person? Trump only had positive things to say about both the mother and the daughter. So exactly what were these horrible things he supposedly said? Who told her that he did and LIED to her yet she chose to "trust and believe" them?

History is important. The good and the bad. Censoring, Editing, and changing history especially when you are not an aggrieved party related to that history is not a good thing.

I acknowledge that I may be a bit more emotional, a bit more intense, and a bit more harsh on this subject. It is one I am very passionate about. I am not ANY RACE Supremacist, but I am a huge hater of people who destroy, conceal, and rewrite history. It has given me much pause this week when considering the NAP. If it were not for my strong belief in that then such actions could sway me to go on the offense. Most people don't know about or follow the NAP so I suspect such activities are increasing the opposition on both sides of this situation.

I am very disappointed these days. I see most of it as a failure of what I believe most of us think education was supposed to be, yet it is the success of what I believe the education was actually intended to be.

Oh. A final thing. @ladyrebecca wrote a great piece on her own experience in a formerly Communist Country and growing up there and how some of these attitudes we are now seeing in the U.S. played out there. Learn from history people!

You cannot rewrite history! Ask the Communists. - by @ladyrebecca

And Antifa... this one was written for you: What is establishment?

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever watched someone start a bar fight? It's pretty easy to do. First, you take offense to whatever they say. Doesn't matter what they say -- whatever it is, you twist it to be an insult.

Then, you stick your chest out and start pushing the other guy steadily backwards with it. Meanwhile, you keep your arms far out and to the side, palms open, so that it is "clear" to all the onlookers that you are "not starting the fight." And meanwhile, while you are steadily pushing him backwards with your chest, you get your face right into his, and steadily scream at him to "get off me man, get off me!" Helps if you make your screaming nice and juicy so spit lands in his eyes and nose and mouth. Accidentally, of course.

Few guys can take that kind of provocation without swinging or pushing back with their hands. At which point, it's on, because "he started it."

That's Antifa. They are itching for a fight. They are pushing as hard as they can with their chest, meanwhile they have their hands out and to the side demonstrating their "non-aggression" in the sense that they insist that their violence is only retaliatory. Because the other protestors started it, right? Insert eye roll.

So here's what is going to happen. And this is not a wish. I fervently hope this does not happen. But history works out such that eventually a bully will cross paths with someone who is just as violent if not more so than they are.

Antifa is antagonizing a part of society that tends to believe in being armed, and furthermore a part of society that more often than not tends to have had some formal training, either military or police. And some of those guys have the ability to reach out and touch people from a long ways away. And I'm predicting that, just like happened in the Maidan in Ukraine, eventually some of these Antifa folks are going to get picked off. And after that, few people will be interested in protesting any more. This will not be a solution. It will instead be the death knell for any chance of peaceful, democratic change in this country.

What happens then, I don't know. I still think that racism and sexism and all of those things that the snowflakes seem so twisted up over are being artificially used to start a color revolution. We'll know for sure if they all start to show up wearing purple.

The color revolutions, the Maidan in Ukraine - that's a very good point you have here. All those so-called revolutions were inspired and actively supported by the US, via George Soros in some cases. The new leaders to 'emerge' from those protests were hand-picked by the US. What did the protesters get out of their struggle? Nothing. The illusion that they have accomplished something. Then they were all sent home to resume their lives, that had not changed one bit. The new 'democratic' leaders couldn't care less about the lives and welfare of their faithful supporters. (It's a condition most leaders suffer from.)
This is probably what's going to happen in the US as well. When the forces manipulating the antifa crowds accomplish their goal of removing Trump or at lest rendering him harmless, there won't be any need for protests. Class dismissed.

Note the discrepancy in size between the few people that showed up for the free speech rally in Boston -- a few dozen, but 40,000 counter protestors? Anyone else wonder where the buses were parked?

You're missing the point,

These people get paid, they have benefits, they are "made men". They are fighting for money. They are fighting exactly why almost everyone fighting alongside Washington fought for, money, promises of wealth, iou notes. Yeah they are fighting for scraps from the table of the crown, but equally they are fighting for "freedom" as much as the colonial troops weren't fighting for money or over money.

While the world is flooded by non-sensible events that renders most of us speechless. It's good to see that some have developed a resistance to this effect, some to the point of immunity even.

Watching and experiencing everything that is going on in the world today, one can easily fall victim to apathy. Simply wishing to pull out of what seems like a battle that cannot be fought and won by reason. Although, being a feeling, I have crawling onto me more frequently for every week that passes now. Due to the ever-increasing insanity of occurrences in the world, not to mention the unbelievable following re-actions. I think it is a very dangerous feeling to give in to.

"Trust" and "belief" for me is strong and good features of the human mind, and interwoven in every single thought we have. But combined with the word "blind" it quickly becomes a deadly tool!

Thanks for spilling you brains with us today.

One of the best posts i have read on steemit

Thank you. I was going to make a video version of it and started last night, but then my internet went out, and only was restored about an hour ago. :)

The statues are only the beginning if these maniacs have their way. The statues are the most visible reminders of the past in the public eye. Then they will move to burn the books that could counter their historical revisionism as the unthinking madness it is.

Others have already pointed out that based on the logic being used today, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights should be destroyed because some of the people involved were slave holders.

If I were a betting man, I would predict using historical slavery as the hot button topic to efface history, denigrate American values and overthrow its institutions will catch up to the present soon.

When the powder has been primed and the fuse set, the vast tide of historical and functional illiterates will be informed that slavery wasn't actually abolished by the 13th Amendment, just restricted to those who have committed crimes. The spark will be the connection being drawn to the over-criminalization of American life and prison demographics.

I hope I'm wrong.

Yep, slavery was not abolished just moved into prisons. Out of sight out of mind. I believe it is one of the main reasons so many victimless crimes carry long prison sentences. Slave labor. I've also written before that "Made in America" is not a great thing to say if it was made inside a prison, and more and more goods are being manufactured by prisons, more and more service jobs are being taken over by prisons. We talk about outsourcing jobs, yet at the same time we are doing the same thing but into prisons.

Yes, I remember reading Made in America, that was a really good post. We are definitely of one mind on this issue.

I just wanna mention the cultural revolution of China, because it sounds very reminiscent to that.

I would guess that it is even something described by Machiavelli and such that you have to kill and burn everything that worships the old system that you want to replace.

Is it bad that Germany destroyed everything that reminded us of the Nazis? Yeah, I do actually think that by burying the Nazi-History a lot of people don't learn what really happened back then.

Can I understand that people wanted to destroy everything that reminded them of the Nazis? Yes, and I don't judge.

You know statues are not really history. Statues have always been a symbol for worship. It is hard to argue against someone who has a giant statue in Washington or his giant face shown in a mountain. The historical value of these statues is not comparable to that of temples or even the pyramids.

They are mental triggers to go and research a thing. They actually only have something to do with worship if your religion is centered around them. Otherwise they are much like visual cues for people, places, or events that were likely pivotal in some topic. Their mere presence is a mental inspiration to go see "What is this?"... that doesn't mean you suddenly become religious, racist, confederate. It means you have a clue that leads to learning something about history by finding cues. Without them it becomes blind luck that you find things for most things.

You know, the thing about preserving knowledge is that people have to decide if it is actually valuable enough to be preserved. It is like with your memory, you will remember important days like your marriage or birth of your childs, but you won't remember what your breakfirst was 20 years ago, I mean some people frame even that on facebook, but I think it's rather silly ;)

I strive to be known or mentioned thousands years from now, but I know that I have to do something special for that to be the case. History won't reward me for sitting at home and playing video games all day.

I am very disappointed these days.

I'm afraid you're in for a lot more disappointment. You work so hard explaining things in a rational way, you use logic. For Heaven's sake, who listens to logic in the times of 'follow blindly whatever you're being told"?
As for the usefulness of statues, you are totally right. I was about to mention in this comment the news about a Catholic saint's statue being defaced in California. Before doing that, I went on Wikipedia and checked out this Saint Junipero I'd never heard of. Because this statue exists, I actually learned something today. Exactly as you say that Robert E. Lee' s statue won't make people approve of slavery, checking out this Junipero did not make me think "oh, the good old missionaries bringing religion to the pagans, who cares that they destroyed a whole civilization in the process.."
The funny thing is that not only the Saint was defaced, but also the little child next to him. Why would you paint a swastika on the statue of a child? This not a protest, it's pure vandalism.
And, of course, thank you for your support.

Sometimes the destruction of a statue or monument is a more powerful statement than the monument itself ever hoped to achieve. I might revise and 'repost' this from three months ago which seems like a relevant contribution.

Have you looked into the iconoclasts, who destroyed countless idols throughout history? We're coming through a second wave of iconoclast inspired violence. Its like burning the great library of Alexandria all over again.

Doesn't matter if the monument hurts someone's safe space entitlements or not - its a monument. Its history, they should be preserved; or as the iconoclasts once did, destroy them out of such strong convictions of their own (I'd prefer to see it as the turning wheel of entropy, though!)

We have had this conversation plenty. But I have evolved my thinking, so I wanted to send some more thoughts back your way about this...

The problem I have with All Lives Matter is that minorities, especially blacks, were enslaved and generally regarded as 2nd class citizens by the majority of whites for hundreds of years in the US.

All Lives Matter seems to be very unsympathetic to that.

BLM is nothing more than sympathy for those of a certain race, who are less fortunate due to their race.

BLM has never tried to indicate that ONLY black lives matter. Rather, they are just trying to call out an entire nation and Government for hundreds of years of unjust treatment towards a specific race.

By saying All Lives Matter, it feels like you are just trouncing on their point, in order to make your own point, that I don't think anyone disagrees with.

I really do not see how you disagree with BLM.

This is what makes it feel like you just want to disagree with them.

All Lives Matter seems to be very unsympathetic to that.

And it should be. There are no living slaves from that era. Every race has been enslaved at some time in history.

You either want equal treatment, or you want special treatment. You will not end racism by emphasizing a race. That just perpetuates the cycle.

I see Black Lives Matter as doing a lot of harm. Why? Sure the founders supposedly had a legit reason for forming it and I believe they simply made a mistake in emphasizing Black when we should emphasize that ALL lives matter. If a black man is shot unjustly... All lives Matter! If a white man is shot unjustly... All lives matter! If a latino woman is shot unjustly... All lives matter!

Removing black from the name does not change the message unless the intent is to leave the label open for subjective interpretation. There are quite a number of people that have been interpreting BLM exactly how I was concerned they would interpret it. As justification to be racist themselves. Some of the founders of BLM have actually been caught promoting racism. I do think it is only one or two of the original members, and I don't have a link right now as I saw that many months ago.

I believe I explained my stance on this in the article.

BLM to me is creating fires and division rather than creating solidarity/unity. I would say the media and what has happened since it was created is showing this to be the case.

I also am coming to believe what they were calling a BLACK thing and thus emphasizing race wasn't predominantly caused by race. Sure there have always been racist people, and there will always be racist people as long as people continue to group up themselves and other people and be interested in racially identifying them.

It is looking like poverty, population density, and cultures might be as much and possibly more of a factor than race. Yet there is so much emphasis on race that the actual factors more likely to be the cause seem to be ignored or not even thought of.

I also don't see positive results from BLM unless your goal is to start a race war. I blame a lot of that on the media. If it bleeds it leads, and they seem very interested in emphasizing things that can cause division.

By saying All Lives Matter, it feels like you are just trouncing on their point, in order to make your own point, that I don't think anyone disagrees with.

Their point can be made with All Lives Matter just as easily. Yet at least All Lives Matter you don't have others that then take a word like BLACK and use that to justify further racism. It is divisionary. I actually initially supported what they were doing as I GOT what the initial message was supposedly about. Yet, I watched how subjectively it could be interpreted due to the label and how some used it for justification for racism, often violently so. That is when I started having problems. That is when I first thought All Lives Matter. I actually thought it on my own before I saw it anywhere else. Then I saw people claiming it was detracting from their message. Unless their message is a need for special treatment rather than equality and thus is a racist message then I disagree strongly and believe that is completely wrong.

It has continued to increasingly inspire exactly the results those of us that think All Lives ACTUALLY Matter were concerned that it might, with the gleeful help of the media.

I completely respect your answer my friend and thank you for your patience.

However, indicating that such minorities do not deserve special treatment, still feels very cold. They were enslaved far more recently and in this country, by this very same Government in power today. Generally speaking, families in power tend to stay in power, creating what they feel is very uneven playing grounds due to their grand parents, and great grandparents, and so on. These kinds of social problems don't go away over night and people become a product of their environment.

Is that really worth zero sympathy?

Doesn't the same thing apply to women? They just got their rights more recently too.

However, indicating that such minorities do not deserve special treatment, still feels very cold.

You can have equality, or you can have special treatment. You cannot have both. They are mutually exclusive.

Sometimes reality is cold. Fuck safe spaces. :)

Special treatment is a slippery slope.

Is that really worth zero sympathy?

Nothing to do with sympathy. I don't believe special treatment is helping them. It is fake. It is moving the problem from one location to another. It is kicking the can down the road.

There are some special treatment situations I'll support such as wheel chair accessibility ramps, and things like that.

Yet I don't believe they should be mandatory or expected. You know me I am a voluntarist.

I believe in equal opportunity and that doors should be open to people. That doesn't mean I should have to carry them through the doors.

It also doesn't mean they should get access to special doors that the rest of us do not. That is not equality.

That leads to the same problem they themselves were originally complaining about it just shifts the target. This is why I refer to it as kicking the can.

Treat people equal. Meaning do not tell them they cannot take advantage of an opportunity. They can try just like everyone else.

Some things we are good at others we are not.

Simply no doors should be closed due to race/skin color.

I actually say no doors should be closed due to any form of bigotry.

Special Treatment doesn't help that... it perpetuates the cycle.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

But their point is that things are not equal. Even though you want everyone to be equal, that is not their reality. So I do not see how equality and special treatment are mutually exclusive. Sometimes, in order to make things equal, we need to grant special treatment. The world is not black and white, but shades of gray. I do not see any right or wrong answers here, so I refrain from saying that BLM is wrong.


By saying All Lives Matter, it feels like you are just 
trouncing on their point, in order to make your own 
point, that I don't think anyone disagrees with.

Their point can be made with All Lives Matter just 
as easily. Yet at least All Lives Matter you don't have
 others that then take a word like BLACK and use 
that to justify further racism.

I disagree. They spoke up first with their concept of Black Lives Matter. All Lives Matter is a response to trump the BLM message. Not the other way around. If you had first created All Lives Matter, then some other folks trumped your message with Black Lives Matter... Then I would agree. But that is not the course of events as they happened.

Lastly, if someone abuses BLM's name, then that is on the person, not BLM. If you said that you disagree with how some people behave due to mis-understanding the ideology that BLM sends out, then I could agree. But that same problem will occur in any group we look at, not just BLM.


Nice post, I love the contents w

Nice post!

Critical thinking is my thing. I want more people to learn and use critical thinking. Opening a statement with trust and believe is an appeal to authority fallacy.

Faith is required in trusting in any other-than-directly-experienced data...up to a point.

The use of critical thinking to determine which sources one has had faith in continue to earn that trust is important.

That people still get their news from the Mainstream Media after the Hillary has a 90% chance of winning nonsense (at the very least) shows that people don't use critical thinking.

I'm a liberty and NAP minded individual and I agree with you on Antifa and that the Civil War was a much more complicated affair than the good north freeing the slaves from the bad south (that narrative is like nails on a chalkboard to me). When it comes to BLM, not the group itself so much but whether or not regular African Americans are supportive of them, is the fact (seeming to be a fact) in any encounter with police in the US , blacks are about 3.5 times more likely to be killed than whites. My information doesn't come from the same propaganda media that loves Antifa. It is from . They don't do the math just the listing. I came up with 3.5 myself looking at 2016 at the time from Jan through June. I am not in favor of reparations, calling out micro aggressions or banning hates speech at all but to be fair and acknowledging facts (assuming my info is accurate), the people advocating those have more than just a nose as well. I'd be interested in your thoughts.


See the problem is as thinkers we see the issues and can separate each part and action but those doing this can't and their masters sure don't want them to either. They are slaves in the truest sense of the word and meaning.

I don't think there was really even one death in the Charlottesville false flag - this post covers it well - it's just this months 911, but the sheeple never seem to see the trick...

About pretty much what's happening here in Malaysia. Divide and conquer tactics. Politicians and big biz people all laughing at the top while they divide the races and what not. Dirty and harmful political tactics

your posts are worth it to read..... great work @dwinblood

Your posts are very helpful. I also think that we should learn to criticize or criticize in the saying is not disparaging or bad meaning. We only use the critique of bad things, so that someone bad will become better. 🤤

I agree. Thank you.

Good post @dwinblood