in philosophy •  7 years ago 

It has been awhile since I have written a word hijacking piece. This essentially refers to the process whereby words are intentionally redefined and the public mostly seems unaware that the process has even occurred. This appears to be predominantly for political, and population manipulation purposes. I simply consider it an extension of the concept of propaganda.

I have written other posts on this topic and you may or may not be interested in reading those to go along with this post. The first one is where I went into some detail on what I am referring to when I speak of word hijacking.

I was reading through the news as I do each day. I have found that the daily @newsagg post helps with this some. It is often when I am reading the news from many different sources that ideas for something I want to write about comes to mind. Today that was the desire to write a new word hijacking posts.


I have been seeing the term Nazi thrown around very liberally these days. At first I would sometimes find it ironic because as an avid fan of history and as someone who was way into World War II studies as a child and into my teens I know a bit about how the Nazis came to exist, and what their actions were. The irony comes into my mind as I realize the person throwing the label around clearly has very limited knowledge of this. Their knowledge is likely limited to the fact that Hitler was a Nazi, the Nazi's killed jews, believed in the Aryan race, and were racists.

This did indeed describe some of the Nazis, and it did describe Hitler.

Yet really Nazis were members of the National Socialists party within the German political system. They were actually advocates at the time of many of the same things Bernie Sanders was speaking about on his campaign. It was the movement that was born out of the earlier German Worker's Party. Adolf Hitler was not it's founder, but he did become it's leader. He was elected with great popularity by the German people as he told them what they wanted to hear, and things that sounded very good, and very fair to them at the time. This was during a period when the government of the time known as the Weimar Republic was struggling with hyper inflation of the currency and many other things. The ideas of the National Socialists sounded very appealing in that environment.

Eventually they would seize power, and through machinations would overthrow the Weimar Republic and you would eventually have Adolf Hitler as the Dictator/Fuehrer.

The Rise of the Third Reich

This process was not peaceful and without oppression. There was much activity to suppress freedom of speech and the press. Goebbels and other people working for Hitler were some of the first to master propaganda and put it to good use. Much of staying in power and keeping the people behind you was to point out an enemy they can blame. Back in that time pointing out the Jews was much like pointing out the 1% is today. Jews were often bankers and quite successful ones and had been for years. They were an obvious target to unite the poor and struggling masses. It worked.

The first step is to dehumanize these people, and convince the masses that attacking them is a good thing. Does any of this sound familiar to you? It should, as it has been happening today in the United States and in other countries. It has not actually been coming from the so called Nazi parties, neo-nazis, and white supremacists. They are a small minority and they don't actually have much power, they certainly do not have control of the propaganda mechanism.

In fact if you just go by actions then the mainstream media, some politicians, and Antifa are actually far closer to what the actions of the actual Nazi party were.

You see they find you an enemy, and they keep pointing at them, and they use labels. They also will make sure to use that same label on ANYONE that disagrees with them even if they have no such political affiliations.

You see the Charlottesville Unite The Right rally is being billed all across the media as a White Supremacists Rally, Nazi Rally, Neo-Nazi Rally, etc. Yet it wasn't. There WERE some people in that group that would fit that label. They were not the majority. The rest were there simply to protect history rather than censor it. They were speaking of Uniting because though they may not be able to put it into words I believe that many that get labeled casually by people who don't like what they are saying have begun to see the Nazi/Fascists like actions being targeted against them.

Here are two Unite the Right Rally Members

Do you think those guys are white supremacists and Nazis?

This leads into the next word... Fascists, and Fascism.


This term and how it is often used today blows my mind. I am one of those people that believes actions are far more important than words. I've actually studied the historical actions of the fascists, particularly in the World War II era and the most fascist acting group that I am aware of in the world today goes by the name.

Antifa or Anti-Fascists.

If they were truly anti-fascists then judging by their actions I'd expect them to be committing mass suicide (no I am not endorsing this, only stating for illustration). Why? The name they have chosen for themselves is completely the opposite of their actions.

So what does this tell me? Anti-fascists also known as Antifa is a hijacked word. It has been manipulated to be a weapon and a rallying cry by the very ideologies and actions that they claim to be fighting.

Fascism and Mussolini | The 20th century | World history | Khan Academy

It is working to a degree. There certainly seems to be an interest in the higher echelons of keeping the populace fighting among themselves. Divide and conquer. Antifa has become an violent and aggressive arm of that process.

The propaganda series is blocking and covering for them as well.

I highly recommend ANYONE find an unedited stream of the early day events that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12th, 2017 of at least an hour or more in length. Find one that doesn't pause, but just keeps running.

You'll see something VERY different from what the mainstream media is showing.

You will see people yelling, but no violence. That is until Antifa shows up with water coolers, pepper spray, etc. The water coolers contained bottles and balloons full of piss, shit, paint, and chemicals. THEY proceeded to throw these at the Unite the Right Rally members. This initiated the violence and was started by Antifa just as it was at Berkeley. Antifa kept this onslaught on for easily more than an hour with the police just standing by watching.

I also want you to consider that the piss and shit could be considered assault with a deadly weapon if they are human feces or urine. These substances can carry blood borne diseases/virus such as HIV, Hepatitis, etc. They only need to get into an eye, a mouth, or an open wound to potentially infect someone. I doubt many people actually thought of this, but I have.

Then when it was briefly called an unlawful assembly though they had a permit the police would not let the Unite the Right Rally people leave a safe direction. When people would try to walk a safe direction that was one of the few times you would see the police take action. They had been ordered by the Mayor to stand down. They forced the Unite Rally members to go back through the same people that had been attacking them.

So now let's go to the one horrible event AGAINST Antifa in ALL of that which happened. The car that a guy from Ohio slammed into some Antifa and it killed one and injured others. Here in Denver yesterday at a Rally they were claiming 3 people died at the Rally, and that 2 of them were cops. They were saying even that the car killed two cops. If you watch the original videos of that car hitting people there were no cops involved. Remember they were pretty much standing back not getting involved?

Then you'll keep seeing media spin that 3 people died at that rally. This is a lie. One person died. The two police men that died were in a helicopter that crashed that was observing the rally. As far as I know we haven't heard reports of that helicopter getting shot down, or seen videos of that murderous car flying through the air and smashing into the helicopter. Other than the fact the helicopter crashed and it had been being used to observe the rally, those deaths were not caused by the rally. This is based upon information I have currently heard.

So as with the Nazis, and Fascists of World War II the media is spinning the propaganda and reporting 3 deaths when there was only one.

I have also seen many reports saying the Unite Rally members were armed with firearms. This was not true. Some of them had shields and clubs, but they had met before the rally to stress a peaceful rally so most of them didn't even have clubs, or any weapons.

There are reports of them throwing bottles at Antifa. This did happen a few times. Do you know how? They were throwing the bottle back that antifa had just thrown at them. They did not bring bottles, balloons, etc. Those were brought in by Antifa in water coolers. If you watch any uninterrupted streams you'll actually hear people talking about it as it happens. You'll hear people asking what is in the balloons and bottles that are hitting people. You'll hear the gradual flow of information as they gradually tell each other what is going on.

Yet the media does not point that out. They are in fact fabricating a lot of lies, just like the Nazis and Fascists did. Some of them are even spinning Antifa as the victim.

This is propaganda and word hijacking in action.

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An excellent piece. I too am worried enough about the redefinition of words, often blatantly against demonstrable reality, enough that I have also written about it.

I always appreciate your fair and reasonable tone. I hope cooler minds such as yours prevail, however I am gravely worried about the state of Western culture and political discourse in the near term. It's hard to believe we've gone from McCarthyism, to the "Kramer Is a Commie" episode of Seinfeld, to actually having large demographics embracing the ideology yet again.

I can't add much more to what you said except to say I'll be resteeming this one, and I hope you see a solid upvote bump from it!

Thank you. As long as we are not silent we can still have hope. Silence is acceptance.

Sargon's video on AntiFa may be useful to you, particularly for linking to others you don't feel like debating yet again:

Thanks... I generally enjoy Sargon of Akad. I haven't seen that one though.

I had a feeling you might enjoy his generally calm and rational approach.

It's funny that Sargon wasn't even all the political until they came for him

Ah, I wasn't familiar with him in the "before times". Thanks for the note.

me neither; he would have been just another victim of the Left's internet lynch mobs, but he actually fought back

The irony is here in Europe, everybody, and I mean everybody thinks the historical Nazis were conservative right-wing maniacs, when 'socialist' is right there in the name, which both historically and today is a descriptor for a left-wing political ideology. Frequently the answer is "But fascism!", my response to which is generally that fascism was the tactic, not the steering belief system. It always makes for an entertaining discussion.

And after seeing some of the mainstream reports and having read your post the other day on this, I did what you recommended and a few of the live-feed recordings and it just reinforced my belief the MSM cannot be trusted. Especially when they started walking the Unite people out in single file where everybody was chanting 'shame' like some GoT medieval peasant mob, unbelievable. The police endangered those people and set up the powder keg from the looks of it. I in no way condone any of the violence that day, any of it, but when people tasked to prevent it facilitate it, something stinks to high heaven.

My whole take on this is that the left and the right should unite. The only difference is that the one side is prouder of their own culture essentially. The right is against the NWO because of their national integrity, the left to be not controlled by bankers and other global instruments. Being a leftie is also a choice made by an individual and individualism is always held as a high value in the modern right-wing/conservative movements.

There is no good reason the left and the right should actually oppose each other. It smells like a setup.

Your points about this whole situation are spot on. Unfortunately you are the only person who is reporting this mess with clear, well thought out ideas and arguments.

It really is a sad state our country is in right now because few people search out the actual truth. I'm sure you knew how this situation was going to play before it happened because people in general are just dumb. Any event which tries to protect the southern history of the civil war is immediately going to be labeled racist. The majority of Americans think the civil war was only about slavery. Probably most were taught this in school. God forbid a person actually researched the war themselves to learn what really occurred. I think a lot of people would be shocked to learn Lincoln would have ended the war without freeing the slaves if he thought that would have had a chance of settling the conflict.

I encourage you to keep making these posts. You probably feel like you are screaming at a brick wall right now, but it is important that the truth be told.

I have been primarily writing them because I've noticed that most people are not. Even places I'd expect to be jumping all over this type of concept really are not.

So I kind of feel compelled to do so. It also was a case of me being in the right place (in the internet sense of the word) at the right time and I just happened to watch about 2 hours of live uninterrupted feed from Charlottesville BEFORE I saw the mainstream news coverage. Once I saw that I was incredibly mad. It was about as fake as fake news gets.

It is like someone breaking into a house and robbing it, and blaming it all on the owners of the house and treating the robber like the victim/hero of the story.

Appreciate it!

seconded, keep banging them out!

I find the similarities in the US versus the pre-WWII environment in Germany terrifying.

I realize this wasn't the direct point of your post, but reading through it brought shivers compared to what the history books portray Germany pre World War II.

If you really want to see the similarities, read The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff.

looking that up now

I read it when I was in college. Peikoff kind of took over objectivism (although there's some argument) when Ayn Rand died. His book looks at political, social and economic indicators and is incredibly well done and complete!

Yeah, I've been seeing that since around the 9-11 time, it has just been accelerating.

If you behave like a fascist thug then you are a fascist thug, regardless of what you call yourself... Personally I believe ANTIFA to be a bunch of spineless spoiled brats and if a few got shot, the rest would go home. Most of them are doing it for extra credit at college from what I've read.

If they get shot Mainstream Media would spin that into a win for Antifa. That is obvious due to how the Charlottesville situation is being spun.

It seems like it is a win inside the buzz of the political class and their lackeys, but outside that it is just hardening the hearts of people on the Right.

Which is good, The reason the Left has been so successful is that the Right has been far too tolerant of the Left, and of those corruptocrats allying with the Left

This post has received a 11.36 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @cupidzero.

How do you push forward political dialogue: Meet with a bunch of people that you already agree with outside, grab some paper shields, now try to come up with some simple 3-liners that everyone can remember and shout them into the face of the empty street.

I never really understood that concept.

@truthforce got you a $1.47 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@truthforce got you a $1.47 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)

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Ya right

You put a lot of thought into that I see.

No Not A Lot Just Two Words Containing A Story..!

haha - actually an infinite variety of stories.

you could be agreeing with me, or you could be saying I am full of shit. It could also be any number of other things. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

No Not That All..

I Am Agreeing You..!

Yeah I figured because you up voted the post.

Yet, it could be interpreted differently. :) If I left you alone your post might have acted as a honey pot for those that disagree. I'll have to remember that in the future. Honey Pots can be useful.

Anyway, your second response did make me laugh and smile, so I appreciate that.

reSteemed; the intentional misuse of words is an #informationwar stratgey

Excellent work! Very in-depth description of two commonly misused words. Funny how the most educated among us fail notice the distinctions (or more likely choose to conveniently ignore these facts). Since the words sound mean, they use them without any clue nor care that these words more accurately describe their own positions!

Upvoted and followed.

@dwinblood truly you have an great sense of humour!! Truly said I'm only few things know about of World War Yaa but I tried to read your full articles and get some knowledge about that kinds of things:))
Thanks for sharing with us!!

In fact, the words racist, prejudiced, and bigoted do not mean the same nor are they inherently negative. Hijacked or misappropriated words are, as you mentioned, the foundation of successful media manipulation or propaganda. I appreciate your courageous effort to educate us on this topic. Thank you for always being a good steward of the community! Steem On brother!

our world will be a better place withut these trouble makesr , unfortunately it is not so as they are still active even more in United States, upped. Thanks for sharing.

This post received a 3.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @truthforce! For more information, click here!