words with random capitalization. there are only 3 of them... as for the grammar, please cite examples. Yes sometimes I do write quickly and english is not my native language but I do not think overall that I write very differently from what can be read on my website nor heard in my videos.
Yes I often think that a few sentences here and there could be written differently but I am not here to write a novel. Maybe are you unfamiliar with the topic, what could make it more complex for your to wrap your mind around what I am conveying.
Could be the style also, even in french, which is my native language, I may happen to run into a writer whose style is not my cup of tea. That does not mean that the french is wrong.
ps: I shortened the paragraphs and made a few changes . Maybe should you listen to Mark Passio then read this blog again. It is a huge topic and a few paragraphs may not do the job for somebody who has never heard about The Principles and Objective Reality.