RE: Property rights exist because we have morality

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Property rights exist because we have morality

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

what do you mean by wage slavery?

Wage slavery is what crapitalism is, no work for the crapitalust, or as a crapitalust, no eat, no live in a house, no flashylight box.

Unless my option is to live on a ubi, my choice to work is not freely made.
Hunger is a bitch.
Of course, accepting a ubi would make me a bum, a parasite on those that do work, just as it would under my proposal.

What is your proposed alternative?

Keep working, stop paying, and bring on the robots.

Order what you need from the net to be delivered to your door.
Plenty of delivery, manufacturing, and distribution jobs available to the young.

It seems you blame employers for the fact that humans have needs and that life is a struggle

Only because of your perspective.
If you take the time to read alternatives you may find solutions of your own, but if you want to go down with the ship that has brought us to here, I guess you can.

Are you a utopian?

Only if I can deliver it.

Will no one have to work after you impose your "solutions" on everyone?

Only those between the ages of 20 and 50 will be expected to put in about 20,000 hours of productive labor.

That is a guideline, to be used to determine that you have not lived at the expense of another.
The number of hours required is subject to new data inputs.
So, maybe more, maybe less.
Either way at 50, or when you are ready (nothing says you have to retire, and I would figure most folks would continue to contribute to the local food supply), you can retire to the moon base just as quick as we get it built.
When you take the me, me, me out of the incentive to work you get a much nicer society, imo.

If you haven't read Looking Backwards by Ed Bellamy, you should.
I identified as an-crap until I grokked what Ed was talking about, though I differ in how I would arrange the matter.
HIs proposal seems complicated.
I would like to see local experimentation to find the optimal solution.

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Okay, your answer made me more confused than before. How could you take self-interest or "me me me" out of people? We are programmed by evolution to survive and procreate. Having self-interest is not a bad or good thing it's just a fact. I touch on this in my article about why people believe in stupid thing linked below.

I find it very hard to understand your position. It seems to me you claim to have answers but they are too vague or too convoluted to be explained in a simple way. I'm pretty sure we disagree on several important points. If you can't explain your thinking maybe you need to think about it more, to clarify for yourself. Maybe you will find contradictions and modify your position? Maybe you have some crony believes? You can read about that here. Please check out the blog that I'm linking to in the beginning.

I think people would be miserable in a utopian society. Even if you could get there, which I think is impossible it wouldn't last long.

If you would like me to get some clarity I would appreciate if you answered my questions here.

How could you take self-interest or "me me me" out of people?

Ask Ed Bernays.

Having self-interest is not a bad or good thing it's just a fact.

Ever seen a human wave attack?

I find it very hard to understand your position.

Thank Ed, and the Rockerfellers, for dumbing us down.

It seems to me you claim to have answers but they are too vague or too convoluted to be explained in a simple way.

Keep working, stop paying.

If you can't explain your thinking maybe you need to think about it more, to clarify for yourself.

Just because you don't understand doesn't mean that I don't.
Your refusal to grasp the concepts is beyond my control.

Maybe you will find contradictions and modify your position?

Back at ya.

I'm short on time, today.

"When you take the me, me, me out of the incentive to work you get a much nicer society, imo."

You are the one that thinks people should stop being self-interested. I asked you how that would possibly be done? And you answer "ask Ed Bernays". So, you want to brainwash people to lose their self-interest?

I said having self-interest is not a bad or good thing it's just a fact. And you respond by saying "Ever seen a human wave attack?". You're not making any sense.

I say that I find it very hard to understand your position. You answer "Thank Ed, and the Rockerfellers, for dumbing us down." Let me get this straight, you fail to make any sense, I point this out, and you call me stupid?

If you put a > in front of what you want quoted it will.

You are the one that thinks people should stop being self-interested.

I never said to stop being self interested.
In fact, doing as I propose is in your best interest.
Less work, more stuff, more leisure, less worries.

So, you want to brainwash people to lose their self-interest?

Lol, perhaps I want to unbrainwash them, as Bernays was the one that did it?

I point this out, and you call me stupid?

Sorry, your persistence is boring me, I have had this discussion with others ad naseum, if you aren't willing to read the ideas, then there is little I can do.

"If you put a > in front of what you want quoted it will."

Thank you!

"Sorry, your persistence is boring me, I have had this discussion with others ad naseum, if you aren't willing to read the ideas, then there is little I can do."

If you think you understand Austrian Economics when you clearly don't there's not much I can do.

Lol, do you ever wonder why the powers that shouldn't be have taught you this crap, rather than that crap?

When you are ready to challenge your sacred cows, let me know, I got a reading list that covers a lot of ground, pierces some veils,....