My Idea to Heal the World

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

The world has been going in the wrong direction for too long, it is time to heal the world as Michael Jackson wrote it so perfectly in his song. Heal the world is a beautiful sentence - but how do we do it in reality?

a Big New Idea & Philosophic Article Written by: @fyrstikken

I have an idea - it might be a dream but as John Lennon said, I am not the only one, so let me share my idea and my dream with you all here on as a political and social idea that you all can collect into your minds, think about it for a while and then start talking with other people about this idea and push the agenda forward so that we can have a healed world sooner rather then later.

Every Child goes to school, but we have had a declining school-system for so long that the children are not learning good. Every test-score around the western world is declining, our young adults have been taught to be stupid and our university-students have got too many scam-educations promoted towards them to obtain diplomas that have no real value in the real world.

A Child is an adult in the making - lets make all of them super useful by changing the ground education to medical science.

Politicians love to talk about health-reforms, but every health-reform they produce, is just the same as the previous one with a new name, higher costs and a new administration - nothing changes for the better, and in the healthcare-system we lack doctors and nurses in every ward - the list to get an operation by a qualified team of doctors is long, and patients die before they get treatment.

So my suggestion is to make every child that start in school from age six to be a fully qualified medicinal doctor by the age of twelve. This can be done by taking out all the useless political propaganda-lessons currently in school-books and free up 60% of the time for the children to study medicine every day - from basic stuff in first grade next to spelling and mathematics to more advanced in second grade with more advanced mathematics and symbols etc.

Children learn faster then adults, so letting children go through the "dumb school" for 18 years before attending medicine studies is absurd - no wonder we have so few doctors, engineers and important know-how people in this world - we need to change this and YES WE CAN!

Lets do this - The right way - Finally!

He will be a doctor very soon


From 1st to 11th Grade the day-to-day plan should look like this:

1st Grade - 6 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

3 hours of medicine, anatomy & chemistry basic

2 hours of mathematics progressive

1 hour of speaking and spelling progressive

2 hours of sports to end the day

no homework

2nd Grade - 7 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

3 hours of medicine, anatomy & chemistry progressive

2 hours of mathematics progressive

1 hour of speaking and spelling progressive

2 hours of sports to end the day to end the day

no homework

3rd Grade - 8 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of medicine, anatomy, chemistry & advanced medicinal science

2 hours of mathematics advanced to take the step up to engineer-level quicker

2 hours of sports to end the day

no homework

4th Grade - 9 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of medicine, chemistry & advanced medicinal science

2 hours of mathematics & computer programming

2 hours of sports to end the day

no homework

Children Doctors

Imagine how well educated these children are now after all this training - and they are still just half way through

5th Grade - 10 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of medicine, chemistry & advanced medicinal science

3 hours of advanced mathematics & advanced computer programming

1 hours of sports to end the day

no homework

6th Grade - 11 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of advanced medicine, chemistry & science

4 hours of advanced mathematics, algorithms & computer programming

1 hour of sports to end the day

7th Grade - 12 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of super-advanced medicine, chemistry & science

4 hours of super-advanced mathematics, algorithms & computer programming

1 hour of sports to end the day

8th Grade - 13 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of super-advanced medicine, chemistry & science

4 hours of super-advanced mathematics, algorithms & computer programming

1 hour of sports to end the day

7th Grade - 14 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of super-advanced medicine, chemistry & science

4 hours of hyper-advanced mathematics, algorithms & computer programming

1 hour of sports to end the day

8th Grade - 15 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of advanced medicine, chemistry & science Practice at a clinic or hospital

4 hours of super-advanced mathematics, algorithms & computer programming

1 hour of sports to end the day

9th Grade - 16 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of advanced medicine, chemistry & science Practice at a clinic or hospital

4 hours of ultra-advanced mathematics, algorithms & computer programming

1 hour of sports to end the day

10th Grade - 17 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of advanced medicine, chemistry & science Practice at a clinic or hospital

4 hours of ultra-advanced mathematics, algorithms & computer programming

1 hour of sports to end the day

11th Grade - 18 year olds - Monday to Friday

1 hour of sports to start the day

4 hours of advanced medicine, chemistry & science Practice at a clinic or hospital

4 hours of ultra-advanced mathematics, algorithms & computer programming

1 hour of sports to end the day



And then it is time to go to university & college

The result will be amazing - instead of producing insecure young adults who now shall go to university or college, we have instead produced young adults that know how to practice medicine, deal with advanced chemistry, know how to program computers with very advanced knowledge In other words - we have produced not only one - but a whole generation of Doctors and Engineers who now have the whole future ahead of them to chose whatever career they want.

Every lawyer will be a doctor and an engineer too, every chef will be a doctor and an engineer, every single person will be a doctor and an engineer - which will create an inflation of people who know how to fix people and build advanced structures, software & nothing will be impossible for them.

Open Source Medicine

Imagine a world where everyone can fix everyone and everything? - We can make it happen by changing the way we school our kids.[/caption]

A world where everyone is educated in the two most important branches of society - Medicine & Engineering, can you imagine the skill-level in the universities & colleges? - it will be amazing, everyone will be useful and have the knowledge to increase the wealth, health and peace in the world.

We have tried to destroy each other every year for generations - war after war has been fought for no good reason what so ever - in retrospect it is all shame. The vietnam-war, such a shame, world war 2 - shame, the falklands war, shame - the genocide of the native americans, shame - the iraq & afghanistan-war, shame - and nothing good has ever come out of it - so we need to change the way we educate our children - if you send a man to take a life - that man should also know how to fix a life and build a structure or a machine - we need a world with real knowledge, understanding, know how and guts - and we can only achieve that by educating our children the right way.

I believe my idea is the right way - and I hope to see the idea fulfilled before my life is over. If you are like me and think this idea is good - please talk with others about it - make debates, bring people in, let us build a world we can be proud of - a world that is able to heal instead of destroying a world where medicine and know-how belongs to everyone and people compete to be better then their peers.

If you made it all the way down here, I wish to thank you for reading everything I wrote, I hope you got something to think about, talk about and new ideas on how to form the future.

You have now got my idea - Take good care of it and share it with everyone and please leave a comment below so we can discuss my philosophy, add to it or take something away. I call for an intellectual debate on this topic.

#philosophy #healthcare #life #medicine #education

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Wonderful as always, Fyrstikken. Don't forget to checkout my latest parody.

Sure @joseph , I´ll check it out :)

So my suggestion is to make every child that start in school from age six to be a fully qualified medicinal doctor by the age of twelve.

Why? This type of monoculture approach to anything is weak. Diversity is better. Teach kids well, teach kids to think, teach kids to be critical, but don't teach them all the same thing. Comment #2 of #1000.

Diversification is something that people can choose when they are 18. In case you have not noticed, the diversification in schools over the last 30 years is exactly the reason societies have been dumbed down so much.

Why do you think there is less then 40 people in the world who truly understand cryptography? - It is because most of the world has been distracted by complete bullshit-activities in the school-system so they never learned anything of importance.

Hot chicks will still be hot chicks in the future - but with a big useful brain full of important knowledge instead of all these pseudo-branches of useless studies that waste students time and money.

People are being rejected knowledge in a big way - Why do you think there are so few doctors in the world that can work with nano-technology? - It is because we live in a world that is upside down, and our children is not being educated right by the so called government who pushes their agendas down the throats of children to make them party-loyal-voters before they are old enough to vote.

We need to disrupt & change all that!

I disagree with that. The brain is shaped significantly but how it's trained when you are young. The more flexible you make kids, the more adaptable they will become. You can't smoosh rote education into kids monolithically and expect them to think different.

I would argue that never in history has knowledge mattered less. Rote education is a waste.

What's useful is critical thinking, adaptability, the ability to learn new things, the ability to interact with different settings.

I accept that you disagree, and I have read your reason for disagreeing - but I disagree with your statement.

When I was young, I loved to play with Lego, but my parents where poor back then, so they bought me copy-lego from Hong Kong when I asked for technic-lego.

I love technic-lego, it is absolutely fantastic and so educational - my friend on the other hand, his parents bought him technic-legos, a big set. Over the summer he built a remote-controlled car, and a few weeks after that he built a remote controlled detonator which he used to light up firecrackers from a safe distance.

If we all had - and we do have - the chance to start our life with the right tools - most of us in the world would be extremely useful instead of feeling useless in situations of mass-panic and the need for rescue.

My friend is now finishing his second PhD at the University of Oslo, he has won several prizes in programming on an extreme high level, but our IQ is the same - we are both very intelligent people - there just was not enough technic-lego for both of us to go around, so I became good at other things while he became a specialist on high tech.

During primary and secondary school - both of us got through it with a big bore as we understood the mathematics a few grades above us because we had programed together in the summer before we started school on his dads calculator from when he attended the university.

When we have the best teachers and the best tools - that is something to stretch for. The ruling elite has robbed us for knowledge and stirred up a whole lot of trouble that was not needed.

I think you are mismatching knowledge, access, and education.

Are there examples of the type approach you lay out being successful? What evidence or research supports what you laid out?

If nothing else, it created an interesting discussion!

Agree with the balanced approach to early education over being too prescriptive. Give kids exposure to many areas and make the learning fun.

the "let the children run wild" fantasy does not work - we have tested it for 30+ years and all it has produces is a big mass of brainless followers.

If a man falls on the street, people start filming him with the cellphone camera instead of offering him first-aid.

That is a result of lack of knowledge, lack of understanding - it is proof of stupidity is what it truly is.

I am also going to dedicate myself to the advancement of education by using Steemit. Great post! Let the debate begin!

I like your thoughts! I will follow you and support

Awesome @jennamarbles thank you :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)


(author unknown, and forget the fake einstein quote)

I support many of the conclusions and viewpoints offered by John Taylor Gatto's work... the Nuremberg funnel principle is not sustainable.

You have a point, though: school must empower children, and the grown-ups they become, if the world is to be healed.

It is so valuable - real knowledge-based education. Not a day wasted in school - every day solving new and harder puzzles with a reason and a logical meaning. Imagine :D

I'm a logic-driven person myself, so please don't misunderstand when I say that reason and logic are not the only value.

Imagine instead a school that helps children develop their own natural skills and talents - suum cuique, if you will. Where, although everyone learns the basic and fundamental skills in everything, each one can decide for herself which venue to pursue, which knowledge or understanding to deepen. In my view, it is not the job of the school to produce supermen, but to assist them develop and control their powers, be they water, fire, earth or wind.

Well you have a good idea in principle but in application I am not sure if you can pull off so much memorizing anatomy and studying chemistry etc at such a young age. The other problem is that the medical system is wack already. Now with that being said I still think your idea is better than what is being done currently. The education system is very lacking and highly controlled by the government status quo which isn't really producing any geniuses these days considering most of the scientists and engineers are coming from other countries then the USA which is entirely the USA fault. But anyways good post.

The Idea is on the blockchain now - these things does not change over night unless we overthrow the dysfunctional institutions and replace it with something that work.

Memorizing anatomy does not need to be hard or boring when we use modern technology to make it fun and educational and even practical.

Teachers seem to cling to their teaching-positions to protect their paycheck, we need an educational system that educates geniuses - a big part of the problem is teachers with very little knowledge to teach as well.

You can see them in the streets, grown men and women with office-jobs and government-jobs, chasing little pokemon-figures around the city.. They are willing to walk hundreds of miles when it is fun and benefits them.

What if you got steemdollars for putting together the human body the right way in an advanced anatomy-game? would that motivate you to learn faster? - Guitar-Hero Expert is pretty hard too, but it is fun - so people teach themselves how to master it.

Lets keep this topic warm, There is a lot of good ideas coming in.

Frystikken, that was a touching post. The problem is that most people can be kind, but there's always someone self-centered who will do bad things. And that starts a chain of a vicious circle.

I do think that education is fundamentally broken at this stage and needs a comprehensive reform. Have you seen the new Finland system? Check it out, I think you'll be impressed -

Thank you for your great comment, the education is fundamentally broken at this stage and needs a comprehensive reform.

I will absolutely check out your article on the matter.

I am very impressed with Finland, I have always looked up to them because I have been fortunate to follow the demoscene in scandinavia, so I know what the Finns are good for.

Finland produce a lot of top notch engineers, it is thanks to skilled finish people we had such things as Linux, 3D-Rendering in Realtime and advanced game-platforms so early.

Indeed! I'm a huge fan of Scandinavian culture. History has proven that if you want to see where the world is going - see what the Scandinavians are doing. The Finns may just be the coolest people in the world. :)

I hope the world follows their example and reforms education radically.


What if that is not what they want?

I love diversity !Every age has a great need for education and diversity !Just a ritual not support change .Thank you !

Nice proposition fyrstikken, a good way of getting a better humanity

thank you @bhokor

Agree kids need limitation and rules setup for them. Great idea, teach every child to be a genius and hope my kids are.

Brilliant, how come nobody thought of that?

Probably because the people who get to say anything in the old world are from the institutions who teach their students to think inside the box.

Just like Bitcoin revolutionized Money on the Internet, and Steemit revolutionizing social media and money on the Internet - we too must create disruptive technology for greater education.

with technology the greatest know-how-teachers could teach millions of children in a disciplined environment with qualified tutors.

Diversification will be provided in the first and last part of a school-day dedicated to "sports" which can be diversified.

My idea: stop letting them indoctrinate you and teach your kids how to teach themselves. It's also much more important to learn how to be healthy and grow your own food than to know how many gazillion light years away certain stars are or that a criminal named Columbus "discovered" America.

I have some questions. Where is all the homework? Do we still get time for eating lunch? Do we have cubbies or lockers? Are phones allowed? Is cheerleading a sport? Is competitive gaming a sport? Can we still have mathletes? Will education on sexual organs be non-binary?
In all seriousness, I like the structure of this. I'm a structured person however, so that doesn't mean much. Radical change seems like it would help, but change is almost never radical. How would the retention rate be calculated? How would secondary education work? How would parents still manage to exert their will? Would this system result in the positive feedback of achievement and lack thereof that currently exists?