Not So Common Sense, Lesson 1: How to Hack the Law of Attraction

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

What do consciousness, the law of attraction, and sacred geometry all have in common? They all hold infinite potential and possibility!

However, going into the lengthy descriptions about sacred fractals and abstract concepts of existence is not my intention here. Rather, I'd like to discuss how to use them to hack the Law of Attraction...


Why Hack the Law of Attraction?

The desire for more, better, and different is a human condition. The Law of Attraction allows us to feel like we are, in essence, the ones in control of our experience. For anyone new to this idea, the Law of Attraction advocates the belief that entertaining negative or positive thoughts will attract negative or positive experiences, respectively.

As I travel the planet and simultaneously explore the uncharted pages of my oh so animated soul... I find such beauty and fulfillment in studying consciousness and human potential. Even more, I believe there is a way to hack the Law of Attraction in order to manifest desirable experiences regardless of our judgement about our thoughts.

The terms 'positive' or 'negative' are relative, and depend on one's perspective. Yet, it doesn't change the fact that it can be quite challenging to inspire positive thoughts in a perpetually negative person, or in someone going through a genuinely challenging and overwhelming time in their lives. So, I find it empowering when I can use an alternative solution to the law that claims we think our way into our problems, or out of them for that matter.

Here is my 4 Step Process to Hack the Law of Attraction

Short & Sweet...

1) Notice the innate possibility that exist as the fundamental building block of your very nature... (ie--sacred geometry, consciousness, and the us of consciousness to practice this hacked 4 step process instead of the Law of Attraction)


2) Choose something you want to experience that you are not currently experiencing. (ie--happiness, confidence, wealth, sex, love)


3) Become aware of what is getting in the way of you having the experience you desire. (ie-- no body loves me syndrome, unemployment, poor social manners, ill competence)


4) Close your eyes and imagine the obstacle disappearing and see that it is possible. You don't have to be positive or negative about it, just open to the possibility! And VIOLA! Within seconds your reality can shift to support your desired experience! But wait, there's more!


Bringing it All Together...

The reason why it is not so common sense to accurately use the Law of Attraction is because the average person is unaware of their potential. A willingness to look at the big picture and identify the point at which all possibility is made manifest allows for an expansion in our consciousness, and room for more possibility for us to experience.

Most people believe that their circumstances define their potential. When actually, your belief in your potential defines your circumstance. Making thinking positive quite redundant for these types. Actually, thinking positive doesn't even help them because their belief is so strong that they are victims of their perceived fate. Which is misguided, of course...

A positive attitude doesn't equal the outcome of a positive experience. More steps are involved. Yet, by understanding the innate function of consciousness and sacred geometry, you can identify a source of your human potential...

That is, to identify the very fact you came into existence as the birth of infinite potential and possibility in the universe. So, give yourself a little credit. You likely are just telling yourself lies all day about reality in order to justify your circumstances. But, don't be hard on yourself, that's what the mind does! It's not personal. It's a symptom of being human.


You were born to do promising things... your consciousness came out of a that Zero-point little black hole (No pun intended) to express itself and experience it's full potential. It's kind of a big deal.

So, use the 4 steps above OR the Law of Attraction (it does work if you do it right), and rather than getting caught up in the need to be positive, focus on what is possible. And, in case you forgot... anything is possible!

MUCH LOVE... Hope this little reminder will empower at least 1 of you magical beings out there!

Jacquelyne Price TV (2).png

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Really love this post. Thanks for sharing!

great post , thx for sharing

Thanks!! Appreciate the upvote!! Just followed you, and happy to connect on here!

Awesome blog! Check out a blog I wrote that is similar to this:


thanks! will do!

Your post about the law of attraction reminds me of "The Secret", by Rhonda Byrnes. Have you ever seen the film or read the book? I think it's a good post and helpful to people, just wondered if you had seen or read the book. Btw, the picture of the female in the workout gym closes really has me "attracted" to her physically..

Jamie im currently reading 'The Power' which is the follow up book by Rhonda Byrnes - definitely a must read if you get the chance!

Thank You,

This Post Reminds Me That

Learning how to both control and not control the mind is key; also identifying and ignoring the ego. The ego loves words, your true self loves imagination and the present moment.

Bless <3


Absolutely 👠👠💃👒💖💖💖 ♨ ❣

Cant agree on everything, but good points though :)

Love the honesty :)

Great advice! Just what I needed to hear.

Yay!! So glad to hear! At least there is one ;) haha

Agree 100% Great article. I used similar techniques to lose weight!

Wonderful! Thanks for reading!

Nice post @jacquelyne =) Keep going, best wishes !

I am positivly thinking. BTC going up! :) Great work.

Many big claims here. Any evidence-backed examples? ;-)

Thank you! At last someone has said it. It is a matter of working on yourself. Upvoted.

Cool post, followed.

How do I channel these hacks to make my ex feel attracted to me again? I really do not want to let go. I know it sounds weird.
Nice piece. Upvoted and Followed ya

Great question!! I'll make a post about it! Thanks for the inspiration @samminator

It's an honour

You can't 'channel these hacks' my friend. Just let her go. This will only take you down a miserable path.

I'll think about this option

This is a straightforward model and I'm not sure why people would disagree, unless they dislike words like "sacred" or "geometry." Each person can test the concept, when possibly useful, and potentially derive benefit. The person's intention in the process is significant. When someone wants to do something, it's more likely that the person can. Being aware of what can be done, plus thinking of how to do it, surely will help someone get closer to their intention. Pre-determined potential, although incredibly interesting to discuss, is a bigger concept. But, starting with reflection and consideration seems useful for even the greatest skeptic. Thanks for taking the time to focus and make the concepts clear and actionable.

So I have to use mind bending to bend my consciousness into path I want to take? So, for example I imagine a goal that I want to reach and simply think about all obstacles disappearing. By doing this I can "see" that reaching my goal is possible and therefor become enabled to reach that goal? Or is it only working for obstacles that we have in our mind?

Thanks for asking! Love to clarify... By believing things are possible, either feelings of joy or money in our bank account, it starts with believing it is possible. Then, we are able to conceive how to reach those goals. Our minds expand when we believe things are possible, making space for the solution to occur to us, and also feel inspired to do what it takes make it happen.

Ah I think i get it, by thinking "I will be reach" the mind get's, as you say, expanded to think of ways to make it happen, in the end reality!

Interesting thought. You're the 1st person that says positivity and negativity don't matter with the law of attraction. I'm curious, When did you come to that conclusion?

Most people believe that their circumstances define their potential. When actually, your belief in your potential defines your circumstance

I was just going to say. I know my potential but reality opens one door and shuts another. Lol then I read the above sentence and I laughed because it's just so true. There is no going around it.

I have actually grown into a more positive person but life hits hard especially when your trying to strive for better. I know it will eventually all work out in the end.

I found steemit after all.

Yes! @jpinka looking forward to following your journey!! thanks for following mine!

Love it

Really good post!!! I cant wait to try and implement this in my life. Will be following you

Love it

Jacqueline, great post on laws of attraction. Will use with some of my folks news to these concepts. Upvoted resteemed and followed

Great article!


Amazing photos

Hey @jacquelyne , I have started a podcast recently where I interview other entrepreneurs.

The podcast is on my youtube channel, and here is the playlist:

We talk about what you are currently doing in life, your business as well as your journey and any lessons or advice you want the world to know.
A casual conversation about entrepreneurship, and, about you.

The passion you bring to your expressions is great :)

By all means, keep going that way.

Great Stuff , a different name for mental contrasting.. very nice jacket very nice.