in philosophy •  7 years ago 


BEHOLD, THE GREAT PANDEMIC IS UPON US.. The location of PATIENT ZERO is unknown and the VECTOR OF TRANSMISSION has yet to be identified; however, the PATHOGEN has been. PROCRASTINATION has infiltrated the POPULATION and single highhandedly decimated the DREAMS OF MILLIONS of people. While the symptoms MANIFEST themselves differently in each individual the END RESULT is always the same; the disease attacks the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEMand causes PROGRESS PARALYSIS. This ultimately inhibits your ability to make advancements in life and STUNTS GROWTH. EDUCATION of PROCRASTINATION is the best form of prevention. Don’t let your DREAMS AND AMBITIONS become a STATISTIC:

“the action of delaying or postponing something”- The Dictionary on my shelf that my Grandma gave me.

As long as there has been time and free choice HUMAN BEINGS have been wrestling with procrastination. While it would to simple to state that we, as humans, are susceptible to procrastination because we are inherently LAZY; the real reason is more complicated than that. We are “BIOLOGICAL” organisms which has undergone thousands of years of evolution to get to our current form. During that time the human has adapted to hardships (physical and mental) in the most efficient way possible to increase to probability of survival (KEYWORD IS SURVIVAL). The human body, when faced with a challenge, will ALWAYS choose the path that requires the least amount of ENERGY to be expended. From a BIOLOGICAL STANDPOINT to PRESERVE energy is to PROLONG survival. Therefore, when we procrastinate we are doing so in response to an action we SUBCONSCIOUSLY perceive as a THREAT . In that respect, procrastination is NORMAL, but in order to become EXCEPTIONAL you need to OVERCOME that instinct.

Procrastination will prevent you from completing the things that PROGRESS you towards accomplishing your GOALS and DREAMS. IT will PREVENT you from advancing economically, DAMAGE close relationships, HARM one’s ambition and many other HORRIBLE THINGS. Early detection is crucial because allowing procrastination to take hold and run its course can result in life long effects.

Procrastination can only flourish in situations where there is an ABUNDANCE of TIME. You cannot CHOSE to do anything else other than IMPORTANT ACTIONS if you do not give yourself time to STRAY from the GOAL. A good way to eliminate time is to make a TO-DO LIST that advances you towards your goal. Once that is done, complete each activity in RAPID succession. Once the list has been COMPLETED you then can participate in non-essential activities. This will override your body’s inclination to take the *PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. Once you learn to do this YOU WILL BE AMAZED at the PROGRESS you can make in a short period of time!


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Amazing job @jawilder Followed...

Simple, just do everything that you start till finish, and the more you do the more you understand the reasons why the end is just a new beginning and the beginning should never end... just my opinion... great post!