When you are dismissed from a job is not the end of the world, it is just the opposite is another opportunity to start a new life.

in philosophy •  6 years ago  (edited)

Most people have experienced a layoff. It is not pleasant for anyone to go through this experience, even when the conditions of our work do not please us. Although this is the bread of each, it does not stop being a frustrating situation that, depending on the circumstances, even has a very large emotional impact on the person.

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The dismissal implies a rejection, a signaling and a step towards uncertainty. Rejection because it implies the exclusion of the workspace and what it represents symbolically. Signaling because it implies a negative evaluation of our activity or behavior within the organization. And I move towards uncertainty because, in most cases, there is no other job waiting around the corner.

It is, without a doubt, a delicate moment. However, we are the ones who elaborate their meaning, which means that we have the opportunity that a job dismissal does not become a trauma or a serious difficulty. Finally, life does not end with it, although it involves enormous difficulties at a given moment. We must manage the situation and prevent it from overflowing. Here are some ideas that can help.

"Sometimes the only way to move forward is to leave everything behind."

Keep calm and relax

Although it seems difficult to assimilate, the truth is that, for one reason or another we always end up leaving the places where we should not be. Sometimes it is difficult to understand at first, but it was probably time to leave. Maybe we did not fit into that organization. This is not necessarily negative.

At the beginning it is difficult to evaluate everything. Therefore, the first thing you should do is keep calm and do not give free rein to those negative ideas that appear after a job dismissal. Do not make a movie in your head thinking that you started a bad run or that the world is going to come on you. Instead, focus on what needs to be done from now on.

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After the dismissal work must be taken

After the dismissal ... it is true that a stage of uncertainty begins. The best way to deal with it is to organize yourself to the fullest. Check the status of your finances first. You have to cut back as many expenses as possible. If you have debts, evaluate if it is necessary to talk with the creditors to establish new conditions. You can always, because they are also interested in finally being able to pay.

It is also important that you make a list of all those people you know who can eventually help you get a new job. Write down even those you have not seen in a while. Then, prepare a message to send it. Tell them that you are out of work and that you would appreciate being informed about any work option they know.

Prepare your job offer

Job dismissal forces you to dust off your resume and renew it. It is a good opportunity to modernize it and give it a more personal touch. Currently there are many options. One of them is to prepare a presentation video and include the link in your CV.

It is also very important that you head your candidacy to the job offers that you oppose with a couple of phrases that identify you and that are compelling. Highlight your best virtues. Take advantage also to look for work in branches or sectors that you like. Surely there is a company looking for someone to do what you are good at or like.

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A job dismissal is also an opportunity

While a new job comes out, it will come out, even if it is not quickly, you can also take the time to consider a new option: be your own boss. Do you know how to do something that allows you to work independently? Any skill works. What one knows can teach. If there are manual skills, they can be applied. Internet is a good source of opportunities to realize your new business.

To do business you do not need to be an inventor or have a large capital. The essential thing is to investigate to detect needs that one can cover. Look at examples of companies that have gone ahead. Learn to make a business plan and get down to work. It is a matter of decision. In fact, if it turns out, you could continue with your business, even if you get a new job.

The important thing is that you realize that a job dismissal is not the end of the world. It is clear that they are taking you out of your comfort zone and, sometimes, generating a series of worries. But if you assume a positive and active attitude, surely you will be able to turn this problem into an opportunity.

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Very inspiring and motivating post...❤
Totally agree with every point of this post...!
I also ever experience a dismissal from a job, and this is not the end of the world...

Thanks for sharing, dear @joelgonz1982

Yes, you mentioned all real points.But in my point of view whenever we failed then we should not give up.We struggle more and more for another opportunity , may be another opportunity will be best for us.
When one door closed, hundreds open.

Ok my friend, when 1 door is closed another opens ... the best thing is what happens, here is my case study psychology by destination I could not finish my studies due to economic problems. Thank God I got a quick job, but my new job did not give me enough time to finish my studies, after a while I lost my job due to the economic problem my country is going through. You gave me an idea tomorrow I will publish my story.

sorry that my vote is low is that I lost my steempower delegation

Very sad! Good luck for the future.