The Art of the Argument: Western Civilisation's Last Stand - Stefan Molyneux

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

I'm reading "The Art of The Argument: Western Civilization's Last Stand" by Stefan Molyneux and wanted to share this quote with you.

"The first thing to understand is that The Argument is everything. The Argument is civilization; The Argument is peace; The Argument is love; The Argument is truth and beauty; The Argument is, in fact, life itself.

What do you think of when you hear the word “argument”? Probably nagging spouses, battling coworkers, internet flame-wars, scolding politicians – the kind of win/lose verbal wars that only end when one person cowers in exhaustion and gives up his position.

That is not The Argument.

The Argument is the rational map that allows us to navigate and meet in reality. The Argument keeps us sane by reminding us of facts and reason and evidence. The Argument stops wars, abuse, bullying, manipulation and aggression of every kind. The Argument is the robust sport that stops hysterical escalation. The Argument prevents the scourge of violence: it is the only thing that can.

The Argument favors the intelligent, the prepared, the resourceful, the courageous, and the well-trained. The Argument rewards intellectual and moral virtues of every kind. The Argument promotes the most civil to the highest reaches of influence in society, and demotes fools and bullies to the basements of irrelevance.

In short, we can embrace The Argument and have civilization – or we can reject The Argument and descend into a living hell without end.

There is no other choice."

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He has some odd definitions. While I would have some pedantic disagreements, the idea behind it I agree with.

I'm excited to read it for myself, and become intellectually armed to the teeth!