Smartphone or Imaginary Friend?

in philosophy •  8 years ago  (edited)


Recently, after some serious mental overload I took a 4-day hiatus from the constant chatter of social media. I disabled the Facebook/Messenger app from my phone in hopes of escaping (even if momentarily) the constant standing at attention and availability that social media seems to encourage and perpetuate. I had began to find myself irritated and disgruntled by the cult of opinion and the effortless entitlement people express every little and utter thought their brain can produce regardless if it’s relevant, helpful or even remotely accurate. As I disabled my online presence and made my hasty escape I anxiously waited for the melodious sounds of crickets, the lack of notifications from my phone and the ability just to “be” in a moment without looking at and/or needing my phone. Smart phones have become the new imaginary friend of our contemporary times (It’s totally true).

Initially I was surprised by the slight twinge of anxiety and dependence I felt by my pseudo-liberation from the net (I do have to maintain some connection to social media in my work so it wasn’t an absolute rupture but a partial one). I must admit there was this lurking fear in relation to what I was missing. I mean, after all, there could be some life altering post that I failed to grasp the opportunity to read, right? I made friends with this angst, and started to reflect on my relationship to technology as a means to feel validated and connected. However, even though I accept the premise that technology connects us, I still question if we are truly connecting in the ways we communicate today. As always, I find myself thinking about stuff, my place in the world and more accurately how I can authentically feel connected in a matrix of texts, tweets, snapchats and instagrams. I must confess to finding this extremely difficult as of late and if I am completely honest I will further admit to not feeling connected to much of anything lately. Consequently, I have found myself slightly repulsed in what we have evolved (or more accurately devolved) to. Have authentic human interactions become an antiquated substitute for matrix connections?

I have read about these kinds of matrix connections and have come to understand them as something called “ambient intimacy”. The term "ambient intimacy" conjures in my mind some dimly lit room, in some dank bar on the wrong side of town, to which we only go to participate in clandestine affairs and shady financial transactions. Is ambient intimacy just a cheap facsimile to the "real" thing? Or has real, face-to-face intimacy just become too bothersome, problematic and messy for us to endure it anymore? When did we become so busy that we no longer enjoy each other in human terms? Often, in retaliation to these kinds of insights I am reminded about how social media connects us on levels and in ways never possible before. We can Skype with someone a country away, send a text to someone in Australia or New Zealand after all, right? What’s the problem? So, yeah, what is the problem, I ask myself? Mostly, these things require no effort or thought much like a lot of the posts on Facebook (Oh the bitter irony, as I recognize this also includes my ramblings and insights). Communication has become a race to the bottom commodity that requires little thought and even less effort.

Has anyone else started to realize that hearing someone’s voice has often become tedious and we would much rather they just send us a text? Has the "bubble of me" just become too comfortable for most of us? Does all that connects us really just serve to disconnect us from our relations to one another? Ultimately, social media is not going anywhere, anytime soon. If we are to play nice with social media, how do we not lose the fundamental connection to each other in the information highway ether? I still am stumped as far as these three particularly vexing questions: 1. Are the interactions we encounter through online websites, social media and smart phones real? 2. Are these online interactions just the illusion of intimacy and connection? 3. If ambient intimacy grants us the ability to be hyper-connected why do I so often find myself so paradoxically disconnected? I am seriously worried about this trend and I have no idea how to reconcile the human experience with the digital age.Maybe Google has an answer to these questions because I sure don’t??

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Good post keep it up. I feel the same and just posted this today on reddit:

It reads: "I AM THE REVOLUTION and it won't be televised. Hey you beautiful followers I have unplugged from the matrix by putting 'all my eggs in one basket' off grid in bitcoin. So far have been handsomely rewarded. So I pulled all fake (fiat) money out and moved to: community money, computer money or Internet money as some call it. I am mad at the system stealing from me via inflation and am fighting back hard, as I am the revolution! Before cashing it out and building a retirement home I am going to jump into my 1985 VW Camper Van and drive from Vancouver BC to Cuba. Hopefully there is a ferry from Key West Florida that can handle the VW. If not I may fly from there. I will be blogging my trip. I will be taking pictures, saying how my computer money is growing, talking global monetary policy which may include politics. I am not a financial advisor, so I caution all, but I am a 35 year experienced expert on finance and hobby in information technology."

That will be an interesting trip to follow. Sounds amazing. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Yeah, I find myself at odds with a lot of things as of late and often feel on the fringes of what is our contemporary culture. It often feels I am going through the motions of things that don't make sense anymore and it seems the more you go down the rabbit hole with anything it just turns out to be some sort of well orchestrated scam. Simone de Beauvoir once said, "Values come only from our choices." Perhaps we can soon all start to make better choices? I am not without hope this can happen.

Yes, I am making a choice to unplug from the matrix pull my money and move on the road. Gonna give that a try for up to a few years. Might only make it one winter but will brave the new world.

Well, one doesn't know until one tries. But I think there is a latin proverb that goes something likes this: "audaces fortuna iuvat". Fortune favours the bold. May it be worth every risk and provide you with great adventure.


I am working on it promise! I just dropped my laptop on the floor....everything is fine though. Been one of those days. Hope you are having a great day!

Been a long day here too trying to reach my 14K post ... but I did it :)) Steem on @kobiespriggs!

You are a machine @mindhunter. Cyborg Philosopher!

No need to feel anxious on here @kobiespriggs! Put your heart on the chopping block everyday like I do on here and people will follow you and take you to their hearts.<3 Steem on girl!

"Writing is easy. You just open a vein and bleed." I am ready, able and willing to bleed. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement.

42:43 into my Viggo vid now - he is one great orator! Bleed/Steem on!!

I was succumb with chills and that swell in your chest when you see and recognize beauty in the moment.

...and because the world is absurd, we must provide it with all its meaning ....

Throwness does present a particular problem. Being-in-the-world-with others....another. This morning I will choose the cup of coffee.

Nice. My favourite passage from that vid has inspired a post coming v.soon :) ....

That makes me very happy! I look forward to reading it!

Beautiful words.

@kobiespriggs, I suppose I'm the Perpetual Pollyanna in some sense... always trying to find the positive in the negative. For me, technology simply "is" and we have a choice in what we do with it.

Personally, I take "technology breaks" all the time; maybe it's easier for me since I am an Olde Pharte who remembers living before the Internet... and yet? I make my living online.

And yes, there is a slight irony in going online to write, but I am really not doing anything I wouldn't be doing (journaling my thoughts and observations) anyway.

Like most things, the web can be looked at from different angles... it brings us together with people we'd otherwise never have crossed paths with, while it also removes us from the circulation of daily life and its interactions.

A lot of this reminds of some of the early research done on web patterns... back in the late 1990's, we were trying to define a new definition of the concept of "here." We are "here" on Steemit, but what does that MEAN? And is it REAL? Ultimately, we concluded that online interaction is no more or less real than any other kind... what differs is the "order of operations." Online, we tend to get to know people "from the inside out;" while in meatspace we get to know people "from the outside in." At a party, we might "approach" someone because they are "hot" or they have a nice smile... online, we approach from a different metric; often what someone said and (claimed) they stand for... the rest fills in.

Yeah, it's complicated...

PS: If you aren't already following him, check out @barrydutton, who writes a "Daily Digital Detox" column here on Steemit.

Hello denmarkguy. Thank you for the well thought out response as it is much appreciated. It is always refreshing to read well articulated commentary. Yeah, it is strange I sometimes ask myself if the mask comes off more in online interactions due to some sort of feeling of a buffer. That being said, I think also the reverse can be true. Online stuff is at best confusing and it pushes the level of our understanding of ourselves and others. Thank you very much for the recommendation as I will check it out.

I'm a big fan of the @denmarkguy - one clever philosophically observant dude!

I totally followed him!

We are more worthlessly interconnected than ever before. Very little value to any of it, terribly lacking in substance. Most of our relationships are worthless, because they took nothing more than an "add" or "follow" button to establish, and because our own lives are so unfulfilled and lacking in every way, we need the constant clatter to mollify us so that we do not "lose our shit", only because we are being comforted in knowing that at least everyone else is just as unhappy and their lives are just s shitty and unfulfilled. Have a great day! :D

@deanclifford But..but I follow you? Doesn't that mean anything? That reply cheered me up immensely. Hey, at least I am miserable and my life sucks but so does everyone else's. I take comfort in a multiverse theory. I am certain I am not the worst version of me although, granted, I am not the best either. But I try.......god lord do I try.

@deanclifford P.S "No power in the Verse can stop me". Be a little sanguine would you? ;) <3