In Ancient Egypt (Kemet), magic or magick was called "heka". Heka was magic as the art of mouth, the art of meaningful speech, the power of speech, the "word" that spoke the universe into creation. Magic as the power of speech is a creative power to influence and affect the consciousness or mind of others.
If you're familiar with the Trivium Method, the aspect of Rhetoric is the Art of Communication. This 3rd phase in the trinity is also representative of Wisdom, Output and Action, the culmination of the other two aspects of the trinity, Knowledge-Input-Grammar and Understanding-Processing-Logic.
Why was speech and the mouth used?
Heka was a foundational concept (like maat) in Kemetian creation mythopoetic narratives to represent the importance that speech and rhetoric have to change and alter the world around us through the influence and affect that word symbols have on consciousness.
Heka was externalized, personified, anthropomorphized, reified and deified as a "god" to represent this idea.
The symbolic mythopoetic creation mythology analogized this through the power of speech in creating all the other "gods" that represented different understandings of aspects of reality and consciousness qualities. Heka permeated everything in creation, since it was all created through the art of mouth, meaningful speech, magic.
Heka is he-ka, and the word "he" can be seen as a symbol of entwined loops to symbolize time, infinity, and eternity, used to represent millions of years in some cases (like the "heh" does). It has a more important meaning when used with the all-powerful symbol "ka".
Ka was used to symbolize Power, Energy, "Spirit", Life. Ka is our Moral Essence, the "Spirit"-Essence-Nature of Life Potential we can exemplify/embody, from the power of our hands & arms, as actions & deeds. Know-thyself. Ka-racter, ka-risma, who we are, our character, behavior, actions and deeds, determines our quality of life. This is a moral potential to continually evolve consciousness into higher, realer, truer, more authentic versions of ourselves.
Heka is to employ, use or engage in the power or energy within us, the power of our consciousness, psyche, "soul", "spirit", and conscience of our moral nature and moral essence that determines the quality and condition of our lives. Moral Truth was the other all-pervading foundational concept of Ancient Kemet, called maat, or personified as the "goddess" Maat.
Tarot deck
Heka symbolizes our actions through cyclic time, as in the Wheel of Dharma, Karma, Time, Fortune, Fate, Destiny, boundaries of behavior for living. We reap what we sow. We create our own destiny, fate and fortune through time.
Much of what makes things flow in our human created world and reality, are our actions. Words and speech are especially powerful to influence, affect, and potentially manipulate consciousness to act and behave in certain ways of living to create the way of life we lead.
There are many ideas that are sold where people buy into them and live accordingly. These are spells, invocations, conjurings, that are injected into consciousness through the simplicity of being heard and listened to. This is magic of the highest kind, imperceptible, hidden, mysterious, unless you know how to see and hear what is being done to you.
Heka is a magical power potential in all higher consciousness beings that can use the art of mouth to influence others. This power is also represented through "ka", the power/strength potential of our actions to output into the world, which includes our speech/rhetoric. Everyone is a potential "magician" or "wiazrd" with the power to act upon reality in a positive way to influence others. The positive is representative of what is right, good and true, the symbolic "Higher Will", the higher, realer, truer self potential (a.k.a. "Higher Self" symbolic externalized imagined belief), of using our will-power and actions based in understanding and living in the Moral Truth.
When used incorrectly in a negative way, to bend other people's will to your own will with manipulation, lies, deceit and falsity, would make you a "sorcerer" instead.
"The power of words which have conscious (or unconscious) meaning, when spoken or chanted aloud, have an ecstatic quality which may bring one into a hypnotic or meditative state."
- Michael Ford (Necrominon - Egyptian Sethanic Magick)
Chant, entertain, amuse, amaze, mesmerize, hypnotize. These produce altered states of consciousness that can be induced, invoked, inculcated and summoned into consciousness, just as a magic spell in fictional stories can summon things into reality. These spells cast on the mind will summon images, ideas and beliefs into our consciousness, and also specific actions and behaviors into the world.
Government is one example, a belief cast on consciousness to live a certain way in life, of subsuming our authority to an external centralized authority. Through the magic of words and speech people are influenced and controlled to generate actions and create the human world we have, just like summoning things into reality.
There are people who have influence through charisma and charm and can "magically" charm others and put a spell on people, emotionally and cognitively. Speech tone and repetition can entertain, amuse, amaze, mesmerize and hypnotize others to induce a state of experience in consciousness. A manipulator, a con-man, a dark "sorcerer", can make you experience something that "feels-right" through a convincing false reality, where you judge your experience to be real, "feeling-right", even though it is false. Deceptions can "feel-good" and "right" but be wrong and false.
The magic of word symbols, "magical phrases" like buzz words and other keywords, can be used as opiates to fearful masses. Make people "feel-good", love-bomb them, and you can more easily gain their trust, loyalty, faith and belief in you as someone to listen to and follow in life. "Spiritual" gurus and other popular speakers and leaders have this effect on people, whether intended or not. Some know it and make use of it to win-over and control the minds of others.
This is what politicians do with their sophistry and rhetoric to lie and manipulate people's consciousness into certain behaviors. The entertainment industry, television, media, "gurus", politicians, priests, and more, can all amaze, mesmerize, hypnotize, induce, summon and invoke images, beliefs and altered states of consciousness to entrain us into specific modalities of living.
Magic understood this way, is not only an art we can use in varying degrees of mastery, but also a science in itself that can be objectively measured by the affect it has on consciousness and the resulting actions that are produced to create, manifest and generate the human world and way of life we have created for ourselves.
We can practice and master this art and science to create more good, right and moral truth into the world, and we can also do the opposite and create more evil, wrong and immorality into the world. Understanding principles of moral truth is a supreme importance to determine the condition and quality of life we lead.
A magician or wizard is concerned with the suffering of all beings and seeks to alleviate that suffering of all by influencing consciousness to understand the root causal factors of how we create the conditions of suffering for ourselves on this planet. They are not solely concerned with their own suffering, and use their will-power to try to find ways of ending the problems, chaos, immorality, evil, violence, enslavement and suffering in the world by being concerned with and including other beings into a larger scope, worldview and perspective. Caring for ourselves requires also caring for others.

Sorcerers use their will-power to create advantage and gain for themselves or their circle of concern alone, and often at the expense of others because it's about them and theirs; their circle of inclusion of their family, their friends, etc.; "my truth", "my freedom", "my survival", while they find ways to justify their actions against others because they are not included in their circle of concern and care.
We are bound together, connected, in how we collectively aggregate our actions and behaviors in a social context to create the environment that we live in. We can create and have greater freedom, peace, prosperity and anarchy (no rulers, no masters, no slaves), compared to the enslavement, war, scarcity and chaos we are still creating for ourselves on this planet. It all starts in consciousness and ends in action.
We are all in this together. Even if we have our own particular geographical zone of comfort and convenience, overall our condition of life on this planet is still in a state of suffering. We have to influence others to seek moral understanding to prevent us all from running off the cliff.
Magic is influence, affect, induction, etc. Everything you hear and see, from other people speaking, what they do, the media, and everything else in your socio-environmental scope of perception, is affecting you from the day you are born until the day you die, and it all shapes you into who you are and who you become.
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
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A thought provoking post. I continue to enjoy your depth of knowledge on subjects. A question though. I have had this debate for years with many self proclaimed light workers. You have not given yourself the title here, so not assuming you are. And one clarification, while I find lightworkers to be naive, they are usually the type of goodhearted people that draws the protector out in me.
You said
How do you reconcile this with the dark sorcerers intent/actions that indeed have an impact on those they seek to manipulate? Based on ancient writings that mentions cycles, we appear to be in what they referred to as the age of Kali, where much turmoil and betrayal will exist. (Throwing that last part in as a random thought as you may be familiar with the idea)
I have never bought into the idea that all of the hardships that came to me from my earliest remembrance were the result of choices I made to will them into happening. It also seems illogical to me that others would seek to influence me with word and deed if they were not at times successful in their devices (which based on the shit show I see around me they are batting a high average in success).
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Yes I could be more specific. It's both we as individuals in our own lives coupled with we as a species. We create our own suffering for the most part as a collective group and species, but individually others can indeed make us suffer and do evil things to us. The terminology was not well developed, sorry. I have talked about it in other posts but failed to clarify more precisely here. We create our own destiny, fate, fortune and future by our actions as individuals, but we are also in a co-dependency with the actions of others who also affect what happens in the world.
No, I'm not a light worker by self-description, but I can understand the symbolism of that characterization being applied. ;)
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Here is my interpretation: H is a wick. ka is the life force. Heka, channel the life force. I'm having trouble with you associating H with an eternity symbol. Heka looks more like a conduit, discipline, rules, walls, boundaries symbol to me. ka is just the life force. It is not useful unless it is embodied.
I like your writing and I agree with you on many things. However, I disagree that there is eternal morality. Morality is a construct of humanity. We need morality to live meaningful, productive, peaceful lives. However, we write the rules according to what we value and how the natural forces and human nature will allow us to get what we value. It is unfortunate that recent governments are writing rules that are to to detriment of countries as a whole but the writers of those rules do not live by the values that they think everyone else should live by. For example, take open borders and letting criminals out of jail. A lot of the "rules" that Barack Obama and the Globalist virtue-signallers are writing for us seem good to some because they are promising some sort of "union with the divine" or utopia or heaven on earth for everyone. They assume that criminals will stop being criminals if you let them out of jail. They assume that people will be productive if you just let them roam around. This is not so because we are still animals. Animals form predator-prey relationships. Just like predators die off if you take their food, human predatory behavior like murder, rape, and pedophilia will not go away unless you take away the food by making enforceable rules backed up by social norms (it is impossible for law enforcement to do its job without people adhering to an appropriate social contract).
The writers of the rules do not follow the rules they expect us to follow. They live behind walls with security guards but we are not allowed to live behind walls with security guards or we are racist or have some kind of phobia. They are allowed to do acts that would be criminal for the rest of us and get away with the acts because they have held some kind of political position like the Clintons. They give employment to their friends and family but the rest of us have no job security. Etc. etc. They are able to get away with it because they have undermined morality and ethics and a large chunk of people have let them get away with it.
Perhaps the stupid who let the rule-makers undermine reality need to believe that there is some kind of divine and universal morality so that they will follow the social contract and behave themselves. I'd like to go along with this fallacy for "the good of society". However, it isn't the truth. We have to figure out the rules and we have government to enforce them and protect what we value. Metaphysical forces (including a highest "God") will not do it for us.
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Ka is embodied in actions. That's the point. Symbolism of arms, hands. For the 'he'. I went by the symbolism rather than the letter sound used for the wick symbol. Also, 'he' related to 'heh' for 'millions of years' as a way to describe eternity, infinity. It ties in well to me.
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I see you altered your original post. I didn't say there was "eternal morality" anywhere...
If there were no beings with higher order consciousness like us to abstract the concept of morality, then it wouldn't be known to be there. But that doesn't mean it's not a part of the process of interacting with other beings capable of feeling physical and psychological pain that we come to recognize.
Other animals demonstrate care, which is part of moral understanding, but they have lower consciousness capacities that limit abstraction of higher order concepts like morality which is a word to describe positive reciprocal interactions between psychological beings.
As such, the morality wasn't invented by us, it was a natural development of interacting with others. If only one psychological being with higher order consciousness to understand morality (human) was present somewhere and there were no other psychological beings (animals) to interact with, they wouldn't be able to necessarily recognize the abstract idea of morality because there would be no interactions possible with other psychological beings (animals) since they are the only one. That doesn't make it eternal though... You assumed I was talking about that.
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You've blogged about "Good" and "Evil" before and this post tied in to it. In this post, you say that "Ka is a moral essence" with a "moral potential" that we can develop to become better people.
Good and Evil are useful concepts but they tend to be based on what a person or group values.
Lately we've heard a lot about the values of Freedom and Equality. We've also heard new definitions of those values like Freedom means the Freedom to force your sexual fetishes on others or kill your unborn child. Equality means that everyone must have the same outcomes or someone somewhere is an evil racist. These weren't the intended definitions of the people who wrote our Constitution and yet they have been skewed into this new bizarre self-destructive "morality" based on nihilism or complete ill-regard for human nature and reality itself.
A lot of animal behavior is instinctive. I'm not sure that humans are that different. Our morality in the past was based on survival of groups or tribes. As populations grow and individuals are more able to get along without belonging to groups or tribes, new moralities may be necessary.
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You reminded me the proverb "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" and also that in Hebrew every letter has a numeric value so also has a power to influence.
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What we say can be powerful indeed. Look at the soldier who go off to war to kill other, as death-dealers. Look at beliefs who generate actions in people, just from others peaking beliefs for them to buy into... :/
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I had a feeling you were into this stuff. Cool.
Your reply to my last comment kind of went over my head, but there are a lot of word choices in this post that sound very consistent with the idea that matter arises from consciousness. You are much more academic in your understanding of things than I am though, so maybe I’m missing something.
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No I'm not saying anything about matter arising from consciousness. I am speaking about how words influence actions in the world. Words come from consciousness. Consciousness doesn't create reality itself. Consciousness through physical action creates the human world, a part of reality that deals with humans creating things.
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Highly rEsteemed!
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I'm glad you gained value from the post :) Thanks for the support.
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Very beautiful information sir @krnel
Attractive post for me as this is new information for me....
Thanks for sharing
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You're welcome, glad you liked it ;)
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Thú vị thật đấy
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Is a myzing
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Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: Knowledge is power.
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Motivational post for many this is truly awesome you are doing amazing things.
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Wizards vs Sorcerers
More convinced now than ever that we need to be pointing at the correct bogeyman, en masse... Us wizards have to work mighty hard to get everyone not represented by the corporate center to point and chant at the oligarchs in Western politics instead of chanting amongst our little tribes while pointing at the shadows that the oligarchs cast and the bogeymen they conjure and summon.
The sorcerers have a much easier job though; there is no debate as to who the mark is.
Thanks for sharing.
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Absolutely love your piece, I saw a comment that discussed the question of whether life is imbued with morality or whether such a thing exists, and I believe it does.
Yet it is not one given rule or statement that creates the moral framework, but it is ones own capacity of perceiving the moment one is in from the lens of having ultimate responsibility for ones actions and being conscious of that manifesting what feels as the most truthful and aligned solution to ones own self in that given moment.
To lack morality means to shed the burden of responsibility over your actions. Ultimately it weakens you, not because of some divine principle, but because to lie you have to go against what you know to be the truth to yourself. And as you do this more and more, you will cast a spell unknowingly upon yourself that will make it with each passing lie and manipulation harder to see the truth or even speak/act it since one is weakening oneself and compensating that weakening by greater and greater deception.
Absolutely love your post, a fellow magician and knight of truth, to crown oneself king and crown others their own sovereign a joy in life :)
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