What is enlightenment? What is truly real?

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Hello again.

As I stated in my initial posting, if we cannot understand the situation in which we find ourselves, we cannot evolve out of it. If we do not understand that we are suffering from a disease, we cannot find the cure. How then can we truly understand the dysfunctionality of our own condition? In other words, if we do not understand what it means to be "enlightened", then how can we understand that something is not right with the quality of our consciousness in the first place?

This is the question I would like to address today.

Let us assume, for the purposes of facilitating a discussion about what the "state of enlightenment" really is, that the world - the universe and everything within it and outside of it, if such can exist - may be divided into two separate sub-worlds.

The first of these worlds we shall call the world of illusion.

The second of these worlds we shall the real world.

Does this distinction really exist?

No, because an illusion is simply something that has an apparent existence only and is not actually real. If it isn't real, then it has no substance and the real world must be all that really exists. Like I said, these ideas are being brought forth for a particular purpose only, and that is for facilitating a particular type of discussion. Please bear with me.

Now we may further state that the "world of illusion" is recognised by almost all people everywhere, and that "the real world" is completely unknown to the vast majority of them. One of the significant sub-groups within this enormous group of those who do not recognise the existence of "the real world" are known as "scientists".

If the testimony of the great mystics of all ages is worth anything, we may suppose that one of the primary recognitions of those who enter an enlightened state is the fact that the entire universe is composed of a single, all-pervasive substance.

Is this the truth? Well, yes it is.

Can it be proven scientifically or mathematically? No.

How can it be known to be true, if it cannot be proven? The rational mind is not the arbiter of truth.

Can this last statement be proven? No. Can it be dis-proven? No.

The centuries long dispute between science and spirituality over who has the better access to truth is the evidence for this. Today, many scientists believe that only "science" is the true way to find out the truth about anything and everything. But lots of people disagree. Miss Terious is one of these people.

What is science good for discerning then? Are you saying that it is wrong, or that scientific proofs are invalid? No.

These are questions that deserve to be addressed properly, and there is no space for that in today's blog. I will address them fully in future postings. If a person has never tried spicy food, you don't season the dish with a mountain of fresh chillies and expect them to eat it all. No, you give them portions they might be able to handle. This is my intention for these blogs. They have to be constrained by the need for the right sized portions, or they may be rejected, and I don't want that.

The short answer is simply, "scientific proofs are true only in a limited sense". Here, we want only the absolute truth, because only the absolute truth is really the truth. If something is true only in a limited sense, it is not true by definition. Truth and absoluteness must go together, otherwise, no matter what it is that we are talking about, the truth is not it.

Let us continue.

I wish to contend that the one all-pervasive substance of which the universe consists is undetectable with all known scientific instruments. However, the one all-pervasive substance does have a peculiar property. This property is that the substance, while not detectable with our scientific instruments, is able to manifest into an infinite number of ever-changing "forms". These forms are detectable with our scientific instruments. In fact, our scientific instruments are themselves one of these "forms".

Exactly how does the one all-pervasive substance manifest into an infinite number of ever-changing forms? This is another question I will address in future posts.

These "forms" are detectable, not only with scientific instruments, but also by all of those who live in the world of illusion. However, the one all-pervasive substance is not detectable to them, because it is hidden, as it were, by the substantial apparent existence of the ever-changing forms.

Can the enlightened person detect the apparent existence of the ever-changing forms? The enlightened person knows that the forms are only apparent manifestations of the one all-pervasive substance. This is because enlightenment confers a greatly heightened sensitivity to the existence of the substance out of which the forms manifest.

Which of the five senses does the enlightened person use to perceive the existence of the all-pervasive substance behind the forms? The enlightened person uses a sense that is unrecognised and unacknowledged by science, and which acts through the mind.

You expect us to believe all this? Yes.

If you are tired of illusions, and you want to take hold of something real, come with me. If you are tired of this world, with its illusory pleasures and its temporary comforts, come with me. Come with me as we explore the two worlds and the ultimately illusory distinction we make between them. Come with me and I will lead you to a door. I can show you the way, but only you can make the decision to step inside.

To step inside, you must cross a threshold. This threshold is called, "the abyss".

Why is there an abyss? Well, the ego, on the threshold of truth, may form the belief that it is about to die. It is correct about this. And it can get scared. Really, really scared. It may try to run away from the door, to flee back into the world of illusions, where it feels more comfortable.

If it runs away, you are not ready for the truth.

Hey, don't be discouraged. It isn't as bad as it sounds! (well, later it will seem that way).

Here, inside, the real world awaits you. And it is good. And I'll be here waiting for you too, and then, guess what? Then you'll know the true identity of Miss Terious.

Better still, you'll know your own identity, too.

Yes, that's right, you'll know who you really, truly are.

Until next time,

I am

Miss Terious

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