No end is a true end without simultaneously being a beginning. The truth about goals is that they are not ontologically different than everything else we encounter in life. It is just the tension in our heads which makes goals seem distinct from the means of their achievement. Just as a goal can be a goal a mean can become a goal if one would only change the timescale.
Knowing that an end is an end gives us certainty and a point in time to which we can cling for support, thinking that once this even has occurred it would give meaning to all of the preceding actions. The belief in an end is false, but it is also useful. After the goal has been reached and the project has ended we move on to the next and have to find a way to do so. Life does not end with the achievement of some goal. This is the reason the belief is false.
The utility of it comes in the form of motivational force - a drive to achieve. Without it movement would be meaningless. Movement is eventually bound to overcome the meaning an end can give it. This happens when the end is reached and we realize that it was just the beginning of something new. Showing us once again that conceptual thinking slices reality into orderly chunks which we use for coping with the unknown.
And an end at the end...