video: Cycles, One Secret to Understanding Everything in the UniversesteemCreated with Sketch.

in philosophy •  3 years ago 

What do we mean by Cycles? Today we go on a short journey to reflect on some of the many Cycles around us. And we'll cover why those who don't look for Cycles will be at a greater loss in the world.

Cycles don't explain everything, yet they are a part of everything. Without understanding cycles, understanding the World becomes terribly more difficult.

There are popular quotes that give us an indication of Cycles in the world. A famous one from Mark Twain is-
"The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes"

This quote gets close to the concept of Cycles, but doesn't clearly convey the larger meaning needed to understanding reality.

Call it revolutions, sequences, patterns, repetitions or loops. The label Cycles isn't important. The most important thing is understanding that everything in the Universe is connected through these processes. From the smallest atomic particle, with it's nucleus and forever orbiting sub particles, all the way up to largest of galaxies. A gigantic center mass, with endless bodies traveling around and around.

Again and again we can look and find Cycles, Cyclical processes, around us. When we go outside, we see the sun in the sky, and at night without fail comes the moon and the stars. While outside looking at the stars it may start raining, and as the rain comes, it comes in annual cycles as well. Certain times of the year predictably having more rain than others. Filling up rivers, lakes, and streams. The fish swim back up stream again, and the birds migrate again from the North to the South.

Just as the Seasons pass, and go from Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. The leaves of the trees fall again. And the children play in the leaves, laughing and jumping, while their grandparents watch from afar as they continue to get yet another wrinkle, another gray hair, another year older.

The Cycle of life, or as some call it the circle of life. As one life ends, another begins. A new heart beat begins, the heart cycling open and closed from birth to death, and the blood it pumps, it pumps in a cycle through our body.

This journey of Cycles could go on and on, as these are just a few examples of Cycles around us. But what's the value of understanding Cycles?

Cycles are one of the great keys to understanding the universe. You see, most people recognize Cycles intuitively, but the real value comes from recognizing them consciously.

The value of recognizing them consciously comes through 2 keys points.

  1. Seeing that most Cycles do not perfectly repeat, and
  2. Timing to act on Cycles

We'll get back to Timing. First we must recognize the imperfection of Cycles. Some Cycles repeat in very irregular ways. For example the history of civilizations. Great civilizations rise, and great civilizations fall, but the ways in which this has happened has been extremely varied throughout history.

Other Cycles are extremely regular, such as the rotation of the Earth and Sun which, although they can appear exactly the same from year to year, they àre also imperfectly repeating. It is only our very limited lifespan as humans that prevents us from seeing greater astronomical changes with the naked eye.

Gauging the imperfection or irregularity of Cycles is what helps guide us in the final point, which is Timing. We can have the most perfect watermelon seeds, the richest garden soil, and all the best tools to raise crops, but if we plant those seeds outside at the start Winter, then we will certainly fail in producing anything.

When we use appropriate Timing of Cycles to take action in life, then we boost the gains of everything we do. When the farmer recognizes the Cycle of seasons, and plants crops with the proper Timing, then his results will be massively greater.

Cycles and Timing holds true for investing, and business as well. Today someone likely will not have a great business if they purchase a brick and mortar store trying to sell VHS movies or video game rentals. Those were a great business at one point in time, but it doesn't take a genius to see that time has past. The future will still have movies and games, but in different forms.

So in what other areas can we gain value from Cycles? The answer to that far greater than we know. Largely all of our human functions operate in cycles. Breathing, sleeping, working, eating, meditating, and healing. Especially healing. For example, an athlete doesn't train 24 hours a day. Rest and recovery are equally as important to the athlete as training. Training breaks down the body, and recovery time gives the body time to heal and grow stronger. This repeated Cycle of tear down and repair is the process every athlete has to go through to increase performance.

Leave a comment below on other Cycles you've been able to recognize.

In recent years, modern science has discovered great value from fasting and feeding Cycles. Having periods of eating, and periods of not eating. Autophagy is the hot topic among many who do fasting diets. But it's likely that science has only scratched the surface of understanding the rejuvenation benefits of fasting. Our ancestors have known about the value of fasting for thousands of years. And they have known of dry fasting, and temporarily abstaining from water also. And today, dry fasting is still a largely untapped area of science, but when you understand the significance of Cycles in our existence, then you can make intelligently advantageous predictions in life, even if the science doesn't yet exist.

Cycles give us insight into the future, based on the past, and to seeing what's to come. Every great civilization in history has come to an end, has come to fall, but humans have never yet experienced civilizations as great as we have today, and certainly never experienced a civilization that encompassed the entire world. A one world Government system appears to be on the horizon. And how will it look when this great system collapses? How many have already become utterly dependent upon this system we currently have? With every generation, there is an increased consolidation of Government power across the Earth. If you're listening to this recording, then likely smart enough to understand what's coming, and it isn't going to be a nice ending for many people.

The final message here is stay strong, and raise our children strong. Do not hide from them what is to come. At this time, we still have many years left in which things will become much worse. Prior to collapse, powerful civilizations always give great liberty to the most degenerate and unnatural of behaviors. We must work to avoid the traps of degeneracy, and stay disciplined. The greatest thing we can do is be an example for our children. Our children will own the future.

We send out love and to all our brothers and sisters. Stay blessed.


Previous recording, "100 Years Beyond Covid (A Sick Future To Come)", exploring the future direction of humans, and the last days before our next civilization collapse.

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