Neurons are capable of transmitting information to other cells with precision and speed over long distances. It is like Steemit. Here, we are like them, don’t you think it is very exciting?
Electrical signals, called nerve impulses, move through neurons and today I will transmit some signals I’ve received from everything that surround us, signals of a world that has made me very happy. Dear friends, a few days ago I have dedicated myself to take pictures of everything and that has made me not only observe every object around me, but to imagine them and build them from materials I had within reach.
Today I want to show you some pictures I took after putting together some elements I had I my house. At the beginning I do not have a clear image in my mind about what I wanted, however after putting together these elements I was surprised by the result. That is why this post has that name, because when I finished my invention I saw something very similar to a neuron that is inside our brains, the same we are taught in school when we are children. This was the first picture I took in which I saw the shape of a beautiful fish

Later I add more elements ...

And finally the neuron appears.