The most famous ancient buildings in the 21 countries represent their respective national customs.steemCreated with Sketch.

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Great Wall
The Great Wall, also known as the Great Wall, is Chinese ancient military defense project, is a tall, strong and without stop in Changyuan, in order to limit every enemy riding action. The Great Wall is not a simple and isolated city wall, but a defense system based on a city wall, with a large number of cities, barriers, pavilions and signs. The history of the the Great Wall can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the allusions of the "beacon fire dramas" originated from this. During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the countries were fighting for hegemony and defending each other, and the construction of the Great Wall entered the first climax. The Qin Dynasty unified the world, the connection and repair of the Warring States beginning with the Great Wall, the Great Wall said.

the Acropolis
The Acropolis, Athens, is the most outstanding ancient building group in Greece. It is a comprehensive public building and the center of religious politics. The Acropolis hills, located in the center of Athens, were first built in 580 BC. The earliest buildings in the Acropolis were the Athena temple and other religious buildings. Athens city is the ancient Greek Acropolis in wartime public shelter function, is made of sturdy protective walls surround and protect hill city.

Angkor (ancient capital of Kampuchea)
Angkor Wat, also known as the Angkor temple, located in Kampuchea, is called the Kampuchea national treasure. It is the largest temple in the world, and is also the world's oldest Khmer building. Angkor Wat, meaning "Vishnu Temple", the ancient China Buddhism called "mulberry Xiangfo homes".

Alhambra Spain
Alhambra is a symbol of Spanish in Granada, Arabia is a magnificent building style. It was originally the palace fort of Moors as fortress. Its unparalleled mysterious and spectacular temperament made the magnificent palace not only become the most brilliant flower of Islamic Art in Spain, but also a classic work in architectural history.

The Mayan ancient monuments in Yucatan, Mexico
The ruins of the Maya monuments are located in the middle of Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Chichen Itza Mayan city site was founded in 514 ad, the ancient Maya empire was the largest and most prosperous city.

Jesus statue of the Savior of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
The Cristo Redentor (salvation Christ) is also called the Brazil Christ statue. It is a large statue of Jesus Christ, which is decorated with artistic style. It is located on the Monte Cristo of Rio De Janeiro in Brazil. It is a symbol of the city, and also one of the most famous memorial sculptures in the world. In 1931, the total height was 38 meters high, the volume was huge, the weight was 1145 tons, and the distance between the left and right hands was 23 meters.

Colosseum in Italy
The Rome Coliseum, built in 72 to 82 years, is a symbol of ancient civilization in Rome. The site is located in the center of Rome, the capital of Italy, on the south side of the Venice square, near the ancient Rome market. In appearance, it is a positive circle; it is oval when overlooking. It covers an area of about 20 thousand square meters, the long shaft length is about 188 meters, the short axis length is 156 meters, the circumference is about 527 meters, and the wall is about 57 meters high. This huge building can accommodate nearly ninety thousand people.

Chile Easter Island the Moai (Moai)
Another translation: Moa instrument, Moai, Moai, a giant portrait in Easter Island around the island, is one of Chile's tourism scenery and world heritage. Some Moai will be placed in the name "A Hu (Ahu) stone platform". The Moai only the upper body, with a pair of long ears, eyes deep concave, cut the amount of nose, chin look calm, angular, there are also some stone was put on "coral eye".

Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
Eiffel Tower stands on the South Bank of Seine River, the Plaza of war in Paris, France. It was built in 1889. It is named after its famous architect and structural engineer Gustav Eiffel. It is all built by Schneider iron (now Schneider electric). It is one of the most famous buildings in the world, one of the symbols of French culture, one of the landmark of Paris city and the highest building in Paris. French people known as the "iron lady".

Turkey Saint Sophia Cathedral
Hagia Sophia Church, located in Istanbul, Turkey today, has a history of nearly one thousand and five hundred years. It is famous for its large dome and is a Byzantine architecture. The Greek language of the Hagia Sophia Church means the wisdom of God.

Shimizu temple, Kyoto, Tokyo, Japan
Qingshui temple is located on the mountainside of Yin Yu mountain in the east of Kyoto. It was built in 778. It is the oldest temple in Kyoto. It was burned and rebuilt many times. It was listed in the world cultural heritage list in 1994. The suspended in front of the water stage is Japan's national treasures, surrounded by greenery, in the spring when the cherry blossoms in full bloom, is one of the Kyoto cherry, autumn maple valiant, is our destination. The tea art of Qingshui Temple ranks first in Kyoto.

Moscow Kremlin in Moscow, Russia
Moscow Kremlin is a group of buildings, located in the heart of Moscow, the symbol of Russian Federation and the seat of the presidential palace. Since the wall is 2235 meters long, 6 meters thick, 14 meters high, with 18 towers on the wall, vary scattered distribution in the triangle palace, one of the most spectacular, the most famous is the bell tower with the savior.

Peru Machu Picchu Castle
In the Inca ruins, the most famous is "Machu Picchu". It is located in Peru city of Cuzco northwest 110 kilometers, an altitude of 2458 meters on the top of the hill. In Quechua, Machu Picchu means "old mountain", which is one of the seven monuments in the world. Since ancient times the Hanging Gardens of Babylon collapse, will the high peaks of the Andes between Peru and the city for what to send, also known as "high castle".

Germany's Snow White Castle (New Swan Stone Castle)
The new Swan Stone Castle is a building in the late nineteenth Century. It is located in the southwest of Bavaria, Germany. The new Swan Castle is a symbol of Germany. Because it is the prototype of Disney castle, it is also called Cinderella Castle. It was built in 1869. This castle is one of the palace of the king of Bavaria, king of Bavaria. There were 360 rooms, of which only 14 were completed by the design, and the other 346 were unfinished because of the death of the king in 1886.

Petra City, Jordan
Petra, a famous ancient city site in Jordan, is located 250 kilometers south of Amman, the capital of Jordan, and adjacent to Palestine in the west of Arabia. Petra is a symbol of the ancient civilization, the Arabic meaning "is cut through the rocks". Petra is located in the ancient city of dry mountain 1000 meters above sea level, and in the secluded Canyon in the mountains, it is close to the rock rock around the sheer precipice and overhanging rocks around. The palaces, temples, Mausoleum, houses, theatres and bathrooms in the ancient city are almost all carved on the rocks. It is a real "Stone City".

The middle of the three thousand B.C., from about 2631 to 2498 B.C. In the Nile delta of Giza, made three big Pyramid, was built by the 3 emperor of the fourth dynasty Khufu, Harvard and pull door kaura in 2600 - 2500 bc. Is the most mature of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, is now often said that the Pyramid, mainly by Pyramid (also known as Khufu Pyramid), Hafra, Pyramid and Sphinx door kaura.

Statue of Liberty, New York, USA
The Statue of Liberty is called the statue of liberty National Memorial Chorten. The official name is "free to shine the world". It is located near the Hudson River Estuary of Liberty Island in New York harbor. It was built by France in 1876 to commemorate the victory of the American War of independence 100th anniversary, and the bronze statue was completed in October 28, 1886. The goddess of liberty is dressed in ancient Greek style clothing, wearing a light crown of light, and seven awns symbolizing the seven continents. The right hand holds the torch that symbolizes freedom, and the left hand holds the declaration of independence; the foot is broken handcuffs, shackles, and chains, symbolizing the constraint of breaking the tyranny.

The prehistoric megalith group in Ames, England
The southern Salisbury plain on a huge stone group a group full of mystery, this is the famous British stonehenge. These stone pillars were built in the late stone age, about 3000 B.C., and were divided into three stages. Finally, it was completed about 2000 BC. The boulders in the array weigh about 50 tons each. What methods do ancient humans carry such huge boulders hundreds of miles away? Are these giant stones a masterpiece of aliens?

Sydney Opera House, Australia
Sydney Opera House, located in the northern part of Sydney City, is the landmark building in Sydney. It is designed by Danish architect Jon Uzon. Under the shell roof, there is a water complex combined with theater and hall. The opera is to follow the internal architecture of the Maya and Aztec temples. The building began to start in March 1959 and was formally completed and delivered in October 20, 1973, taking a total of 14 years.

India Taj Mahal in Agra
Taj Mahal, one of the most famous historic sites in India, has been selected as the "new seven wonders of the world". The Taj Mahal is born for love, and the life of this love is also renewed because of the glory of Taj Mahal.

Mali Timbuktu
Timbuktu, known as Timbuktu, is located in the desert center called a "Niger river bank", from the Niger River 7 kilometers, is located in the Niger River and the Sahel land channel interchange, built for the 1087 tuareg. The history of Timbuktu is a commercial and cultural center, is the ancient camel caravan West and North Africa must pass through, but also to the center of the dissemination of Islamic culture in africa. It enjoys the beauty of "the Pearl of Sultan", "the mysterious Timbuktu" and "the queen in the desert". It is the oldest ancient city in Mali.

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