PhotoBomb Challenge #14

in photobombchallenge •  7 years ago 

Hello dear PhotoBombers!

What's up dear friends? I hope that you are doing great becaouse new PhotoBomb Challenge is out!
Do not miss the opportunity to win the main prize!

Let's announce the winners of the PhotoBomb #13!


(Judge @olegw)

First place and the winner of 12$: @paomrp

Second place and the winner of 8$: @daryjean

Third place and the winner of 4$: @rruubbiie

Fourth place and the winner of 2$: @onomatopeyas

Fifth place and the winner of 2$: @mayanworld

Sixth place and the winner of 2$: @dksart

Congratulations to all the winners!!


Judge for PhotoBomb Challenge #14 will be @lord-faustus

For this time you need to make photo bomb with this photo:



The most creative and funny PhotoBomb this week will be awarded with $12!

Winner - 12 $

Second place - 8 $

Third place - 4 $

Fourth Fifth & Sixth - 2 $


For this contest a photobomb is considered a valid entry when you use the provided image and insert it into a picture of your choice to make it look funny.

- Title of every entry must contain "PhotoBomb challenge # - Entry #"
- End of challenge will be on Tuesday at 12:00 (UTC +1)
- First tag of post must be #photobombchallenge
- Each user can have up to 3 entries that will be considered in challenge
- Announcement of winners will be on Thursday

How to support challenge?

- Vote on this post
- Resteem this post
- Create at least one entry
- If you are interested to be guest judge on next challenge contact me at
- If you have an picture for next meme challenge post it in reply of this post or contact me

Good luck everyone!

Support #photobombchallenge with your upvote!

Payout of meme posts are filling photobombchallenge reward pool!

Greetings from @fibra59

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Excellent entry @bulent1976!
Nice photoshop skills!!

Thank you @fibra59 :)


This is classic. Nice choice.

@littlescribe thank you.

Oh oh nice edit work huh! A classic but great one! Good luck!

Thank you :)

nice one! Was thinking of the exact same setting!

Hi,I would invite you to my meme contest:
I hope to see your meme!

Thank you for inviting me to be a judge - It was a great experience!
Congrats to the winners!

Hi,I would invite you to my meme contest:
I hope to see your meme!

They know where to go :D
Nice one @robotsteemit

Hahahaha the old people know more than us @fibra59 XD Good luck @robotsteemit

@lord-faustus. I think this grandfather needs fitness. sports eyes and body. Hahaha

Thank @fibra59. This grandfather should be in the Old People's Home. Lol

Could you please attach the link to your post @robotsteemit? Thank you

Course. @lord-faustus, sorry I forgot to attach it. thank you for notifying me.
Now I have attached.

Hi,I would invite you to my meme contest:
I hope to see your meme!

Lol! I think im getting better at it after my third try @fibra59 ! Haha !

Hi,I would invite you to my meme contest:
I hope to see your meme!

Thanks ! ok if I get a chance I will check it out leaving for work soon !😀

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hehe, great entry!
Thank you and I hope to see more entrys like this one @eunheeha :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you Fibra 59 ^^

이거 재밌는 이벤트였네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

아직 시간이 약 20시간 정도 남았어요.
관심 있으시면 도전해보세요.^^
화요일 a.m.12까지 입니다.(UTC+1 기준)


Nice. I see what you did there...

Hi,I would invite you to my meme contest:
I hope to see your meme!

Oh oh oh hahahah old people don't get scared of something like that, they are veterans! XD Good luck!

LOL,I would invite you to my meme contest:
I hope to see your meme!

Thanks! And Congrats to all winners, here is my 1st entry :)

One more time great entry!
Thank you and congrats again @dksart :)

Yay... I got some inspiration to try this round.
#PhotoBombChallenge # 14 - 3 entries #WhySoSerious

Before Die


So late


Not all of us



Hahaha good luck!


Great entrys @sweedixie!!
Thank you for your participation :)

thank you @fibra59 ^_^

If you are next to Deadpool everything can go wrong hahahaha good luck!

:D thankss

Dang it!!

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Great entrys @photoquest!
Thank you for your participation :)

Hi,I would invite you to my meme contest:
I hope to see your meme!

here is my entry for today:photobomb.jpg
Good Luck to all of you!

Hehe, nice one @montiamore :)

Thx, here is my second Entry


Old people know where to sit huh? hahaha good luck!

Here is my entry - I instantly thought of this picture that I took in Bristol a few years ago of a "Suicidal Ronnie" - not sure if these guys are helping though...

Nice one! Thank you for your participation :)
I hope to see more entrys from you @viking-ventures :D


Hi,I would invite you to my meme contest:
I hope to see your meme!


Nice entrys @pajaansa :))
Thank you for participation ;)

Great entrys @flatric, thank you for your participation :))

Hi,I would invite you to my meme contest:
I hope to see your meme!

Thank you. I posted an entry

Hi,I would invite you to my meme contest:
I hope to see your meme!

My Second Entry -

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

My First Entry -

Meet the Spartans

Meet the Spartans
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

My Third Entry -

Railway Platform

railway platform
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

The photo keeps copying with a black background , I cant figure out how to do it on my phone and I cant use toolwhiz photos on my chrome book it only works on my phone , so how do i do it !? tha ks !👍

Hmm, you need to click on DOWNLOAD but you also need to have some program for image editing on your phone for making photobomb... I hope you will solve that problem @karenmckersie :)

Hi, use this link - This might help

Thanks ! My son said he uses imgflip I will try them both and see if i can figure it out , it looks like their the same , hope it works on my chromebook ! 😀

Hi @karenmckersie did you solve your problem already? I would like to see some photobombs from you hahaha

Yes My son sugested to use imgflip my second one is if them on a hockey bench , i will have to get more used to it lol! 😂😂😂

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


Im definitly going to get my entry in soon , im working on it now @fibra59 ! Sorry i have been working long hours with no internet so my time on steemit has been limited , as Steemit is a major data hog when im at work lol ! keep up the great work my friend !upped and resteemed✌😂👍😀

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much @karenmckersie!!
I hope that you will fix that problem with your phone and photo with black background..
Have a nice day ;)

Yes my son also helped me , he uses imgflip , That works on my chromebook ! 😀👍

Great, I'm glad you solved the problem @karenmckersie :))

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wuao me encanta @fibra59 gracias estoy feliz.

Felicidades a todos los participantes que hicieron sus esfuerzos para concursar... A los ganadores Dios les siga premiando con ese don que los caracteriza... @daryjean felicidades corazón...

¿Y no te nos unes a participar? También tienes la oportunidad de ganar, vamos! Que las buenas ideas siempre se recompensan :D

What a shot dear..👌👌👌👌

Thanks, I'm waiting for your entry @nnajmull :D

Last one from me:


Probably my favorite of the 3 entries. :-P

Thank you @fibra59 for hosting once again, and good luck to everyone!

Heres my first entry link @fibra59 , If i can figure it out when i have more time , i will enter a second entry ! thanks !

Nice entry!
I will try to find out how to download photo on phone without black background!
Thank you @karenmckersie :)

you have to edit with photoshop. because this photo is a PNG vector. of course can not edit with ponsel @karenmckersie

Ohhh here you are! Hahaha great one! Checked in my list XD

Yey! Thank you @fibra59! :) Can I join again?? God Bless!😘

Ofc that you can join again! I'm waiting for your entry @rruubbiie :)

Hahaha, great entry! Thank you @littlescribe, I hope to see more entrys from you :))

Thanks. This is fun!

Nice entrys from @littlescribe! Thank you for your participation! :))

Aquí dejo mi primera entrada, espero sea de su agrado
3HYQO5k - Imgur (1).jpg

Heres my second entry , I used imgflip to try it out, need to get used to it .
"Good Ol Boys Of Hockey !"

Hahah, great entry @karenmckersie!!

Haha thanks ! I liked my third one best , where their riding on a Drone lol! 😂👍

Nice one, keep it up @rruubbiie :))

Hello friend this is my entry in the pump photo contest I hope you like it

@fibra I mention your challenges in my official introduction post below :

What a surprise he has won hehehe. Excellent .

Hello friend of steemit this is my entry to the photo bomb contest

Nicee, great entry @musri, thank you :))

thanks @fibra59 maybe this week just one entry for #photobombchallenge and I can try more for next week

It's a pleasure to participate
my first entry
Hunting trophy
agosto 447.jpg

Great entry @txatxy :)


excellent I join the challenge.

Thanks! I'm waiting for your entry @annyca :D

Hahahahha Olé! Great one! Good luck!

Nice one! :)
Thank you yumifer

Wow great funny resteemit done..

Thank you @sajjad26 :)

Hi, my friend, my second entry to the pump photo contest, I hope you like it.

Hahahaha that's too many people huh? Good luck @olymar248

Frankly speaking this photobomb challenge is a great and interesting concept. I only wish if this was a daily challenge. It's lot of fun to participate and also to watch people do brilliant stuffs.

Thank you very much @resistcheat :)

Hi, my friend, my second entry to the pump photo contest

Greetings my entry #1 ; )entry #1 14.jpg

Hahahah, find an unlucky one :D
Thank you @meher04


Nursing home Field trip

"I think That's my granddaughter!"

Probably granddaughter from poor grandpa who hides his eyes :DD
Thank you @stonedave76 :))

Hehe, great one! Thank you @edgarf1979 :)


Great entry @deroeslinares, keep it up :))

Nice entrys from you @siomara-2018 :))

Hello friend this is my third entry in the pump photo contest I hope you like them:

Great entry! I like it!
Keep it up, I hope that I will see more entrys like this one from you @maribelquere97 :))

Thank you @jojon, keep up the good work, hope to see more entrys from you :)

Thank you @fibra59. I like Contests #photobomb Challenge

Haha, funny entry! :D
I like it @lisi :))

Nice entry! Thank you for your entry @youmifer :)

Nice entry! Keep it up ;)
Thanks @memelover

Nice one @txatxy :))
