PhotoBomb Challenge #25

in photobombchallenge •  7 years ago 

Hello dear PhotoBombers!

Get ready and let's fly in another PhotoBomb week!

Let's announce the winners of the PhotoBomb #24!


(Judge @jackelinlopez)

First place and the winner of 12$: @olga42

Second place and the winner of 8$: @cetb2008

Third place and the winner of 4$: @mozer

Fourth place and the winner of 2$: @dksart

Fifth place and the winner of 2$: @farirah

Sixth place and the winner of 2$: @onefatindian

Congratulations to all the winners!!


Judge for PhotoBomb Challenge #25 will be @gymbuddy

For this time you need to make photo bomb with this photo:


The most creative and funny PhotoBomb this week will be awarded with $12!

Winner - 12 $

Second place - 8 $

Third place - 4 $

Fourth Fifth & Sixth - 2 $


For this contest a photobomb is considered a valid entry when you use the provided image and insert it into a picture of your choice to make it look funny.

- Title of every entry must contain "PhotoBomb challenge # - Entry #"
- End of challenge will be on Tuesday at 12:00 (UTC +1)
- First tag of post must be #photobombchallenge
- Each user can have up to 3 entries that will be considered in challenge
- Announcement of winners will be on Thursday

How to support challenge?

- Vote on this post
- Resteem this post
- Create at least one entry
- If you are interested to be guest judge on next challenge contact me at
- If you have an picture for next meme challenge post it in reply of this post or contact me

Good luck everyone!

Support #photobombchallenge with your upvote!

Payout of PhotoBomb posts are filling photobombchallenge reward pool!

Greetings from @fibra59

full size

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Great entry @jumowa!!!
I really like it, great idea!
Thank you and keep up the awesome work :)

thank you fibra

So creative.
Like a fact anyway😂

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

ty Nursanty^^

I already see this is going to be a tough job :D

Good luck and have fun, judge :)

Awesome entries on #24. Here is one entry for this weeks:

Dog of War

Hehhe, awesome entry @cryplectibles, thank you!! :))

A final third entry, "Magic dog Gathering"

Ha. Awesome card.

My third entry

united with a zombie dog against the famous alice. Who will win?


Nice one @tsnaks :))
Thank you and good luck :)

Sixth place!! :D
Congrats to all the winners and to all who partake in this fun little challenge!

Let's do this!

Congrats :)

Reward will be sent as soon as payout of last photobomb is completed

Congratz. You did it again!

Thanks!! :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My entry 1

Who does not fear a dog barking up close?

A big congrats to all the winners! will try to enter this weeks soon! upped and resteemed for you @fibra59 ! I also started a new Food Boasting @foodboasting Contest into week #5 now If your interested in sponsoring it or get a chance to check it out! Contests are great for the community and really help minnows out! Thanks !💕😀

Genial! Jajajaja

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice one @tomboy, thank you for your entry :)

Youre welcome


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I present my first entry

When I arrived late to my house and was with my friends and my wife is awake...😭 😞 😶

Hahaha :D
Great entry @quamce, thank you :)

This is my first entry. I hope you like it and Good Luck Everyone :)

newl (3).PNG

Perro 1.jpg

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the award and congratulations to the winners. This is my first entry :

perro y pez.jpg

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hehe, nice one @luzeroc4, thank you and good luck :)

And one more great entry, thank you for your participation :)

Hola a todos, acá mi primera entrada en el concurso de esta semana @fibra59

Saludos, @fibra59. Espero que les guste. Jump the rope



The above is my first entry. Thanks for this challenge.

Description: the black dog ready to pull out the ear of the wicked.

A million thanks for this challenge: this is my 2nď entry- how dare you take our owner.

Chariss 2.png

it is wonderful that to see my name in winners. Thank you!

My entry 01

Felicitaciones a los ganadores. excelente.

My entry 2: The eagle won the flying disc to the dogs hahaha

Entry 3: You can never trust the bottom of the sea, you can surprise ...

ha. nice. me likey.

I'm one of the winners! That's awesome. Thank you and congrats to all the winners. 😊

My second entry

Here I present a dragon dog burning a knight.

Once again awesome entry @quamce, thanks and good luck :)

This is my #1 entry for this week

Click here to see the post

Greetings :D !!!

this is my entry #2

Click here to see the post
Greetings :D !!!

Hola para todos. Segunda entrada


Greetings! ♥ Here is my First Entry

Great picks. winner was rather scary, though :)

Jep, our judge made a great job! :)
Thank you @hlezama :)

Here is my first entry

Here is my second entry @fibra59
Check out here

Hi guys! This is my first entry, I hope you like it.

Hello, this is my First entry . I hope you like.

santa claus. montaje.jpg

Here is my entry for this challenge

I wish all participants good luck and thanks to @fibra59 for this challenge.

Congratulations to the winners. Here's for my first entry


More power and God bless

Hello friend, thanks for the opportunity to participate in the contest, here is my first entry. Thanks :D

aim winner.jpg