Photobomb challenge #15: entry #3- Bugs mocking the current mayor of New York City!steemCreated with Sketch.

in photobombchallenge •  6 years ago  (edited)

Here is my third entry for photobomb challenge #15. While I do have liberal values, I never, ever trusted Bill DeBlasio. And Why?
He has alienated the police department by siding with Al Sharpton all the time.
He believes (like all politicians) that everyone will always agree with him.
But what I really did not trust was the fact that he would "raise taxes on the rich in New York City to pay for universal pre-k education." A noble goal if there ever was one. There was one problem: the governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, who is a democrat just like DeBlasio, cut taxes across the board for all of New York State. He seems to forget that Cuomo is his boss. He also just beat Nicole Maliotakis for Mayor. I voted for her. New York could have had its first woman mayor. Only one problem: she's a conservative. Oh well- next time! In the meantime, let's let Bugs here give him his opinion...


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