Mundane as Art — Round 9 — Moss and Lichen — the green forest

in photofeed •  7 years ago  (edited)

the clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness
John Muir

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The knowledge of an unlearned man is living and luxuriant like a forest
but covered with mosses and lichens
and for the most part inaccessible and going to waste;

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the knowledge of the man of science is like timber
collected in yards for public works,
which still supports a green sprout here and there,
but even this is liable to dry rot.
Henry David Thoreau

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come to the woods
for here is rest
John Muir

All photos were captured in the Garibaldi Highlands, British Columbia

photos by
Nikon D3100
Nikkor Lens 18-55mm | 55mm-200mm
Adobe Lightroom

© 2018, © all rights reserved

Thank you @kus-knee (The Old Dog)
for initiating the #mundaneart photo contest

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I wish i could be in the place you took the pictures, so relaxing, instantly stress less :-)

I want to be there too. You wouldn't believe how calm you become quickly when you walk through these trails. It must be the oxygen from all things green and the sounds of many fast running waters throughout.

Beautiful British Columbia!

Spectacular photos and compliments on your formatting! I need to learn form you!

Sure take from it whatever you learn. Thank you very much!

That is some lush moss! I recall you had iced over tree braches last time. Was this taken before winter set in?

Different locations. I live in Ontario and the mossy forest is in BC. I don't think I've seen ice on those trees.

That is a rain forest for sure.

So green. It's so refreshing probably bc of all the oxygen.

Fantastic pictures!!!

Thanks so much @carolineschell :)

You're welcome! It's true :-D

Very pretty photos! I really like the little stream. That would be a great place for a picnic. Well, at least it would be a good place in the summer. It's probably a little too chilly at the moment!

So true....way too cold. Fortunately it never freezes there, just rains most of the time. Snows, but not cold enough to freeze. There is a small bench close by and it's a fav place of mine to go to when I visit. The water is pretty loud for such a small stream and it's calming.

This post has received a 2.40 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @johnjgeddes.

This post has received a 2.3 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @johnjgeddes

These are stunning photos @countrygirl. Where were they taken?

They really are great! Now we need moss from the Emerald Isle!

These were taken in British Columbia - I forget what the trail name is...I think it's Jack Trail but could be mistaken. Squamish is where I was - rainforest part of the Pacific Coast of Canada.

Thanks @gillianpearce. :)

Ah, I love moss and lichen! They have a glowing quality to them. I once took a photo of a moss covered tree at dusk and didn't expect too much of it, until I imported it in my photo editor and saw it was much more interesting and brighter than expected. Almost with an inner glow from the moss... I see that same in your first and last photo :)

I know !! ..... there is something dreamy or something...can't think of the word. There is a brightness to the moss -it looks unreal in a way. But that is what it looks like even in person as you've experienced. I love the different colors of the lichen. There are so many combinations.

I've been searching through my photo archive but can't find the photo I was thinking of - but I found a few others that I had forgotten about. I noticed you posted your images in response to a photo contest, so I might enter tomorrow as well :)

Yes. Do enter. It's actually a fun contest. Lots of people you can connect with right on @kus-knee 's post. If you click on the link I made - last line in green it will take you to the rules. Basically you make a post and then post your photo and the link to your post on his post. Too many post words. :)

Can't wait to see what you come up with ....

Yes I noticed your link and had found the contest post already :) I hope I don't forget tomorrow...

I'll be watching for it. :)

Those are gorgeous photographs!

I like to share :) Thanks Deb!

Aw... I would like to get lost there... Beautiful photos, @countrygirl :)

Me too....let's go!! Thanks @agniese.

i've always loved the greens, i feel we're all connected in this world, both with the trees and animals..nice post

Thanks for your input @jchrix. :)

It is like a fairy tale.
The last one with the waterfall is simply fantastic.

Glad you like it @nelinoeva! Thank you for you lovely comment.

Green, oh, I love you green. Really beautiful. The second one is so interesting. Like the painting of the famous artist! Great job.

Lichen is so pretty. For an algae it paints poetic on rocks and trees. I love seeing it.

Your photographs remind us of all the fairy tale worlds we feel we can only visit in our dreams. But these places, still on our planet, are so beautiful to visit, through your AMAZING photography @countrygirl. Resteemed. 🦋

You're so encouraging @allyinspirit. Thank you so much! This is one of the few places I go to that make me cry because it's so beautiful. Blessed to be in Canada.

Beautiful photos, @countrygirl! The green is so vibrant! I remember that from my time in BC. The greens, were so vibrant...

They are the greenest greens I've ever seen that's for sure. Thanks @cecicastor.

Other-worldly! Beautiful photos

Thank you - have you ever been to British Columbia? The forests really look like this....when my son's little two year old gets cranky he takes him here and it calms him down....way better than electronics or tv!!

I studied at UBC for 2 years. Love BC. Didn't get a chance to explore much while I was there though since I was a poor international student but I do remember the beautiful Grouse Mountain and Whistler!

Oh okay then. Squamish is where I go and it's halfway to Whistler on the Sea to Sky. Maybe one day you'll get to visit again. Whistler Village is a beautiful place to visit also. But expensive !!!

So green and lush!! Great entries!

Thank you my dear. Sorry I'm not entering the shadow thing. I've been too busy to set anything up. I'll try to plug in sometime or other. It's a great concept. And you've gotten a lot of fab entries. My hubby posted a photo from pexels that would have been great to try and reproduce for your hands shadow.

New Round starts later today....should be an easy one for everybody. IF the sun shines!

Okay, thanks @melinda010100. The sun is out today !

Oh you are right...That is a great image! And it's fun to know you two go together!💕

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

oh green tones! :)
like love.
how much time do I have for this contest?

You have 3 or 4 more days I think - it runs for 7 days maybe? Here's the link

I hope to see your entry :)

These are beautiful shots! Good luck in the contest.

Thank you so much!!

Cannot beat that moss!

The moss is awesome and soft and clean and fresh and and and.

Those photos radiating the scents of forest @countrygirl!

Thanks @jungwatercolor !

Beautiful entry @ countrygirl! Adding Garibaldi Highlands, British Columbia to my bucket list : ) Upvoted!

Oh yes do!!! It's definitely worth it. If you need suggestions where to stay let me know!

What great scenery and pics @countrygirl The vibrant greens of the mosses and lichens are amazing. I can only imagine the peace and fresh air with the sound of water bubbling away down the streams.