FIX IT FRIDAY - Photo Games Week 9, Game 3

in photogames •  7 years ago 

2 SBD Prize from each Photo Game Star’s post! - edit my photo!

Rules for today's Fix It Friday game below.

But first... You still have most of today to play "Where Is It Wednesday"

Use #photogames or go straight to the Blogs of this week's Photo Stars:
@derekkind @caseygrimley @jarvie @gabyoraa @itchyfeetdonica @derangedvisions @r00sj3

Fix It Friday Game
click to view large


Reflections are fun! I was hoping I would find one yesterday and I did (sorry for the repost). In all excitement, I forgot to get the camera off auto. I somehow like this photo a lot, but have no clue why because I normally hate everything brown... However, when I try to edit it, I don't really know what to do with it... Because to me, it has very limited options.

There is where you come in. I'd like to challenge you to do something creative and surprise me. Go crazy if you want to (you might have seen my previous edits). I need inspiration here, badly!!!

Link to a RAW file
Link to Large JPG


For Fix It Friday we would like you to share an EDIT of our picture

  1. Download the RAW file or the FULL SIZE JPG
  2. Edit the picture
  3. Post your version in the comments
  4. Remember that you’re appealing to the Photo Star who posted the photo
  5. The “Photo Star” will select their favorite edit
    (They may choose even more than one to show off or award, it is up to them)
  6. Deadline is Sunday at 6PM EST / 11PM UTC
  7. Only one entry per person, per post
  8. @PhotoGames will do a results post
    (However the Photo Star will usually pick the winners in the comments of their post)

THE PRIZE = 2 SBD from each Photo Game Star’s post


Visit these profiles to play #FixItFriday:



Introduction to The Photo Games Post.

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LMBO! 😀😂😁

Imagine that showing up while looking through the camera viewer. That would give me a heart attack :)

😂 this is my favorite. @r00sj3, why is our week4 boss everywhere, even peeking here to watch our work?!

Don’t try to pretend you are human, it’s not April fools day anymore...

photostar winner... and loser ;)

It was so hard to choose! But if I imagine myself putting 1 of the edits on my wall, it will be the edit done by @vanj. So congrats!! It somehow really pulls me in. Somehow making it deeper than it is ;)

Oh yeah... photostar winner: I tried giving that victory to anyone but @derekkind. But since he was the only photostar editing this, he is the winner...and the loser at the same time ;)

Yay. Thank you. I feel so special to have my photo picked. :p

It doesn't have to be brown. And now it's upside down.


it's almost like a snow forest this way ;)

Yup, that's what I was going for. Looks like people had a lot of fun with your creative shot.


Cropped and flipped for a better view of the trees... : )


the colours look really cool in here :)


woah! thanks a lot for choosing my photo! :D

I thought that I will be original with upside down but after seeing comments when I post this I see that I wasn't the only one with that idea :s but still hope you'll like my "winter edition" :)


It doesn't have to be original to still be beautiful :)

I thought I was being unique with the 'flipping the image'... apparently not the only person to have the idea! Haha. Oh well, at least I'm the only one to go for the 'Ansel Adams' look! :D


I had to look him up. Thank you for teaching me something :)

Here is mine. I'm more of a purist, I guess, but I like to pull out as many of the natural color as possible.


I didn't know there was so much colour in there!

Me neither until I played with it! Sometimes, my color enhance settings are a little over-ambitious, but for things like this, it's really good.

I have that too ;) Especially in my Ireland photos... "Green you say??? I'll give you green!"

yep! lol - It's worst on people, usually not very useful there. I often wish I could choose a lighter setting on that one, but Photoscape works very well (and easily) on almost everything else that I normally want to do.

Well that was a lot of fun. I edited this everywhich way. All kinds of textures and colours. Then I realised I really like the black and white and, also, I really need to go clean the house. I love this shot.

haha yes! This game can be super distracting from your housework ;) It will be hard to choose a winner!

Too bad, I don't like reflections. So I cropped out just the trees. But I don't like trees either. So I burnt them.

Nooooooo!!! Poor tree ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It doesn't have to be brown or blue: this is duotone black-and-white version. Cropped to an Instagram format:
Reflection of trees

Nice crop! I like how you went for the not so obvious rotation :)

Great reflections!

Thanks for the edit. It works really well in b&w!

Thank you!

I tried a b&w edit, the textures are great and I like the contrast in the trees.


My post with all the edits for this week is here.

Looks good!! So many different b&w edits :)

I really like the different textures here so I enhanced them a little bit.
Click image to view large

love the blue in there! Surprising what is possible with an all brown photo :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I always edit first, look at the other entries later. It's good to see other people flipping the image as well, apparently that works for many of us. Furthermore I focused on adding more variety in colors in this shot: purple, greenish blue, yellow, starker blacks and whites.

Gorgeous shot to work with :D


Thanks :) You'd almost forget it was a reflection!


a bit of a golden glow changes the whole look. Thanks!

Your image was so much fun to edit @r00sj3 and it didn't take very long to come up with my entry!

Ha! Colours!!! Woohooo :)