I've seen a lot of people having their dreams come true on steemit, so I've figured I could give it a try myself. My passion is photography, even though it's not my main occupation. I would love to buy a full frame mirorless Sony A7 for example, witch is around 1000$ at the moment (used), it would hugely boost my photography quality. Currently I'm using cheap Sony NEX-3N which you can find for less than 150$ used. Since I'm the only one working in my family, I need to support them with what money I earn, so it's not much left for myself.
I'm thinking of doing photography for a living one day, when I get some more experience while doing it in my spare time. Better equipment is also a huge plus, since the current lens I'm using is manual focus Carl Zeiss. Even though the picture quality is very good, manual focus is killing me. I need to spend 15 seconds on average focusing for each photo I take. And of course, I'm limited to static photography, since there's no way to manual focus moving subjects.
I'm mostly into portrait photography and my models are my female friends I meet via daygame. I mentioned daygame in my intro post, if you don't know what it is, I've explained there shortly. Or you can always google it. Anyway, I'll put few of my latest photos down bellow, so you can check it out. All photos were edited with Adobe Lightroom and photographed with the above mentioned equipment. I think I'm close to it's limitations.
I don't expect 1000$ out of this post, but everything I get will go into savings for the new camera. Or used camera whatever :) The only important thing is that it's a Sony A7 full frame!
You can see more photos on my 500px and flickr accounts! You can also verify that these photos above are mine.
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