Qualitative grapes cheerful gardener.

in photography •  8 years ago 

Grapes oh grapes, well as far as you are beautiful as far as you are sweet. Most often, buying grapes in shops or in the markets, we don't even think, about that as these fine rods grew, about that as berries, basking in the sun were filled with sweet juice. Some grades need years of leaving, and only then it will be possible will enjoy their unusual taste and really, I say that taste not usual, you don't even represent how tastes can will cause a stir from each other. To your attention, I have prepared several photos of (children) WHOM I WILL eat. The quality of a photo better than was earlier, there is a wish each post better to do the past.

Sultana Jupiter


Sultana Vingersky


Sultana GOLD





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the grapes look delicious and
nice muscle .

Thanks. I hope you have got a little hungry :3

Just need to say because this is so timely. I was watching a comedian last night talk about why grapes are so superior to Grapefruits. He said, "I'm in jelly, jam, juice, lollipops, popsicles and I don't even rot. When I'm dead, I'm still a raisin."

Beautiful words which force to think, of this mysterious nature and the world around us.

good nice post!!!
