The most delicious baked potatoes. Prepare dinner with me :)

in photography •  7 years ago 

Hello friends! Today is a small recipe from me. Prepare a delicious dinner with me :)


Potatoes (as much as I like, I took 7-8 medium)

Minced meat (500 grams)

Onions (1-2 pcs)

Sour cream (250 grams approximately)

Garlic (3 wedges)


1 egg

Cheese (150-200 grams)

A little butter and milk

So we prepare everything that is needed. We cut potatoes with roundweeds, onion half rings, cheese three on a large grater. We prepare minced meat - it must be well thawed, salt, pepper

The fill. We spend garlic under the press, add the egg, our sour cream and condiments to whichever ones like. We disturb and while we leave.

Next, lubricate the separation of a piece of butter (for convenience, you can put on the plate for one). Next, we lay them in layers.

1st layer - potato + seasoning

2 - onions

3 - minced meat + grease a small amount of pouring (no more than half!), Otherwise it may not be enough

4 - some cheese

5 - again potatoes

6 - the rest of the pouring (it is desirable to miss all the potatoes)

Next, we add a little milk to the sides and into the corners of the casserole, that it was not dry, but the potatoes were well-grounded. Attention! Do not pour the casserole on top, you need a little milk, less glass. And do not pour on the casserole from the pack, then do not overdo it. And do not pour on the fill, only on the sides, neatly

Then puts all the beauty in a heated oven for 180-200 degrees

The cooking time depends on the thickness of the layers, my casserole was prepared for an hour.

When you see that it starts to fry, sprinkle with cheese. And when it also becomes a crust, cover everything with foil and cook until ready, not being afraid that you will burn something

Привет! Небольшой ужин вместе со мной :) 

Картошка (кому сколько нравится, я брала 7-8 средних)
Фарш (500 грамм)
Лук (1-2 шт)
Сметана (250 грамм примерно)
Чеснок (3 дольки)
1 яйцо
Сыр(150-200 грамм )

Немного сливочного масла и молока

Итак подготавливаем все, что нужно. Нарезаем картошку круглишками, лук полукольцами, сыр трем на крупной терке. Подготавливаем фарш - он должен быть хорошо разморожен, солим,перчим

Заливка. Проводим чеснок под прессом, добавляем яйцо, нашу сметану и приправы кому какие больше нравится. Мешаем и пока оставляем.

Далее смазываем разнос кусочком сливочного масла (для удобства можно поставить на плиту на единичку). Далее укладываем слоями.

 1ый слой- картошка + приправа
2 - лук
3 - фарш + смазываем небольшим количеством заливки (не более половины!), иначе может не хватить
4 - немного сыра
5 - снова картошка
6 - остальная половина заливки (желательно промазать всю картошку )
Далее добавляем по бокам и в углы запеканки немного молока, что она не была сухая, а картошка м фарш хорошо протушились. Внимание! Не надо заливать запеканку с верхом, молока надо немного, меньше стакана. И не лейте на запеканку с пачки, тут нужно не переборщить. И не лейте на заливку, только по бокам, аккуратно 

Затем ставит всю красоту в разогретую духовку на 180-200 градусов

Время готовки зависит от толщины слоев, моя запеканка готовилась час.

Когда видите, что она начинает поджариваться- посыпьте сыром. А когда и он станет корочкой, накройте все фольгой и готовьте до полной готовности, не боясь, что у вас что-то сгорит

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@andrianna Thanks for the recipe looks so tasty! Have a good day ♥

with pleasure

Wow great photography all the images are amazing..... foods looks really good and delicious and yummy thank you for sharing the recipe....

good food comrade, I like posting


wow, very good food, i really like the cuisine @andrianna, and i will resteem, andrianna's post, please visit my blog.


thanks a lot @andrianna

Wow.. Amazing photography..I like this food...Thanks for sharing blog...Best of luck.


wow!!! very nice photography.
its very testy..
thanks for sharing...

thank you!

It looks tasty,you took pics for each step,awesome.


Potato yummy


very good food @andrianna, please visit my blog. thank you


Another successful post of andrianna!
I'd love to see more from you☺

Is this really the place for this !?even a word wrote for my post! but good. I will vote for you

Wow thats yummy! I tried to make potatoes in the oven that way, but every time I make a different mistake. Next time I will make this recipe and hope to get it right. Nice post, thank you for sharing :)

I hope you will succeed next time :)

wow!!! very nice photography.
its very testy..
thanks for sharing... @andrianna
Upvote and reteem

Many thanks!

You are welcome, friend

posting good friends ,,, really good food your friend ,,, divide his food ,,, make hungry just look at your food. @andrianna please log in my blog once. already from yesterday not logged in to my blog


you are welcome, friend

I like the way you prepare your meals. they make one want to eat more


very good food, please visit my blog I am a newcomer


Thank you very much guys

the food is delicious fella.


Sangat bagus, saya ingin memcoba sepertinya terlihat enak @andrianna

The food is delicious my friend I really like the name of the potato ..

Interested post about new recipe, i like your talent @andrianna, maybe you can visit my blog and help me to upvote my post, thanks dear

Oewman ngen lon @andrianna. Hana buet keuh laen uroe nyoe.. ka kajak maguen.. bereh ikah. Dumpue jeut keuh..

Jadi kesimpulannya kamu itu serba bisa saya sangat mendukung kegiatan kamu.

Congratulations for you. Every day you always make something great..

Thank you very much..

food is very good my friend .. please help my blog entry once my friend is good ya
