Hello, this time Steemit's friend will display photos and videos of flower-sucking ants, which in my opinion are very rare, and this is the first time I've seen it. maybe for me it still looks weird and unique, oh yeah, I took these photos and videos using a Lenovo smartphone camera and added a macro lens in front of the camera, to increase the size of the ant image.
At first I thought this ant was drinking water from flowers, but in fact he was instead eating the flower or pollen found in euphorbia flowers.
the more I see ants, the more unique it is in my opinion, so I am very interested in sharing so that other people know it.
My youtube channel
Category | photography |
Camera | Lenovo |
Lens | Smartphone Lenovo A7010a48 |
Settings | ISO112 | 3.68mm | f/2.0 | 1/420 |
Location | Garut, Jawa Barat |