Little animal in the foliage /Binatang kecil yang berada di dedaunan

in photography •  7 years ago 

On this occasion I will share with you a beautiful little animal in the foliage that is behind my house.

Pada kesempatan ini saya akan membagikan kepada anda hewan kecil cantik di dedaunan yang berada di belakang rumah saya.

I have to admit, it's a bit difficult to take a photo of this little animal because I use a mobile phone camera.

Harus saya akui, agak sedikit sulit mengambil foto binatang kecil ini karena saya menggunakan kamera handphone.

There are some photos of small animals such as insects, beetles, grasshoppers and so forth that I will post next time.

Ada beberapa foto hewan kecil seperti serangga, kumbang, belalang dan lain sebagainya yang akan saya posting dilain waktu.

Thank you for seeing and visiting my blog

Until next time


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