The Valor of a Parrot

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Leo namanya, burung beo ini adalah jenis burung pintar yang mempunyai kemampuan menirukan suara manusia. Tapi kemampuannya haruslah digali dan dilatih oleh pemiliknya.
Perlakukan Beo sebagaimana anak sendiri. Disayang-sayang, sering diajak bicara, dan paling penting rutin diberi makan. Leo ini pandai mengucapkan "Assalamualaikum".
Foto ini saya ambil di Geudong, Aceh, Indonesia

Leo name, this parrot is a kind of smart bird that has the ability to mimic the human voice. But his ability must be extracted and trained by the owner.
Treat parrot as your own child. Loved, often talked to, and most importantly routinely fed. Leo is good at saying "Assalamualaikum".
This photo I took in Geudong, Aceh, Indonesia.



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