White Dome Geyser in Yellowstone

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

Our last day in Yellowstone we had gone into the park at the crack of dawn, about 5 AM. We were hoping that the cloud cover that had been dogging us for 2 or 3 days would go away but unfortunately it stuck around long enough to make taking pictures a bit more of a challenge. We were driving the Firehole Lake Drive loop and were lucky enough to hit this eruption of White Dome Geyser. Each of the pictures I have zoomed in a little closer.DSC01580.JPGDSC01583.JPGDSC01585.JPGI thought the textures in contrast to the hot water running off of the side of the geyser was really cool. Pardon the punDSC01587.JPG I will try and get a video posted later of the actual eruption.

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