RE: Video creation is long so I started taking pictures

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Video creation is long so I started taking pictures

in photography •  7 years ago 

Alexandre hello I hope you are doing great. I really admire your passion for the art of film making and wish you great success. I complain about the weather here but really Montreal is the unique place in Canada that inspires.

Hope we can someday still meet to talk about Acapulco haha. We just need to get our shit together first. Good luck with everything.

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Hey Carolyn, thank you for the kind words and wishes. I believe that living in Montréal is kind of making the best of my time in Canada (in a city that is). There is some colorful funk to this place, and to me that is a good thing.
I understand you got to get your shit together. Know that I'm still up to meeting you guys, when you feel the time is right. I think we'll have plenty to talk about, including Acapulco.
Good vibes sent your way in getting shit done.

Awesome Alex looking forward to it thanks!!!